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Everything posted by AgentJacen

  1. I skimmed through it and thought most of your ideas were good. I'd like to talk about the voice chat idea. I'm okay with it, as long as it's optional. I would prefer not to reveal my voice, especially since I probably won't have met most people, and I'm sure others agree with me. Other than that, your ideas are mostly good. I didn't actually notice any other ones I disagreed with, but as I said, I skimmed through it.
  2. No, that's like saying to someone in real life "Your child's name should only have letters!" I should be allowed to put ' or - in my name if I want to. And your idea could only work if legacy was at Lvl 1, but since it's at Lvl 10, a player would have the same name as another player until they got legacy.
  3. Allow players to queue for the warzone they choose. I actually like Huttball, but I'm not that fond of The Civil War. Hey, while we're at it, just add warzones as a section in the Group Finder queue.
  4. These should be available to all players, not just a legacy unlock.
  5. This. I once watched all Bowdaar's conversations on YouTube, and by the end I was like "Wow, you can get sick of Wookiee growling very quickly." And the romances would be strange, and a female Wookiee Smuggler romancing Bowdaar would just be awkward, maybe even disturbing. (Sorry for all the Bowdaar/Wookiee references, I was just using them as an example).
  6. A Hutt Cartel Faction could work, but it won't be anytime soon. And Smugglers and Bounty Hunters work fine with their current factions. While a Bounty Hunter game where you choose who to do jobs for would be cool, I don't think it fits in SWTOR.
  7. Saw that on the Sith robes discussion. Same reply here. Try writing a post without that line please. As for the thread topic, I agree. They have those robes in-game, but none with the hood down.
  8. Lol! Although I doubt BioWare have a problem with black robes, in fact there are some in-game, just not Lvl 50 gear. In fact, I believe there are some orange ones, so you could just put Lvl 50 mods in them. Sorry, but you don't equal the majority of the player base. Most players would prefer black robes for Sith.
  9. I know, right! The closest you can get to it isn't close enough.
  10. Pay to Win? What if I wanted to buy the comms just because I liked the gear? That's not Pay to Win, it's Pay to Show Off. Well, I'm not serious, but I am serious when I say I wish stats weren't about the gear. SWTOR seems to be all about gear, because it gives you stats, so people spend all day grinding.
  11. My post says he's from the Rise of the Empire era, which around 3,630 years after SWTOR. Seems like we're all reading different pages here.
  12. Go to the Mandalorian Enclave on Dromund Kaas. See the gear on the NPCs? That's the armour he's looking for.
  13. Sorcerors do use lightsabers, and this is the wrong forum.
  14. I agree we should be able to have companions ride on taxis. All taxis in-game could fit 2 people on them.
  15. We have some similar gear to the Trooper and Mandalorian NPCs, but not the same. I would like these armour sets added to the Cartel Market as orange gear. I would prefer them as sets instead of in packs so I can just choose it. http://images.wikia.com/swtor-character/images/f/f8/56566.PNG http://images.wikia.com/swtor-character/images/e/e7/45654.PNG EDIT: The Trooper gear can be in a pack since it's basically just a recolour.
  16. Really? How come there's a quest on Tatooine (Empire Side, Mos Illa) with force-using Jawas. People are saying Jawas couldn't be a player character, which is true, but the OP isn't directly asking for a playable Jawa Jedi. Could be a Jawa Jedi NPC.
  17. /signed I want the blue Mandalorian armour like NPCs wear!
  18. I think Gault might work as an SGR. Although my first thought for companion SGRs would be Talos. Not that I really care for SGRs anyway.
  19. So you're saying people who want new classes should make up the stories? That's BioWare's job IMO. Otherwise BioWare basically just makes the player-requested class(es), instead of coming up with the idea of how the class story goes, and then making it. After all, the current 8 classes weren't fan requested stories.
  20. Yeah, I'd like to recolour armour as well. It could remove the recoloured outfits issue, and the Unify Colours.
  21. What do you mean "special class?" And there's already a Mandalorian class. It's called Bounty Hunter.
  22. I actually said that aloud and it sounded like a Rodian lol. And I agree, Rodians can't speak basic. So they shouldn't be added.
  23. Okay, maybe not F2P players, but Preferred Status players did pay for something. And besides, not everyone has the money to spend on a game every month. I certainly don't, I only have a 2 month non-recurring sub. It's not about caring about the game, it's about saving money.
  24. Nice fanfic. Hope to see more! I'm interested in seeing what happens with Tran'thar.
  25. Haven't seen enough to tell, I'll probably buy it though.
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