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Everything posted by Rambeezy

  1. You told me that I could make a thread for our videos just like the Chandrian. Granted this isn't a mirror of the Chandrian thread, I was still going under the same premise.
  2. Simple math does not apply to an entire boss fight. There's multiple factors that go into optimization of gear which can't be given a set variable. The first is your other healer/s who support you. The second is the moves which are used to heal a specific way for that situation. The third is the overall length of the fight or rather the amount of time you are actively healing. I have messed with my crit so much in the past month while we progressed through NiM council. I tried over 500 crit rating and I tried 330 crit rating. I tried a dozen different crit levels between the 2 as well. What I finally realized was that me thinking my crit was affecting my heals was actually just some self fulfilling prophecy. It was me who made my heals go up by not overhealing and by using the best heal for that time. When we killed council I had exactly 402 crit rating with half alacrity gear and half surge gear. I don't know if this helps but I just figured a first hand account of a merc bodyguard trying to optimize gear during nim council progression would be beneficial. Thank you
  3. I agree with everything you said. I also regret how the new progression threads first pages are filled with BS. If my posts get reported and removed I'd be more than happy with that but I still wanna be able to make nonsensical posts every now and then so that's why I made this thread. I mean, come on now, haters gonna hate right? Triumph should know this. I know my guild has very thick skin so please people flame on, flame on.
  4. In order to prevent any further clogging of the progression thread and to provide a home for all non essential and commemorative links for Exit Area, this thread is being created. If anyone has any problems with us please voice them in here. If anyone has any questions for us please ask them here. I can't promise that all questions will be answered nor can I promise that all comments will be considered. Also, video links for our kills will be documented in this thread for easier future access. Here's council from out ptech dps pov. Enjoy Thank you all. <3
  5. So what you're saying is, evidence should not be considered but your level of trust should determine who is eligible. Yeah, umm good luck with that.
  6. You can only kill council when you are this close. http://imgur.com/uTScUGf http://imgur.com/f7p9bbN http://imgur.com/zvJuicC http://i.imgur.com/ssvBhLf.jpg
  7. Just wanted to update the world progression thread on a new development in regards to the HMD cheese kill. As of now, their server first achieve has been revoked. They still have credit for the kill but no longer have credit for the time in which they killed the boss. Thank you.
  8. I want the Chandrian back as well!! Thanks for responding to the situation tealik. Sorry if these first few pages got out of hand.
  9. Thank you for doing this tealik, I'm sure you will run this thread very well. 2 things though, 1st there's no nim power star next to our council kill lol. 2nd, hmd did cheese council and to say otherwise is just insanity. From a healers pov that first phase is where healers earn their kill. The damage that goes out in that first phase, even when no boss gets buffed is like nothing else seen in the fight. Also the tanks have to be precise on their swaps because a single second of delay can cause a wipe. When you consider that HMD made the level of difficulty easier for 4 different players, by using a single exploit, you clearly can conclude they they did not legitimately kill council. Well the decision is up to you Tealik, no matter what you decide I will support it because at the end of the day I know who was the true "NiM" council server first killers.....Exit Area was. Thank you
  10. I dont think keiki is fit to run this thread anymore. If I had the choice, I'd vote that someone take over the thread.
  11. I wish I had the pc to do 16 man. Sadly I found out last night that 16 kolto shells + raid damage × **** game = lagged out like a mother****er.
  12. Shout out to all the people who supported us throughout the last few weeks, the players who transferred to this server either to join the guild or just to find a new raid team, to dong for being the best healer in the world, the tanks (bill and mikyefreash) for being beasts and learning the swap pattern within an hour of pulling council, and last but certainly not least the dps (mikey, tco, doth, and ryvolt) for putting up the numbers required to progress through this fight. THANK YOU ALL! I LOVE YOU! RAWR!
  13. Even if they don't create their own they should at least be helping the owner of torparse get his stuff back on track. When we start testing class changes for 3.0, torparse/parsing databases are gonna be vital.
  14. Quick update before my Spanish class starts: We did 9/10 last night so any raids we do this week will be for council only. Tco moved from heals to dps and we brought in another world class player to fill that very briefly open healing spot. If yall watched the stream last night then yall probably saw him obliterate me on Tyrans lol damn simplifications #firstworldlproblems. So our main group is locked in. Any recruits who join will be fill-ins. I know there's some aspirations to do 16man content after we kill council so feel free to hit us up if you're interested in that. Anyways, class is starting. Good luck all and again thank you.
  15. That's a good point you bring up about convincing people. The truth about me though is that I like to make decisions based on my own impression of things, instead of being given the car salesman approach. I guess since we are streaming all of our progression, it's easy to give people the same respect and let them decide on their own whether we are worth their time or not. Hopefully this answers your question. Thank you.
  16. Rambeezy

    Ranked 8v8

    The longer this game goes without cross server, the worse and worse it is going to get. Arena rewards that are based on multi serve analysis without the presence of cross server PvP queues is probably one of the biggest mistakes in the history of this game. The removal of 8v8 was probably a much bigger mistake but not coming out with cross server at the start of this game was probably just as costly. I don't think it's a matter of "should we" anymore, I think it's a matter of "we have to" implement cross server pvp/pve. If these are not in the works for 3.0, this game won't make it to 4.0. Clock is ticking bioware.
  17. Just a quick update for this thread: We made it into phase 2 again last night. There's still a few kinks that need to be worked out in order to make phase 1 more consistent though. We are very excited to get back at it this week. If anyone (who has experience pulling NiM council) for any role, is interested. Please contact us in game. We are always looking for more world class players to expand raid times during progression. Thank you.
  18. Title says it all. We are gonna be pulling NiM council around 7est tonight. If interested in dpsing for us contact Mikey, Rambeezy, Ryvolt or Billiteria/Bill****. Must be parsing 4k+ and have experience pulling NiM council. Thank you.
  19. I thought this thread was gonna be about how operations (specifically NiM) aren't given any love in terms of conquest points. Instead its just about how "unfair" PvP is for conquest. Oh well, guess I'll just have to settle for being the only person with an Oriconian warrior for sale once I kill NiM council. GG 30 mill credits please?
  20. So my strip club is finally complete. I got a jukebox today so now all the vinyl Skadge be scratchin actually makes some noise. Check it out or whisper anyone in exit area for an invite if I'm not online for the public listings.
  21. So while I am friends with a lot of people in Triumph and I do think they have most of the best pvpers in the game I also think that what they are doing in terms of conquest points requires zero skill and is absolutely the most shameful thing to ever brag about.
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