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Everything posted by Larkie

  1. Rich Grade 9 Metal/Compound missions cost what, 3500 credits? You get 8 items I believe usually, 10 if it's a crit. 3500/8 = 438 credits. Then the crafting material mission gives you even more, what like 24? So that's 3k/24= 125 credits each. 4x438 = 1752, 125x2= 250 for a total of 2002 credits per MK-9 component, as far as I can tell. I'm guessing on the cost of the crafting materials mission/results, but I think that's pretty close. Your parts alone will cost you 20k, then what, another 1.5k in further material when you make the Mk-9 kit? Your cost per mk-9 kit is now 21.5k credits, give or take a few. Even if you sell at 60k you're still talking an almost 200% profit.
  2. Level 54 green droid parts and they only take 2 metal 2 compound? I've been doing level 52 green droid parts, don't see the 54 and they take 2 + 2 + 2 as far as I can recall. Where are these mysterious schems?
  3. The augments that sell the most will be the main stats, so might, resolve, skill & reflex. The schematics do come critical mission successes, but you can usually pick up some on the gtn. It will be slow going gathering them though, especially on the lower levels as people tend to not run those missions. My suggestion is check the market every couple of days, and purchase any under 20k that are glowie to you (which means you haven't learned them yet). The exception being the highest level - level 55, those should cost you <1k.
  4. All crafting professions are profitable at lower levels..but not for all crafters. Many people that craft only have the capability for making profits at end-game. For the rest of us, every profession can be profitable from level 9-55.
  5. Think of another way to earn credits with biochem.. um, gee, I don't know, craft for the other 54 levels that you've been ignoring? Just a thought, but then you can't make a mil in profit per sale, so I guess for most people it's not "worth the time".
  6. I'm sorry, when did I say not to report? I very clearly stated that you should report.
  7. You're wrong, absolutely and unequivocally. You are the one perpetuating the problem. That's why you see such a high level of trolling on your fleet. On my fleet? Not so much.
  8. You're wrong. And, even if you're right in some cases about them not being embarrassed - again, it's still important to do so to show children that such behavior is not acceptable. You can disagree all you like, but you're wrong about the "correct" course of action being only to report/ignore. I've shut down plenty of vile conversations with one simple sentence. Does it always happen that way? No, but so what?
  9. I only skimmed the replies so sorry if this has already been said. Certain people will behave as badly as they get away with. It seems very simplistic, but that's true - even more so on the internet. Why are certain servers worse, or certain factions worse? It's because of what everyone allows. If someone is using racial or homophobic slurs, being misogynistic or just being rude or disgusting and nobody says anything..well, you've now told them that this behavior is acceptable. Will you get flamed if you say something? Sure, a lot of the time you will. So what? Do you really care what these pathetic people think of you? Personally I don't. They should be embarrassed every time they choose to act that way. Because that is our job, as a society. Whether you like it or not, a game is a society. Plus, there are children that play this game. It is everyones responsibility to show children that such behavior is not only not okay, it's deplorable and should be looked down on. Lastly, yes, fill out a ticket on them. Do /report spam on what they said and then fill out a ticket with their character name and explaining what type of thing they were saying. Click on their name and choose whisper then copy/paste the name to make sure you got it correctly. Unfortunately, don't expect them to be banned no matter how vile what they've said is. I've put people on my friends list that have said truly horrendous things and they're still around.. but they don't seem as chatty. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this... I'll try and pretend to care.
  10. Most of what I would have said has already been said but I would say one thing about those talking about figuring out costs with missions... I think that using mission cost to decide how much a mat costs you only works for casual crafters. For serious crafting most of your resources are going to have to be purchased from the GTN (due to lack of time/companions to send missions on and the need for large amounts of resources) and so the price that you can usually purchase them for is what you're going to use in your calculations. Also, I dislike people that up their prices just because nobody else is selling. You should have a "normal" price for your items. Otherwise you're just ripping people off because you can. Some fluctuation is tolerable, especially when other people are selling but the greedy attitude of "nobody else is selling so I can charge as much as I want" is loathesome.
  11. As in the Grade 2 Resource? No, definitely not a low drop rate. Run Grade 2 missions Mines of Doan/ Signs of Life. You'll get way too many of these and they're short missions. Sell the Genetic Anomaly for a nice high price on the GTN.
  12. LOL. Still the same old threads I see. What a surprise.
  13. I spend a lot of my in-game playing time crafting and doing all of the things that go along with crafting (missions, gathering resources etc). This provides items to the community at a decent cost and I find it enjoyable. For this, I'm punished with not a single legacy point. So, very simple question, why is the system so biased against crafting?
  14. Wow that's a lot of work, I'm happy someone is willing to put in that kind of effort. Myself, my main observation since 1.2 is the follow (and I'm sure it will agree with your data): Repub side has tons of Grade 2 Rich Medical Supplies missions, NO Grade 3 Rich Medical Supplies Sith side has a good amount of Grade 3 Rich Medical Supplies missions, no Grade 2 Rich.
  15. I think you meant to say SOME women in the military take advantage. The same as some women in games take advantage. Unfortunately since the population is small you are more likely to be judged by the behavior of other women... I've even found myself doing it because so many women in SWG were drama queen attention wh*res.
  16. LOL. I'm sorry, but to me the original post seems like it was written by a guy who thinks he has a clue about women. I think a more appropriate title would have been "just some facts about one female gamer".
  17. What was it I said over and over before they made RE so easy? I said NO MATTER HOW EASY YOU MAKE RE SOME PEOPLE WILL STILL COMPLAIN ABOUT IT BEING TOO DIFFICULT. Thanks, I enjoy being proved right over and over.
  18. Three times is "routinely"? Well I'll tell you what - the last 3 schems (out of what, 400, 500?) I learned popped in 1-2 tries so I guess I "routinely" get schems in 2 or fewer tries. Thus, the percentage must be... I don't know, let's go with 50%? The devs really ARE lying to us.
  19. You're either completely clueless or you're a troll. Actually I think I'll go with answer C. You're both clueless AND a troll.
  20. Yes. And it's not just stuttery, it's practically unplayable. Dying does not fix it, lol, interesting suggestion though. Unfortunately from what I've been able to figure out it's only severely affecting those with large amounts of known schematics (if you know less, you get some lag but not as extreme). Since it's affecting such a small portion of the community, and certainly the portion that is least important, I doubt it will be a priority.
  21. Well. Your posts suggests that anyone not making only end-game gear isn't relevant, so I guess the answer is yes, you probably do. Schems & resources need to be picked up from there, BOE on some items isn't necessarily going to be enough if you want to actually profit. As for the rest of us that consider ourselves relevant when we craft for the rest of the market (49 out of 50 levels).. I guess all I can say is thanks, it's nice to know we're irrelevant.
  22. You're the one judging me for what you perceive to be my lack of crafting time sweetheart, I'm not the one that brought it up. If you lost on your "mine is bigger than yours" competition that's your own fault for choosing to make it a contest in the first place. And, since I have spent plenty of time crafting and do know that it most certainly IS now "easy-peasy" with the RE changes, what now?
  23. If I had spent time to craft? You know absolutely nothing about me. Let me reassure you that I have crafted more in this game than easily 95% of people, probably more. That includes more RE than 95% of people. I RE'd to more purple schems while RE was "broken" than you probably will ever now that RE is "fixed". And I've also had a few schems that took forever to pop. Do you see me whining about it? Plenty of people on this forum have cried and asked for an easy way out. And no, sorry, I don't need to show support for the type of people that want crafting to be easy-peasy. There's no point to it if that's what you want.
  24. Actually yes, in order to be a productive crafter biochems need alts. I would imagine this is true for any of the crafting professions. I'm still making money as a biochem post 1.2 but with the RE change (aka the way they've ruined RE to please the lazy and incompetent) I'm sure that it won't be long before the market is flooded with items at below mission-mats cost.
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