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Everything posted by lklinga

  1. It is normal for any game to have this sort of a progression. It is because: With each character you know more As mentioned the funds from the lvl 50 make the alts life much easier Crafting purple/orange mods on alts gives the alt access to much more powerful items then intended That said it is normal. People want to help put their characters and If the funds have no limits and the toon is decked out in top notch gear that they just barely fulfill the level limit for, they are going to rip the campaign a new one. I have just started and it is is my first character and I must say that when you you just what you get from rewards and drops the difficulty is just slightly to the easier side. Stuck on the Mandalorian Boss fight now on nar shadaa need to gear up. The easy mode really starts on your 3rd character I think when you have an Armorer and Cybertech crafter plus the money to funnel into the alt. Overall I would raise the difficulty by 10% still like the challenge.
  2. The game as it is in 1.3 should have been the state at the time of the release. It has still great potential and the problem are usually not the developers but idiot managers that do not have a clue think short term and waste money on useless things I would be surprised if 40 % of the budget was spent on actually developing the game. The imitate wow manager does not care nor wants to take risks with truly innovative and unique approaches. Partially this is a player base fault since we got lazy and compliant and want everything to be spoon fed. And this leads to the dumbing down of everything in the games. Do you think that the developers did not want to have open world PVP? I am pretty sure they did. But the cozy causal hold my hand players would be up in arms about it if you could loot corpses and people actually went on a rampage. Combine this that the gaming brands executives nowadays are not from the industry but biz school CEO's that are used to selling washing powder. Same washing powder is different packaging every 6 months If it does not sell just dump it is the attitude now not figure out where you have ****ed up and fix it and grow steady. All this said I do not like WOW and I actually like this game but it is because of the story not the MMO part. For me it is a very good KOTOR "3" with 4 very different story lines that even start on different planets in a playground that is gigantic compared to KOTOR. What I am going to do after I play all four stories ? I do not know but for now I am happy but not sure If I will even get the chance to finish all the story before the game will written off by EA.
  3. Hi all, You play in character game. You role play the character but choose not to use the tools and framework. This is same like not following the rules or dice throw results in a table top game so personally I do not see a point for role played combat in the form the OP presented. This should have IMO went down like this Insert RP chat, brag, taunt in the opening. Initiate a Duel. Based on the result of it RP out and conclude. Like Insert character name my battered but victorious takes the bio scan sample off of my marks body. [short and lazy this could nicely played out if wanted to] Basically you are doing a LARP performance in environment that provides a framework to live it out not just pretend the conflict and the character. I could understand this going on in the LARP scenario but to ignore the tools given to you and basically doing a LARP from your sofa is just meehhh. I think that I probably have totally different idea of what RP is than the OP.
  4. There is a difference to pay for Windows license just to play one game and not use it for anything else
  5. So what to do with my partially collected stuff and the tokens. Really feel like cheated out since I am not able to play all the time and now have half finished junk in my inventory just reminding me and irritating me. Why not just have the event continuing as a linear quest after all the clues have been handed out with perhaps lesser rewards ? Booo:(
  6. It depends on the community. If $ amounts from cancelled accounts > then $ amount from P2Win sales = only vanity items introduced Personally people that pay 2 win are idiots in my opinion, what is the point of playing the game then? Arguments like busy schedules family are bull. [i have both and still think it is bull] It has been attempted in other game EVE and the outrage and cancelled accounts changed their mind. Unlocking content Fine, I would not even be against possibility to get some gear that you can get through drops for cash. Basically you are presenting a choice grind [time] vs $. But if they introduce any XP boosts that could not be dropped from mobs or any item that even has a minuscule advantage over something that you can get other means than good bye
  7. Hello Folks, I am very new to this game and so far I enjoy it quite a bit. I have lvl 28 Powertech bounty hunter and having a good time so far. I like the fact a lot the you can open at range and as you close in you get more and more options. I have chosen to try out the Imperial agent Operative and want to ask If the Lethality spec with a bit from the healing tree [just to speed up progress] is a viable option for PVE playing story some heroics thrown in. I like the stealth aspect but do not want to play strictly melee agent which the concealment specs looks like to me. [feel free to correct me] The ranged opener plus the occasional back stab from stealth is fine but it just feels strange for an agent to go melee. Is the lethality a viable DOT debuf damage dealer viable good bad passable? I want to use Kaliyo as my companion for role playing purposes. Thank you in advance for all the help.
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