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Everything posted by makaiyuugi

  1. im just asking im not gonna change my name because i used to be unsatisfied with my last char's name , then i leveled another same class character using the name i wished and deleted the former one if only i knew i can change my name so easily i wouldnt have to gone through so much trouble leveling up a same class character :(
  2. is that true? i find it quite hard to believe, since there have been so many people partitioning for a paid name change service, while others use all kinds of tricks to change their character names such as server transfer and reporting. but two of my friends told me so and they seem to be very certain that you can send a ticket to the Customer Support and ask for a character name change
  3. i see, really helpful. then i know why my char didnt show much differences now, since my char is a human and the start skin tone is the lightest one
  4. but i just screenshot two pictures, one is dark iv the other is dark V, shot in the sameplace , same camera angle, but could not notice any, not even a slight difference
  5. well, it is saturday.... but i do admit i lack patience, thats why we have group finder etc things are going fast food today nobody can deny that
  6. so dark iv and dark v has no differences in appearance yeah?
  7. wait.......... are you saying that between 6750 and 10000, appearance keeps changing? in other words your appearance is actually "dynamic"? i find it a bit hard to believe like it will be a bit "lighter" at 7000, and a bit darker at 8000, and reach the worst at 10000? can anyone else verify this?
  8. secret world, that is a boring game, you can go try i left within the first 1 hour gameplay swtor? so many hours and days.
  9. anyone knows?? ive tested a few times and got the same result= no differences
  10. I cant see any differences, i was expecting a total evil looking but then i found its the same or is it? are there some spots i missed?
  11. the precondition is, you cant skip any conversations, even for side quests, and you make sure to finish every possible quests, and plus, with all your crew skill fully trained? is that possible to reach 50 in 70hours??
  12. For example if one conversation takes place when the affection reaches 500, and the next one takes place at 1000, then if i reached 1000 before being able to talk at 500, will i miss the 500 conversation and skip to the 1000 one? or it will still show you the 500 one and after that the 1000, in order?
  13. im kind of a noob so i chose a wrong option in a quest, i started my jugg trying to make a 100% darkside character, but i screwed up on one quest and got this 50 light side point is there a way later in the game to clean that 50 goddamn light side point up? to make my character back to 0 lightside points? its just uncomfortable seeing that 50 light points..... on my panel....:(:(:(
  14. yes that is what makes sense, but how does creating a new character on your origin server affect anything ? it should be destination server
  15. im not sure im getting this what does that mean? i cannot create new characters on origin servers? what does that have to do with name change? if my origin server is, for example, server A, i have a 50 character on it, now i am going to transfer my character to a destination server B, now, if i want to do a name change, i only have to create a new character with the name of my current character on server A in order to create a conflict, then i transfer my character to server B, the destination server, and i get a name change. only makes sense if they lock the destination servers for character creation, but i dont understand why origin servers. If i already have a character on the origin server why would i create another one? and what does it have anything to do with name character-transfer name change
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