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Posts posted by andysdead

  1. I just hit 41 tonight.


    As a Carnage Marauder, I absolutly destroy people. Massacre is on the global cooldown and essentially replaces vicious slash. With this, I can make Ataru proc whenever I want and however much I want, meaning that I can wait for Execute to be up before tossing that Force Scream.


    Also Ravage being a root is nice. Eat a Deadly Throw + Gore + Ravage combo and you'll see, Marauders are fine. Watch me toss a 5k crit Force Scream and you'll see, Marauders are fine.


    How are you getting 5k force screams???


    I'm level 50 and the most I've gotten was 3k.

  2. A prime example, if you have played the game, is the Retribution Paladin from WoW. Due to it's mechanics it can potentially be a high burst survivability spec and also due to that same potential has been a spec that has underperformed in PvP and PvE to varying degrees.


    Funny, I topped damage meters and ranked in PvP with a retribution paladin in WoW before they buffed it too.

  3. If thats the Case then why dont you Write a guide and try to help people learn there class Instead of just sitting back posting comments that essentially are there to say how much more awesome you are, Everyone saying L2P need to remember something, THE GAME IS NEW, there are FEW resources people can look at for help with Spec's and Rotation, No one is writing them So if the Class is fine and its just a Case of L2p, THEN TEACH PEOPLE,


    There's already a guide. I used it. It was helpful.

  4. I'm just going to go ahead and suggest that if you can't solo with your marauder that you're bad.


    Level 43 now, doing my class quests on Voss with mobs 2-3 levels higher than me. No big deal. It gets harder after 40? No way. Learn to spec and learn the rotation. Level 40 is when this class really starts to shine.

  5. Hello, guys! Now, I've been following all the Quinn hype and decided to give the guy a try (was previously using Vette and then Jaessa). I am a 33 Carnage Marauder and admittedly Quinn is not very well geared, his equipment is composed solely of quest rewards, no blue/orange items.


    That said, I don't really see THAT much of a difference when using him over Jaessa. He has little to no dps and I rarely leave a fight with more than 60% HP. However, my main problem is not the effectiveness of his heals, but more the lack of such. What I mean by that is, often times I notice that I am sitting at 30-40% and Quinn is not initiating a heal, but firing his blaster or just idling. And no, his heals arent on cooldown, + I have ALL his damage dealing attacks turned off.


    What's wrong? Am I missing an option that puts him into a healing mode or something ? (yep, his healing presence is ON) Or is he THAT much reliant on gear?


    He's quirky. That's really all I can say about it.

  6. I got a cool mod-able chest armor piece with a cape from some flashpoint... I think it was mando raiders? or something like that. Anyway, I think it looks good. It's not exactly a robe and it doesn't have a hood, but I'm OK with it for now.
  7. It makes your next 6 DoT ticks auto crit, I highly recommend using berserk over predation 100% of the time as Anni especially. You should definitely be using it as Carnage also; if you are having an issue with not being able to spend rage faster than you get it, you're doing it wrong.


    Nobody's suggesting that it doesn't increase our dps. I'm sure it does. The question is, when you're just questing, who really cares?

  8. So I'm a level 35 Carnage spec'd marauder right now... and I don't have any issues with the spec, despite everyone else seeming to hate it, but I was just thinking about respecing to Rage next time I get back to the fleet. I've been Carnage since I was level 10, so I don't really know any different. If anyone's got any advice on what kind of spec to go for or whether I should even bother at all, feel free to share.


    Just FYI, I'm mainly focused on leveling right now, but I do really enjoy PvP and the occasional flashpoint. I will more than likely be picking up the full level 40 PvP set in 5 levels, as well as heading for champion gear when I hit 50 (I've already bought a couple of those purple bags with commendations). So whatever spec I pick ought to go well with that gear. Also, I do enjoy the in-your-face play style of Carnage, for what it's worth.

  9. I hardly ever use Berserk at level 35. I usually use the other fury ability, forget what it's called... because it increases my defense and makes me harder to hit, which seems like a more useful effect than reducing the rage on an ability that I rarely ever use anyway.
  10. I think this is the point really.


    At level 30 I am just a paper weight. I don't feel functional, I don't feel like the role I'm supposed to be filling is being filled adequately. I've heard tell of a DPS boost and a general "roundedness" to the class post-40, but I'm not post-40 and I don't even know at this stage if I'll get to post-40.


    The class as it stands between 1 and 30 is so dissuasive that any promise of gain at level 50 is well and truly offset by the horrid design previous to cap.


    I'll probably outlast it. I'm certainly not doing too badly at 30, but I'm not doing as well as the other PURE DPS classes seem to be doing.


    And that's another thing: when you've got Juggs and Sorcerers running around out damaging and out killing you, and having other classes treat you as a free kill, you really don't feel inspired to carry on.


    It just needs for the excitement to translate into effectiveness. And I'm afraid that the elitists need to realise that if the vast majority of people are having a hard time with a class it is the class that needs to change, not the player.


    Frankly I felt this way about the Warrior in WoW (yes, yes, I know, compare and despair lol), but I don't feel this way about the warrior in SWTOR. Maybe because I'm used to it? I don't know. But I feel more than adequate for my level, and I'm at level 32 right now.

  11. Carnage I only liked for that force scream crit every 9 sec. It's bursty but once that burst is done you hit like a wet noodle. I'd try out rage if I were you and start gearing up your healer companion. If you think those mobs hit hard wait until you hit 40+ planets. You'll routinely find packs with 2 strong mobs along with regulars.

    People don't give rage a try because it's the "shared" tree. I've tried out all 3 specs at 50 and rage is superior in just about every way.

    Just get some orange quality gear that levels depending on the mods you use, use the planet commendations to upgrade your orange gear and use the quest rewards to keep your healer geared.


    Finally someone defending the burst damage of carnage!


    I'm a fan of burst damage, personally... and I love carnage because I can pretty much take someone from 50% to dead in just a couple seconds.

  12. You can't do this to level all the way to 50, because then you wouldn't have any of the rest of your companions :( Same as PvP, gotta do the storyline to get them.


    Sure you can. Heck, as an IA, if he's an operative, he can just stealth through all the class story missions until he's caught up.

  13. There is a lot of different things being said in this thread here are my observations so far.


    Warriors in general seem to start of weaker but from where I stand they get stronger as they are leveling up.


    I'm not sure why the OP says they get worse as time goes on, I'm getting more and more confident taking on harder and harder targets/groups. There was a real sore part at the early 20s at first, but that was about it.


    I'm finding I tend to do better with DPS companions rather than Quinn personally, he makes the fight longer (due to less damage) but he doesn't really seem to guarantee me a victory where another companion wouldn't. This may change but we will see.


    I'm sure that some classes do have an easier time soloing than others, that's usually the nature of the beast, but when I can solo my Class Quest line when it's orange at times I have to think it's not that big a problem, if I had to constantly out level my class quest in order to complete it then yes I would think there's an issue.


    I'm sure different people have different problems I know for me one of the biggest issues I had initially was being an idiot and not interrupting gold level mobs casts, can't tell you how big a difference this made, especially when you figure out which cast causes the biggest damage.


    The other mistake I made was not spending my commendations and some of my credits to keep gear current, I'm not saying you need to have the very best epics for your level, but wearing the green pants you got 5-10 levels ago isn't helping you.


    Now do I think everything is hunky dory? Not really there are some issues here that should be looked into, but the class is far from broken and it's certainly fun (for some people).


    You are correct, the key is in keeping your gear up to date, AND the gear of your companion. I have been taking the gear rewards for Quinn consistently when they are offered, and he's been doing great as a healer. I also have been using commendations to upgrade my own stuff, with a focus on getting modifiable gear so that I can continue putting item mods in it to keep it up to date. Right now, all but one or two of my gear slots are filled with modifiable gear.

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