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Posts posted by andysdead

  1. I am level 50, Battlemaster, working on getting some PvE gear, and I have artifice, archeology, and treasure hunting as my crew skills.


    Why should I keep those? I have enough credits that I'm sure I could level biochem to 400 in one sitting. It seems that everyone who's doing the most damage in both PvP and PvE is using biochem. Why should I stay artifice? What benefits does this profession provide to a level 50 that I can't beat with normal PvP gear (never mind gear from ops)?

  2. Besides of the usual grind of day to day warzones there are some moments that makes all of us LOL.


    Last night in a match in Voidstar I was in the attacking team and we just deactivated the first set of force fields and me and a trooper were charging towards the 2nd set of doors. I saw a sorcerer on the other side of the bridge so I decided to wait for the trooper to go first so if the sorcerer does a KB it won't take out both us.


    As true to their form the sorcerer seeing the trooper charging towards him did KB and knocking him/her off the ledge.. Game over for the trooper right? Nope the trooper managed to get a grapple off and pulled the sorcerer down with him!


    I LOL'd then proceeded to the door and planted the bomb unchallenged.


    Anyone else got any LOL moments to share?


    At least you didn't charge the sorc at the same time the trooper grappled him. ;-)

  3. There is something fundamentally wrong with so many "PvPers" in SWTOR.


    You PvP to pit yourself against the enemy, hopefully in an even fight, and try to prevail.


    I have never given a damn about the Daily/Weekly quests, they are just a bonus I get while im PvPin.


    Seriously if you don't PvP because you enjoy fighting the enemy just don't PvP.


    Also I'm pretty sure they are NOT removing bags in 1.1.5. On the Test server forums there is a post stating that the 1000/1000 comms for 1 BM comm is an EXTRA way to get comms other then your dailies and weeklies.


    1.2 will remove bags AFAIK.


    I like the extra comm idea.

  4. OP is uninformed at best. Let me tell you why.


    I play a 50 marauder at valor rank 58. I have full champion gear, and have had full champion gear since before they changed the bags. I play annihilation spec. I, too, leveled as carnage, but after playing annihilation, I realized how stupid that was. I have also tried rage spec.


    So let me go through some of these items and point out the flaws in the OP.


    a) Annihilation spec:

    This is our best spec for both pvp and pve. This is the only spec that has a reasonable chance for tearing down well-geared healers, as well as providing the best sustained dps of any of the three specs we have. I can beat fully-geared battlemasters 1 v. 1 with annihilation, and I can't think of many other classes that have that capacity in 1 v. 1. The problem is that PvP is rarely 1 v. 1. Typically I find myself up against a tank/healer combo or a dps/healer combo. I can beat the dps/healer combo if I've got a healer with me, but I can NOT beat a tank/healer combo, especially when they are well-geared. The reason behind this is that not only do tanks have guard, but they frequently have more/better CC than I do. I have a CHANNELED stun and a crappy aoe knockdown. Guardian/Juggernaut tanks have Force Push and can spec into making Force Choke/Stasis be instant cast, which means they automatically have better CC than I do. If I have a healer in the situation mentioned above, that healer is going to be CC'd for most of the fight, and I'm going to be stuck flying solo. Don't even get me started on Powertechs/whatever the trooper equivalent is.

    As annihilation, I am capable, in the right conditions, of getting the 300k damage medal in warzones. I consistently hit 200k and am typically in the top 3 damage.


    b) carnage spec:

    Carnage is fun, I'm not going to lie. I love charging in and laying down some big crits. The damage output is more bursty but still respectable. I did some testing to compare carnage and annihilation when I hit 50, and concluded that the damage output is within 5-10% of each other, but annihilation still wins by a margin. Still, there are some big reasons why annihilation has some great advantages over carnage.

    First of all, annihilation has much greater pvp utility. The increased Predation speed by itself is enough to warrant this statement, but add to that the ability to charge at short range (which is a root, remember?) and the group heals from Berserk, and you've got something substantial. Furthermore, annihilation builds fury faster than any of the other specs, so you've got more Berserks, more Predations, and more Bloodthirsts. It's also really easy to get off a double Predation (stack fury to 30, pop Predation, use the skill to add 30 more fury, pop Predation again when it ends). This combo has captured more huttballs than I can count. In fact, most teams don't even know how to counter it. (I refuse to give away my secret! Figure it out yourself. :-p)


    c) rage spec:

    Since the surge nerf, this spec is worthless. It's still good for juggernauts, but DEFINITELY not good for marauders. Unless maybe for leveling, since it does have decent aoe.


    d) other classes:

    Now, let's look at what the other classes have that we don't. Specifically, MORE DPS. Operatives and Scoundrels got nerfed pretty hard, so I'm not going to include them in here, but let's just say that before the nerf the highest damage numbers I'd seen were from Operatives. Now that mantle rests comfortably on Sorcs/Sages and Either AC of Bounty Hunters/Troopers. Note that this list ONLY excludes Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights. Warriors and Knights are also the only classes that don't get some kind of direct heal, and Marauders/Sentinels and Snipers/Gunslingers are the ONLY advanced classes that don't have either a healing or a tanking tree. Snipers and Gunslingers may not do as much sustained damage in PvP as we do, but they also have the capacity to tear a single target down from 100% in no time flat. In terms of single target direct damage, Snipers and Gunslingers are our superior. Note that they also have an ability that can crit for over 5k, something that currently NO MARAUDER SPEC contains. (unless you count the rare annihilate crit glitch.... yes, glitch, because the skill does not have the capacity to crit for 5k without a glitch). Now, I realize that I posted earlier that I'm typically in the top 3 damage dealers in warzones, but I feel that I should clarify that whenever there's someone who's done more damage than me, it's usually a powertech or a sorcerer, and they are typically lightyears away from everyone else on the meter.


    Besides the fact that we are a pure damage class that doesn't do more damage than most other classes, let's also look at utility.

    I don't know 100% about all the other classes in regards to utility, but I'm pretty sure we're the only class with group-wide speed, defense, and damage buffs. And they are very good buffs, with utility for both PvE and PvP. So I'll give one point to marauders there. What about CC, though? We are the only class who's only stun is channeled. We don't have a knockback OR a grapple. Several other classes have an aoe mezz, so we're pretty much tied there. We also don't have a knockdown like operatives/scoundrels or assassins/shadows. CC is a problem for us, and CC is also a huge advantage in PvP.



    So, I believe I've laid bare the problems and advantages of this class. A final note on PvP (from someone who's trying to grind out battlemaster), the fact that we are limited to 9 medals in warzones given ABSOLUTELY PERFECT conditions means that we have a significant disadvantage, not only in PvP leveling, but in valor rank grinding. Whereas a tank class or a damage class with a healing tree can easily acquire 11-13 medals in a warzone, we can only get 9 max. This puts us on par with pure-spec'd healers in terms of medal acquisition. Medals, as you know, equal more credits, more experience, and more valor in PvP. So while Powertech Bounty Hunters are grabbing 11 medals easily in a typical warzone and are therefore earning more valor than us, we are left to grind valor at a slower rate. This, of course, means that our class is going to be one of the last classes to achieve battlemaster rank and therefore also one of the last classes to acquire battlemaster gear. Hence why I've been full champion for so long and have yet to earn my battlemaster rank.


    The nerf to surge and the nerf to the operative/scoundrel class also points to a flawed logic on the part of both the community and the developers. The community was getting completely destroyed by operatives/scoundrels, so they cried NERF! Logically, with the pvp system being what it is, the proper response would have been to buff other classes to be on par, at least with the damage-dealing. Maybe CC in this game needs a nerf, I can't really say... but I do know that it would be a tremendous help to the marauder class to give us at least one ability for each spec that has the capacity of breaching the 5k damage barrier. Basically what I'm saying is that I favor a policy of buffing the weaker classes to be on par with the stronger ones, rather than nerfing the stronger classes. Make no mistake, however -- marauders are probably the weakest class right now.

  5. I'm gonna log in to imp side and talk to him and/or the other imps if he doesn't want to talk. The imps love me here.


    Otherwise, I'm gonna have to stream or fraps and watch this to see exactly what he's doing. I swear I haven't seen anything like it from other Juggs on the server. He 'might' have double rakata proc relics from karagga's which would account for the ticks in damage I was taking. (I want one or two of those badly, btw).


    It's pretty simple, and has already been said. He uses Force Crush or Force Choke to stack a buff that increases Slam damage. It requires 4 stacks to be fully buffed. He then uses Charge or Obliterate to proc a buff that causes Slam to automatically crit. Since the Juggernaut has a talent that passively increases Slam damage, unlike Marauders (who have a talent that reduces the rage required to activate Slam), the Juggernaut can therefore do a very large amount of damage with Slam assuming the previous conditions are met. I have tried Rage spec as a Marauder, and since they nerfed surge Slam won't even hit for over 5k, but Juggernauts can break 5k pretty easily. If he is buffing using an expertise adrenal and a relic, it shouldn't be that difficult to reach 7k damage from Slam.


    Rage spec is very bursty but fails on sustained dps. It's a good pvp spec for Juggs, but since the surge nerf it pretty much sucks for Marauders.


    It does, however, kind of make me wish I went Jugg with my Warrior, since Marauders literally have 0 abilities that crit over 5k (except for the RARE RARE RARE annihilate crit, which I've had happen ONCE). This of course means that the number of medals that a Marauder can acquire are limited to 9 under perfect circumstances. (75k damage, 300k damage, 2500 damage single hit, killing blow, 10 kills, 25 kills, solo kill, 1k objective, 3k objective). A Rage-spec'd Jugg can get all of those, plus the 5k single hit, plus all the protection medals.

  6. Having played melee classes in more than a few other MMOs, I have to say that it's pretty much always this way. You jump into the middle of a large group and suddenly YOU become the target.


    The only real way to fix this is to give melee some really good mitigation abilities.

  7. I've seen many powertechs break 400k+ in damage with at least 12 medals. Hell on my level 10 powertech I broke 300k lol.


    Come to think of it I have seen every class in this game break 400k damage in a warzone. A class is only as good as the person playing it.


    I've never seen a marauder break 400k. Just saying.

  8. One of the guys in my guild is a dps powertech. He had been in a more sustained damage spec previously and was consistently getting 300k-400k damage in wzs. Then he switched to a burst spec and I have personally witnessed enemy players melt before I could even get to them, with at least one of his abilities lopping off ~50% of the enemy's health right off the bat.


    So in other words, powertech is fine, learn to play.

  9. The L46 PvP weapons have enhancements with +25 expertise. You can get 6 of these (5 armor + weapon) BEFORE hitting 50 for a total of 150 expertise.


    Upon hitting 50 you use your comms to buy belt/bracers/implants/power relic other cheap items with expertise and are immediately walking around at ~300 expertise. Use money/dailies to get L22 armoring/mods/hilt/barrel and go from there.


    Good call, I should mention that I did this as well.

  10. this is basically what I did when I hit 50.


    This was back when there was no 50s-only bracket in pvp, and I was frankly shocked at how much my stats actually decreased now that I didn't have the bolster buff.


    I went from having 16k health to something like 12-13k health between level 49 and level 50. It was weird for me.


    But I got lucky with champion bags and was pretty well-geared within a week of doing dailies.

  11. Sent/marauders are the real glass cannons in this game. The enemy goes through our medium armor like it's paper usually and the only time I feel competitive is when I've got my CDs up.


    Of course, this is against other geared players.


    I'm full champion. Many players are not. I crush them pretty easily, but in this case I wouldn't say it's a class imbalance issue but rather a gear imbalance issue.

  12. TBH watchman doesn't need a healer nearly as much as people make it out to. With self heals on dots and defensive cooldowns you can usually stay alive for a while if you're playing well. we do a lot better with a healer, but that goes for most classes.


    I just finished a wz against admittedly undergeared opponents and I was killing them 3 at a time solo with just my DoT heals to keep me up.


    If they've got no expertise it's cake. If they're geared, it's a lot different.

  13. Yes please add arenas to get the WoW arena fanboys who don't do objectives and think warzones are deathmatches out of my Warzone que thanks.


    Or they could add a team deathmatch mode. Actually, that sounds really fun.

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