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Everything posted by HexDecimalUK

  1. HexDecimalUK


    Here we go again with the PT qq :/ how long did us mercs have to wait just to be made as good as everyone else? and if PTs get an execute then i think its only fair that mercs get a crit prompt like recklessness. and i'l take a pull for my juggy while were at it.
  2. Yes come to POT5, just wear your PVP gear while off the fleet, or i'l get ya
  3. Im from POT5, from what i can see the republic is virtually destroyed, they rarely come up in warzones, and almost never found in the world, Personally i would roll one in an instant if only i wasnt already managing 3 level 55 toons. Suggestion, Faction change. either a cartel item or a once off choice i think allot of us would be happy to send a toon over and get some decent contact and encounters with the opposition. Just convert all items to republic/imp equivalent, refund augment kits etc, could be done. And finally it should only be available to the underpopulated faction and players should recieve a balance of galactic power message trying to join the bigger force.
  4. Obviously care bares, not a shred of expertise on either of them, I have times where its been 4 or 5 lvl 55s and just died instantly like this, they usually know they cant win and expect you to see that and walk away or just roll over.
  5. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/295652_10151970800527067_1889527961_n.jpg
  6. i have mentioned this in the past, merc insta casts are so easy to block off of reflex, the worst is kolto missile or rather, mortar :?
  7. clueless clickers in low bracket? who knew
  8. As long as it only worked against players, stealthers still need to move between mobs and stuff.
  9. yeah, this is exactly what i mean, its fine that thgey vanish in PVP, but in PVP it shouldnt end combat instantly, removing that from PVP combat would prevent this abuse of the system. And fixing this whether it be a adding a debuff to vanish that prevents seethe and lasts 8 seconds or just not breaking combat state from players instantly at least in the world and by extension duels can not be even close to how much work bolster needs. i hardly think it will delay the fix by too long assuming it will even be the same staff department that addresses it. Don't forget sins and ops still have sneak and force sprint to get away untill the combat state has decayed if they are likely to loose and even shed the dots in the process, if a loosing sin wants to escape then cool at least I know he is about and can choose whether to also disengage or seethe also.
  10. I have both a sin and an op on the back burner and do understand the need for vanish, but i dont see how being out of combat is needed in the equation, i would suport being able to sap because you are in stealth, its the seethe part that annoys me, could a simple rule change that says you may sap as long as your in stealth regardless of combat state against players not be viable? after all its not like you have to go far to get out of combat according to the base global rule system, LOS and seethe up when combat breaks naturally?
  11. Because reprogramming vanish to not break PVP combat is just too far beyond any previouse bug they have fixed to requir adressing. I'm sorry but BW made the buisness decision to provide and sell subscriptions to PVP servers and as far as im concerned that obliges them to provide support for what this intails. Read the discription, it promises open world combat. that means it has to be correctly balanced overwise what am i paying for? because its not whats in the discription kiddo, why should i start this game and go out into the world areas knowing that any sin can walk over me all thanks to this exploit? And excuse me but if its worth putting in the game its worth doing correctly some of us actually pay for this, im glad your happy grinding warzones and dailys or whatever part of the game appeals to you but why should the parts that i enjoy be overlooked? what makes you so special and who are you to proclaim that my concerns should take a back seat?
  12. as i have said, a debuff caused by vanishing from pvp combat that prevents out of combat abilitys for a set and fair time, maybe 8 seconds?, kind of like the sorcs shield debuf. or it could just simply not break pvp combat. it is not exactly rocket science.
  13. Good to know, for my juggy at least, but is this shed able by force shroud? I think all the rage and hate speak as kind of amusing but still no real argument as to why a none healer can get to heal mid fight, like i said when sins pull this i just feel like a sucker for not picking the class that can tank AND self heal not to mention replenish manner, while I, a healer who picked the healing class for mid combat heals will over infact generate heat still. logic And im not ************ about the class im questioning what i see as being an irrefutable exploit that this class happens to do.
  14. your kidding right? assuming you take the initial low slash if you don't trinket (or vice verser) the following stun the sin is not going to need to vanish and sap you. and vanish and sap is 2 global cooldowns, do you really think you're going to interrupt that? /this unbelievable reply
  15. low slash, sap, seethe, get own re reinforcements, win. ive seen it many times, and countless others where i have found one in my EZ in hut ball for example and only i could take him out, almost winning the fight but oh no, the little combo and they are full health to demolish me before going into regular steath and inevitably catch the ball, between objectives, while defending and attacking nodes they can heal before killing me if they are going to loose. As for duels i don't consider it a win for a sin to do this to me, i put it down to cowardly abuse of an unavoidable loop hole. but in OPVP encounters that's when it gets frustrating, they can focus my companion faster than i can kill them, combo and GG. PS why should it not be fixed? acceptance of this to me is excepting that MMOs suck, would it be so hard to simply place a debuff on vanishing from PVP combat that prevents out of combat abilities? simple! even Ops cant do it then and shall have to use their energy to cast heals like the rest of us healers.
  16. Im interested to know how you can seethe yourself while sapped,
  17. This has been bugging me for a long time, it happens in WZs, Duels, World encounters and to me its very questionable. I can understand an op being able to CC and heal himself, of course because its a healer class. But is it really fair for a stealth that has tank skills at his disposal to stop combat and heal anytime a fight isn't going his way? call me juvenile but if a tank can heal him self while im trapped in CC, after whirlwind/low slash/electrocute. then isn't it only fair that i should get stealth? child logic but you see my point, its annoying. SINs made there choice to not be a healer why should they get that ability when it suits them? Pls don't go screaming BK at me if there is a trade off im missing do tell, i am actually hoping for a discussion and not all and out declaring it to be broken or OP, yet :/
  18. revise your rotation, TD/IM/RS just doesnt cut it anymore, to obviouse and easy to block the blast and cure the dots. you have to stun before the TD detonates tyo even hope to get it's benefit. LSS pyro is redundant and overall worthless against competent players
  19. LOL im just listing the attractions buddy, Edit: and their damage is superior which me and another buddy have tested but this comes as no suprise since its more of a turret class but i agree with this because if im entrenched (generally) and cant go chasing after people like a merc and sorc with missile and nets or variouse dots and zaps i would want some decent burst when i actually have a target, especially since that shield is an obvious give away, you realy deserve a swift death if you walk into one willingly. see i can fight you're corner to, i don't see need to nerf them par-se.
  20. Agreed, they are becoming more than a meta PVP class, they out do all other casters whome cant even use LOS to evade their insane DPS thanks to the roots and melee stand no chance unless its a head to head fight and even then its 50/50 they even get stealth detection leap, stun/physics immunity, deploy-able damage mitigation, awesome AOEs and blink so whats not to love? My own point is that they hard counter allot more than they seem to need to, ask yourself why play a sorc or a merc when you can be a sniper and have twice the DPS and utility with half the labor.
  21. well this stuff is obvi, I thought the trick was killing them before they do that all again. you know while they go invisible or pop there invincibility or force choke or whatever else they decide to do before repeating their rotation. see my point? it takes every possible CD to counter that opening smash routine but even they they can just pop some utility and come back in at least 30 seconds and do it to you all over again. I have a smash jug, i can usually deal them with relative eas by knocking stunning the ravage or knocking back as they try to smash me they cant just dissapere and have another go if i trip them over or get away, or if a sniper intervenes and helps me.
  22. this should be interesting
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