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Everything posted by af_raptura

  1. The only way I can see anyone thinking we are overpowered is if they don't know to stun during flamethrower. Also, why is it okay for marauders to have like 5 defensive cooldowns, but we are called too tanky because of the 30% damage reduction on stuns/AoE + a lower energy shield cooldown? Even if we were just as hard to kill as marauders, we still don't have nearly the same burstiness, flamethrower included.
  2. I have to agree with the OP, it happens to me on occasion. But yeah, my internet sometimes gives me lag in pvp.
  3. Well, if you were to ask me, personally, I just prefer lethality because of flexibility. Concealment seems to rely on the stealth opener + using your hard stun offensively + getting behind a target to backstab. With Lethality, no stealth? No problem. In front of your opponent? Dot them up.
  4. I think the word you are looking for is "tertiary." That would be cool, but I don't know if they would ever go for it. As it is now, we don't even have seperate slots for primary and secondary, which does make the dye system kind of limited.
  5. It seems you have fully mastered the art of pulling people into the fire trap. Cool video.
  6. Sorry to lose you mfourcustom. The truth is, some people found rated 8v8 fun, and it does kind of suck that it will be removed. Best of luck to you in the future.
  7. Good for a laugh, which was your intention. I seem to recall a bunch of threads where the ladies were asking for way more conversational flirts, so, it is nice to see that some of them are as bad as we are.
  8. A sensible, well-articulated thread with a positive message of helping out less experienced players and improving pvp as a whole. I applaud you, sir (or ma'am). This community will never go for it, though.
  9. It always slightly bothered me too, but the thing is that jetpacks were already given to bounty hunters.
  10. I get that the assault nerfs severly hindered assault's damage/kill potential on what was a pretty popular spec. Is there any reason that this question could not somehow include tactics? Simply put, without a buff to burst, tactics will never be taken seriously outside a few enthusiasts. Before you know it, the game might be very much like pre 2.0, with any non assault specced vanguards shunned for pvp.
  11. Without some game changing class rebalance, I fear this hope is misplaced.
  12. Fare thee well, Pistols. I really appreciate what you tried to do when you traveled to San Diego to chat the devs up about pvp. It was in vain, but the community respects you for it. And so another PvP hero is lost.
  13. My sorc is only level 43 so you may only want to take what I say with a grain of salt, but you are pretty much right. the future doesn't look to bright for telekinetics/lightning in arenas. Pretty much marauders can shut you down completely with little danger to themselves. This itself would not be so bad except for the fact that they are so popular.
  14. Personally, and this is just my opinion and with a pvp bias, I would rather have a burst question than one asking about an execute. I feel that in pvp, having burst is a little more robust than having an execute. You can still make a great class without the execute. For example, arsenal mercs and lightning sorcs, if you're slow to react, will hit for like 10k heetseekers and 9k thundering blasts. Whereas if you give an execute to Tactics and Assault and change nothing else, they might be like annihilation maraders with steady damage + an execute. The execute might help out pve a little more, though, since vanguards/powertechs would see a dps increase in execute phases of bass battles.
  15. Actaully, I think they kind of are asking for some suggestions. If you look at the sentinel questions, they were responsive to some feedback concerning building stacks of centering/fury during their group buffs.
  16. I'm going to give you a cookie for the hilarious name, but I honestly think that I would do better as full lethality, even without being able to kite as effectively.
  17. I did not have that much trouble leveling my operative, but I was doing so as lethality with Dr. Lokin healing. I reached 55 only a few weeks after 2.0 came out.
  18. Not that I know of. The reason is because exfiltrate does not automatically put the operative in cover like covered escape does for a sniper.
  19. maybe he means intimidating roar. That's an AoE mezz, though, not a hard stun. Force scream is just a 10 meter attack with different modifiers depending on spec. Its kind of like our flame burst, except it has a cooldown.
  20. Man, Engineering seems so fun once you get the plasma probe. Mine is still like level 26. =( I wanted to ask in that Civil War game when you 3 capped them, why was that one defender that got off the speeder unable to interrupt you?
  21. ^ I solo'd the false emperor using my pvp gear. I only died 2 times and one was because of a stupid mistake. As for the hard mode foundry, I would suggest to that player to set aside an hour or two of playtime and just use group finder.
  22. Well, yeah, its kind of rough being the current weakest class in the game. I feel for us. I really do. It is making me want to unsub, but I still think it might get better if they do some rebalancing for 2.4.
  23. Really love the fan made trailers. I'm a big DC fan myself.
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