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Everything posted by CephalicRex

  1. I'll tell you what. Yeah, my post was a bit more extreme than I intended it to. I wouldn't want to be some indestructible tidal force that no one can stand up to 1v1--I like a challenge too. There are ways to buff a sorc up without overpowering them--use your imagination. Anyway, we're playing a game based on a movie--one of the most iconic movie franchises of all time. And let's face facts, many of the other classes do stay faithful to their movie archetypes, like the sentinels and marauders both in story and gameplay. And I mean, it is no secret Bioware made the class to represent palpatine in game. I apologize for expecting a star wars game to play like star wars. The only thing wrong are people who are like, "this is the way it is, deal with it." And the class is not support. There are a a couple of support trees, that doesn't mean that a class is forever condemned to mediocrity in terms of dps. People play it that way 'cause lightning is a bad joke passed around a funeral in pvp. If you like to play a sidekick sorc, that's fine and dandy. But really, you know deep down that it shouldn't be a sorcerer's only option in pvp. C'Mon, three trees and hybrid builds and the best a sorcerer can hope for is support? Get real. Either that is bad game design or someone up there hates sorcs.
  2. Just to clear a few things up. I was low leveled, not anymore. I was merely recalling a moment in my single player experience where I was like, "yeah, this new lightsaber I got will be a fun toy." Obviously you get my point. I was just taken by surprise by the dramatic change from Korriban to Dromund Kaas. Like I said, the enemies went down on Korriban just fine. All of the sudden you get off the imperial fleet and you basically forget that there is anything in your hand I will say though it may have to do with the fact that by the time you get on Kaas you are already either an assassin or sorc. Also, I'm willing to accept the fact that it would never ever play a role in pvp. Although I will admit I have yet to try and go slice down some fools that are of a significantly lower level than mine. Like, say back on Dromund Kaas. I remember just flying through there recently with lightning. Never dawned on me to whip out the old light stick. Then again, you tend forget it is there, as I stated before.
  3. Nobody plays a sorc to be support (besides those on the healing tree). People want to play sorcs to obliterate their enemies with sheer force power as the class description indicates. That is why people are upset. They go into the class thinking that they will be able to decimate the opposition with extreme prejudice, however they quickly find out that isn't the case whatsoever. In fact, far from it. They find themselves hiding behind the environment and running around foolishly just to stay alive. That isn't the sith experience, sorry friend. I'm also of the opinion that sorc community needs to be even more vocal--more than we already are--about these issues; if not than nothing will ever change for our electrified friend. And pay no attention to the omnipresent condescending comments that state the contrary, these detractors are just don't want to see the day where a sorc can actually stand actually get a cast or two in. God forbid there is a ranged dps force using class that can actually at least make some think in a match, "hey, that sorc shooting lightning over there may actually be a threat."
  4. Yeah, I know. And don't get me wrong, I knew I would be rolling a lightning sorc right from the get go. You know, "unlimited power" and all that. I just wish they didn't give you the impression your light up toy was actually a combat option.
  5. When you start your class and you first get your lightsaber. I was actually liking how I could go through the Korriban valleys and kill off all those Tak'kutas (I know that is not how it is spelled, someone please correct me) with few swings of your lightsaber. I was thinking, "yeah, I could get used to this." Then I hit Dromund Kaas, and tried the same thing on a few Mandalorians and monsters. Man, was I in for a surprise. I swear if I didn't like shooting lightning so much that would've turned me off to the class right then and there. Not that I didn't know when I started that I wouldn't be doing any melee, but they way they trick you like that at first as if your lightsaber might have some use was a let down. That being said, I always thought it would be Cool if the Sorcerer could charge their lightsaber with electricity and then strike or something--if nothing else but to break up the monotony of zapping things. I guess one can dream.
  6. Kreia is probably one of the most intelligent characters produced in a video game. She was so three-dimensional. She had a history and backstory, she had motivations and ambitions, as well as a well laid out belief system that often conflicted with your own. That's what made her a good character. And the reason she was always harping on your decisions is because she took it upon herself to take the exile as an apprentice. That's what a master-apprentice relationship is all about. In fact, I would argue that Obsidian did for her what Bioware did for Revan, rather than the exile... That being said, there really wasn't much Bioware could do to include her in much of the story seeing as how Obsidian killed her like they killed palpatine in episode VI, or any other TSL characters. Obsidian tied up more loose ends than people give them credit for (save the exile). Anyways, that's just my perspective.
  7. Hello. I have a character on the Empress Teta server. The Server is currently offlicterne and I have no access to my character. How do you transfer your character to a working server. And can someone suggest decent PVE servers so i won't have this issue again. It's frustrating to lose all your progress just because it is associated with a particular server that goes down,.
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