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Everything posted by funkhouse

  1. i would like a new button with the feature of quick traveling to a world for world pvp. Only objective is to kill kill kill. Oh and have it to actualy work even with couple hundered players being there too.
  2. never going to happen. Get used to it. As is their answer to that is placing expertise stats to be the same for all pvp gear across the board. So only stats are truely different. They did pvp wrong at launch..dont expect them to get it right ever.
  3. its becuase idiots refuse to learn and adapt to win. Or roll that same toon to cash in on other players who do the same stupid thing as they do. Otherwords they are just lazy and ignorrant. Myself i play all classes and know what they are capable of doing. I feel no "unbalance" crap as these babies cry about. Bottom line. Same dumb thread about same dumb type of players that still refuse to learn their class.
  4. so funny i come back after 9 months and peoples complaint is sorcs bubble. its wasnt good then and still isnt. Its 2 misplaced dps/heal skills so killing that sorc will be that much easier. And for the babies now crying about smash lols..again same thing 12 months ago. Why cry now? I can remember geting 5-6k crits on smash without good pvp gear becuase i would wait for my buff to cooldown then pop them and bam!
  5. because vader isnt a jugg. He is simply just vader and there is no class to define him. Get over it.
  6. fixed? its been in the game since launch. So becuase more players are wasting 2 points to have it ...it needs to get nerfed? .....seriously learn to play.
  7. why cant you simply read skills? Duh its becuase they have a skill that can break combat...so um yah hey dummie they can heal ...um because they arent you know...in combat...hope you learn somthing.
  8. always voted for the one that did the most for the team effort. Damage and heals do not count. If you are on the top 2 becuase of either one.....you wernt doing your part in team effort.
  9. Why? simple. Its becuase of this system bioware use's. Nothing is shared in the missions except bonus kills only. Its just a pain in the butt to group up for missions with gathering in such. Specialy when you come across players that just dont say anything and you are doing your thing but not ready for the final part..they click on the item and bam! you just lost your time spent on completing bonus.
  10. if vanity is your thing go play skinwars2 aka gw2. Will not buy the digi pack based on the current information. 5 lvls is not worth 10bucks.
  11. why are you even playing gw2. Its a bad game with super bad everything else in a game that needs to have the most common stuff in it that it lacks.
  12. wouldnt hold my breath. They dont have a current bracket system now...what makes you think they will ad it in? Imo 50-55.
  13. go to comic con if you want to feel trashy in star wars outfit.
  14. Your short sidness is amusing. The game is the same as it was on launch. The 200+ numbers you see on fleet is only due to the many other servers that are deleted.
  15. refuse to read your rant about a game. Bottom line it fool! Until you do so..l2play.
  16. what server and name so i can report you every time i see you for no reason because i am bored?
  17. read like 3 post..so what is this even about?
  18. I cant realy say to much because i quit before they finaly had rated wz's. But before i did i jumped from 3 different servers at that time until i called the fatman home. Wz's period basicaly sucked for both factions with all the rerolls and bads joining in aswell. I came back couple weeks ago and im seeing the same patern of player types along with new players from f2p. Its pretty simple for me to win wz's as its the same patern for getting wins. Impside gets more wins in the morning till mid day until night when better players get home from work/school. This game realy needs to get the cross servers going for pvp already.
  19. Must be hard to remember where everything is on that rail system shooter game for the op. lol. Practice makes perfect.
  20. LOL! Guess the op has general chat box closed when he is in the game. ITs the same thing in any topic thats talked about. They are allways correct and everyone is allways wrong. Bunch of opinionated ******s. duh.
  21. Shot off a couple and meh. deleted them and have been on every toon i have rolled. Am i upset? no. Should i be? no. Why not? becuase its a game and i dont revolve my playing experience around vanity items. If i did id still be playing SkinWars2 aka GW2, thats 100% about vanity.
  22. This thread again....Get over it realy. Oh no im going to win through buying lvl7 ship parts on the cartel..Win what realy? Its a single player mini game. Oh thats right people who actualy took the time from their companions lives to craft those items to put them on the gtn for millions are mad....If i were you id be happy they didnt go the route of blizzard did with rmah.
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