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Everything posted by emilydeylan

  1. With the new Mek-Sha stronghold just around the corner, i would like to take a moment and hope/give my thoughts/suggestions. With it being an apartment similar in vain (at least in size) of the fleet SH's i expect 4-5 rooms, which is plenty but. I hope the stronghold itself isn't an exact copy of them when it comes to lay out. But i would not be surprised, but as for my hopes: one i would like an outside. Nothing massive either a taxi pad attached to an elevator or some kind of lobby would suffice. Also a balcony looking out towards the city or a lovely view of space would make it easily a top pick for homes! Either way Balcony or no it will at least be nice to revisit a less faction heavy part of space, to live free and independent.
  2. True but same with Zygerrian's and cathar, sure they both have a feline look, but you cant get it 'just right' though i am not sure the devs would touch the race due to the "slavery" topic
  3. Not a bad list, though cant the argument be made that Tholothian/Kiffar can be rp'd through normal humans?. Personally i really want to see Zeltros, hopefully with Darth Rivix around we'll be going to his home world some day.
  4. One of if not the most memorable unseen worlds in star wars is Zeltros, home of the Hedonistic, creative and empathic people, the Zeltrons. Not only would this world make a perfect place for a story or flash point, it would rival Copero in beauty
  5. Pantoran's Arkanian's bothans, Balosar, Zygerrians not to mention Careans. are also species we have which are rather common in star wars but arent seen, or are playable in game not to mention my favorite race we don't have <as of yet> Anzati, not only do they have a prior interactions with sith, but they are naturally a dark side species, and a very skilled assassins. P.s. If i had to pick top 3 races we need... #1 Zeltron #2 Balosar #3 Chagarin #Zygerrians and #5 Cerean
  6. I have been playing/came from ff14/WoW, and i am so used to just being able to /pet friends or cute pets i see, but when i come here i have to manually custom emote it with no animation. I would much rather pay 5 or 7$ U.S. to have an official pet emote on the CM.
  7. It's mostly the pieces for me, i want that robe from Vitiate, but alot of people want to look like bad asses and for some that's looking like a boss they killed or struggled against.
  8. I mean "Technically" Mantle of the emperor was close to Valokrians armor, but we still got Valkorians armor, i get what you are saying and it is an option, but the models are different and wholly unique esp since one is more high rez.
  9. Agreed 100% it sucks that none of the ships and shuttles and star fighters you seen in game aren't really deco's you can acquire 90% of the time, i would happily pay for an imperial bomber without that stupid base stand, and at a decent size.
  10. Agreed 100% they should add another Astromech like T7 but imperial, preferably the one that works for Lana that we have not seen since SoR.
  11. Yes eyebrows, Oh and normal montrals for males, the horns pointing outwards is only seen on the player characters and recent npc's all the old ones have normal montrals.
  12. You should try rolling a zabrak or rattataki if you want to truly see how limited the options can be, they've not received one new cosmetic update since the game launched, and they severely need it.
  13. As shown in one of the chapters both Vitiate and Tenebrae both have unique outfits that you cannot get through gameplay or cartel market. As such i would like to request we are given these similar to Valkorians, at some point in the near future. Pls and ty
  14. List the stronghold you'd like them to make Only rule: it has to be a place we've visited.
  15. Yes! i'd like to see them add the new twi'leks half cut off lekku as an option for twi's gives us more battle hardened appearance. Purple/Lavander white, Obsidian, skins Orange as well ❤️
  16. And white/teal would also be lovely options, or a proper orange ❤️
  17. Republic and imperial star fighters/bombers like, actual centerpiece/starship hook sized star fighters earnable Via galactic star fighter or in the CM pls ❤️
  18. You mean i was sitting on 5k tokens for a vendor that i just didn't see?
  19. As the title suggest i would like the iconic droid as a companion either as a customization for HK-51 or the droid himself as either a non-canon companion via the cartel market or Galactic season's or have him a recruit able follower Via doctor Oggurobb.
  20. Could we please get more personnel like the guests of the feast as SH npc's, Also please make the outfits legacy bound i'm sick of having to earn currency endlessly for alts because it's BoP or BoE
  21. Yay 5 almost 6 months since the expansion release, no major patches in-between and nothing new except the cartel market, and you've finally come out with 7.1. too bad you don't have galactic season 3 ready or 4 ahead of time so there is an incentive to play the game past the initial 2 months a new raid/daily zone will get ya, lets hope 7.1.5. and 7.2.0. come out much faster next time, but judging with your past record we can expect 7.1.5. in 5 months and then a new expansion announcement.
  22. I was actually wondering if this could refer to Darth Nihilus As his robe has no eyes only black? He also had the thing of eating worlds so.. Idk would be interesting if some one other than Vitiate was responsible and the time line matches up.
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