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Everything posted by -BlackDragon-

  1. I feel like I have seen this thread before
  2. 1. Sin (Hatred) - first by a large margin due to large dmg output and good survivability 2. Sorc (Lightning) - good burst and aoe dmg 3. PT (AP) - good burst but can be shut down easily 4. Jugg - nice survivability but lacks a good dmg output
  3. Game Type - Warzones Section - Biggest Hit Class - Jugg Rank - 3 Name - Bacon'cat Record - 13347 Link- http://i.imgur.com/J4ZNIVR.jpg?1
  4. Game type - Warzones Section - Overall Damage Class - Jugg Spec - Veng Rank - 3 Toon name - Bacon'cat Record - 1920285 Link - http://i.imgur.com/fgjwJeb.jpg?1
  5. Read what Zoom_VI wrote. Just because you have played since launch and have 19 toons doesn't mean you know how to play.
  6. Must be hax (If you use it once in combat then I comes of CD and you are still in combat you cant use it again)
  7. /facepalm Not another one of these silly threads...
  8. Man, they must be really bad if they don't 55 much
  9. I mainly pvp and I love Huttball because its awesome!!
  10. Most people think the lightning/madness hybrid is the best for wz's and I don't think it will be any different for areas. I prefer full lightning for dps, it feels a lot more smooth compared to the hybrid. But I mostly run heals so what do I know.
  11. I always loose to Wook. omg Pink should be in the top 5.
  12. I'm glad they fixed that it was kinda annoying.
  13. I find Kaliyo ti be very funny. She is may favorite first companoin for the Empire. I like her attitide compared to the other goodie-goodie companoins. She ofter agrees with my blood-thristy agent.
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