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Everything posted by ConCube

  1. Thanks dude, I'll post something when I finish locations. (Just started collecting achievements, so I'm only at 6500 i think :/)
  2. Hey guys, I was wondering how much % you can get on Location achievements without doing PvP-related stuff? Does anybody know? I just started hunting achievements and a good way to start is doing Location achievements, isn't it?
  3. Picking a fight with you is not even remotely my intention. Anyway, at the moment I'm really not in the mood of starting a discussion, merry Christmas days to you all
  4. I don't think it's a matter of power at this point, and honestly, you sound like a child :/
  5. Woran hängts denn, kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass es keine guten Maros gibt, die zu 7Stuck wollen
  6. SW is officially granted the 'Darth' title, though I think 'Lord' would be appropriate...
  7. Für alle, die sich weiter für Erfolge interessieren: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=656371 Sind einige ziemlich eindrucksvolle Zahlen dabei
  8. Moin! Mich, als Angehöriger der jüngeren Generation, ist vermehrt aufgefallen, dass Nachmittagsraids leider viel zu kurz kommen. Dies ist natürlich vollkommen verständlich, da die meisten Raider Jobs haben, die es ihnen wannanders nicht erlauben. Jedoch habe ich zu den gewöhnlichen Raidzeiten meistens anderes zu tun, trotzdem möchte ich an auch schwereren OPs teilnehmen. Deswegen dachte ich mir, ich frage einfach mal hier nach ob so eine Gruppe überhaupt besteht, die vielleicht noch Zuwachs brauchen könnte. Mittlerweile habe ich schon manche Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen OPs gemacht, quasi alles bis auf NiM und den HMs der neuen beiden Instanzen. Ich suche vorzugsweise auf imperialer Seite, könnte mich aber auch mit Republikanischen Mitstreitern anfreunden (Man will ja nicht wählerisch sein^^) Wenn Interesse besteht würde ich euch bitten, mich per PN zu kontaktieren, frohes Raiden!
  9. So why are we making this thread, what are our possibilities to change something in the nearest future? Is another round of classquestions coming around the corner or are we just hoping with no real reason?
  10. 'Sub, there's one thing I really want to see implemented: A Black/Black or Black/White Cristal! Imagine how awesome it would look! We have a White/White one so why not the opposite? (Yeah yeah, haters gonna hate 'phisically impossible', c'mon its SW, I don't care! And please don't just put it in the next cartel pack, that'd be stupid - make it drop from the next secret boss so you reall need to do something for it. (Alternativly you could make it available for everyone with a specific PvP-ranking so everybody, PvE- and PvP-player can get its black saber!)
  11. Well, thats gonna end up a bit more complicated, I guess... But nevertheless I'd love to see how it would look..
  12. Retaliation is pretty useless for us atm, what if it refreshed all Dots ticking on the target? (To make this possible you should remove its requirement to get attacked or something like that) Edit: Not to lead to misunderstanding, I'm referring to Vengeance.
  13. This. For PvE I would say Shatter applies 5% armor penetration for 15 secs usable on Boss as well so we gain some value in raid-environments.
  14. Not f*king available in my country! As so many other ones ...
  15. Hmmm... I see us charging in from 80 meter range ... Could you please clarify what you mean exactly?
  16. Hey again, I just decided to play my Juggy in PvE as well, not to stay in PvP forever! So I've some questions: 1. What stat-options are there being worth using? What are the differences DPS-wise? 2. Is it that important in PvE to keep your dots up in every situation? Till now I was using what fitted in the situation and didn't care about bleeds :/ Maybe a parsing vid someone? Edit: actually wrote this in the wrong threat, anyways appropriate...
  17. Ok, thanks for the answers - hope I'll get at least far to BiS soon
  18. Something that has come to my mind very recently: What about removing the Rage cost of Chilling Scream in the baseline skill Decimate additional to its origin effect? PvE: Not really essential, unless you need to slow down massive amounts of adds (potential valuable group utility!) PvP: Extremely essential and very valuable! You can just spam it but keep in mind that its not off GCD! Well, I would even go a step further: I would replace Shien Form's (Rage honestly has enough mobility) effect to increase overall movementspeed by 15% with the following: For every enemy effected by your Chilling Scream you gain 1 stack of 'Furious Hatred'. Every stack increases your movement speed by 6% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. What do you think?
  19. Well, I think, if I understood you correctly there, 1.5 sec casttime + root on a 15 sec CD is way too overpowered. (Personally I would love the animation though ) What about 15 sec CD and a 2.5 casttime? Additionally, regarding your first idea, you have to consider the following: PVP: you charge in an undergeared Sorc You would deal f*king 4k + 4k + 8k + 7k = 23k damage in like 3 seconds (VT at the end, if everything crits) Where has the sorc gone?
  20. Awesome job, thanks alot! Could get a few things out of it
  21. Hi, My second Main is a Vengeance Jugg I (almost) only PvP with. I'm definately no expert regarding the class but I have impressions I am willing to share. In my opinion Vengeance Jugg should be designed around not offering the damage potential a Marauder does but a much better survivability (if not both survivability and utility, even though Intervention is a step in the right direction). In addition I've been noticing that I get low on health too quickly when I get fokussed by several players. A possible solution would be to give us a stackable buff like this: Maybe change 'Pooled Hatred' to: ... In addition, every Stack grants you 5% AoE damage reduction. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 15 seconds.
  22. So, in my opinion it should be.. Give Bloodthirst to Juggs and some sort of on-command-group-crit-chance to the Assassin.
  23. Another (more or less stupid) idea: A new talent named: Electronic Reaction (or sth like that) Everytime your Discharge @3 stacks deals damage you have a 50%/100% chance to get 'xXx' granting the Assassin a 30% damage increase to your Surging Charge hits. Effect lasts 15 seconds. Any thoughts? (Please only productive ones...)
  24. First off, Vanguards get a 9% increased chance. 25% + 15% = 40% and thats a bit too high I think, what about 10%? Additionally giving the Assassin 3/6% more Willpower.
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