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Everything posted by Treblt

  1. QFT The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
  2. How about the bug fix rewards each team with 1 point per each kill, irregardless of whether its capped or not. When it hits 9 rounds, game ends, whoever has more kills wins.
  3. http://www.twitch.tv/pwnagepersquareinch
  4. Truthfully, you may find that commando healers are good in 2.4 arenas. They have some very nice tanking ability as a healer, and pally heals were pretty damn nice in WoW. A lot of the time, if people were attacking a pally healer in arenas (at least when I had played) they were almost guaranteed to lose because it was such a waste of time to try and actually kill them. They are actually not too different from merc healers. I wouldn't mind bringing a merc healer if they're excellent over an operative. Operatives tend to still be squishy and a smart team will kill one pretty quick.
  5. My kind of team right here. Maybe there should just be a server where guilds that don't run 3 healers every match can play each other. How great would that be.
  6. They recruited one healer from PoT5 I believe. They had to pug last night because people weren't on, and they still wanted to queue for fun. Sick argument though.
  7. The same could be said the other way around, why is Casual the best team on PoT5 a mere two weeks in? I didn't down on anyone from this server in my post, I was nice enough. You're the one who started something there. Ya know, considering you don't have a PvP rating, and make videos showcasing how to not play a shadow in reg wz's, I don't understand why you're always in all of the rated pvp business? Don't you like, have to go and try win a 1v6 on the offnode and lose a reg match or something?? I'm not trying to start anything, I want to see where RB stands in a few weeks, and personally I feel that they will be one of the strongest teams when they have their full team on. I still view casual as being the best team on PoT5, more than likely they're one of the top 5 teams in the world as well.
  8. When rock bottom members came back and talked to us last night, they said that Casual was about the same to the mid fight against the top teams over on Bastion. Also, it was expected that RB would be losing their first night against Casual. They had to recruit new players when they xferred and from what I saw they ended up pugging last night. It's not an excuse to lose, but I also wouldn't expect them to showcase their best game like that. I still wouldn't be too surprised if they still win regularly against the vast majority of other teams, they do have a strong team even after recruiting new players.
  9. <3 The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
  10. Point is that you can't afford to hit the guarded target, irregardless of whether it has no CD's or not. Sorcs will likely be one of the weaker DPS classes in arena's, but either way can get them to pop their barrier then you have to be aware that you should at that point treat the same as you would any other DPS. Killable via hard switch with mezz/stun on their damage mitigation chars. They are squishy, but in return they have ways to escape. Its a trade, and they do work well in small scale because of that, a smart sorc is very hard to take down if they're playing in an intelligent way. Yes, they will ultimately die, but at the same time you will have to expose yourselves to reach out to kill him, no matter how you put it. Leaving yourselves vulnerable like that is a double edged sword, and that is all I'm trying to say here.
  11. make sure you guys get Psirebral! We appreciate it guys <3 Oh and vote for marshmallow for scoundrel rep!
  12. So why didn't sifu ask to be the scoundrel rep? He would represent them excellently imo
  13. Once a sorc/sage uses their Force Barrier; nothing is stopping the other team from focusing the sorc/sage until they are dead. Sorc's do not have any defensive CD's that mitigate damage, unlike all other classes. When it comes to multiple people focusing a Sorc - an insta-self heal is not going to help the Sorc, regardless of how big the heal is. At least the Merc has a 25% DMG reduction defensive CD (correct me if I am wrong I do not play the class.) So as the attackers that are focusing this Sorc, would you rather have to DMG through the Sorc's 6k heal or would you rather have to DMG a target that is forcing you to do 25% less DMG for an extended period of time? Clearly as the group of attackers; you would prefer that the Sorc has an insta-self heal and not a DMG mitigating CD. The only problem with that is that as soon as the Sorc is out of FB, they will be receiving guard in response to what is likely to be a hard switch. Its a waste of resources trying to damage through a guard, so it would better be spent keeping that sorc mezzed with a hard stun on the tank to keep the guard/damage/heal output from the sorc immobile and then switch to either another DPS or a healer. Personally, I think merc's will be fine in arena's. In all the small scale fights in rateds, they perform excellently right now in the right hands, and are completely invaluable with the tools they have in conjunction with smart tank/mdps/healer. Offheals and Offtaunts may well end up being very important to utilize in arenas, and mercs have the better of the offheals between the two because of kolto missile being so low resource/low cd + solid sized aoe
  14. Treblt

    rock bottom

    I meant in straight killing power, from what I've seen those two seem to be the strongest. THey may lose a larger percentage of games because of objectives but in terms of mid fights, they seem to win nearly all of them. I may be wrong, but just going off of what I've seen
  15. Killing people with extreme prejudice, just like george zimmerman.
  16. I stopped reading when I saw "too much premade ruling the wz". Why do people like this exist? They get that when they play CoD with 3 other friends and queue for TDM they're a "premade" right? No ************ about it over there, guess FPS players are more mature than MMO Players (12 y/o's really are growing up quick in this tough economy I guess).
  17. Treblt

    rock bottom

    In all honesty, Casual and Hostile Takeover seem to me to be the strongest teams in terms of actual player competence. I want to see how they do in a mid fight against those two, because Rock Bottom was never too far behind MvP, DP, and LT when they had their a-team players on. I'm fairly certain they'll hold more than well against I AM LEGEND, S KEY, CLUTCH, LD50, and ID tbh. Should be interesting Also, itchy'eyes if you're reading this: stream dude. Set a 1 min delay, and give us something to watch cause the rest of pot5 is too much of pansies to stream apparently!
  18. Treblt

    rock bottom

    I read it wrong, they went 4:1 but w/e I'll have to see who else they get to play against this week.
  19. Treblt

    rock bottom

    So apparently Rock Bottom went 5:1 their first night, and their loss was a first cap on a civil. Not bad I suppose.
  20. We never said that there are more teams here than PoT5. We said that there are plenty of pops, which there are. There are a 6-8 regular teams that queue, which is also true. I'm not really seeing where you're coming from mate. I already have said it, there are slightly less teams that queue here (I'm talking about higher level teams, teams that get instakilled don't count because there are like 4 of those that queue here too...) than on PoT5 but the spread of time which queues pop is much longer. As scold said, typically 9pst - 2 am pst. The later teams are usually MvP, DP, Tauntauns and Synergy one way or another. After 2, the aussies start queueing (sometimes earlier, just depends) where you have Five Percent, BOSS, The Elite, Seraphic Nexus (they're a bit sporadic), and sometimes Synergy queuing until 4-5 am. That is a completely true, 100% unbiased look at the RWZ pops on this server. If you fancy the higher amount of teams on PoT5 with less time spread, go for it. If you don't mind there being 5-6 teams in queue that are competitive against each other, versus there being 7-10 then go for bastion if ping is not an issue either way.
  21. Dude, didn't you just transfer to PoT5 the past month when they opened up? Anyways, just stick to whichever server has a better ping. Bastion has slightly less teams queueing, but has a longer spread of time where teams queue, and vice versa for PoT5. Slightly more teams but less time spread where there are queue pops.
  22. How did Rock Bottom do tonight? Us Bastion players are curious.
  23. last night i queduded against vullesh and lost I sad
  24. Treblt

    rock bottom

    We can do that comp, but won't, because its boring. Pugs can group, but they still won't demolish the other team. Premades aren't ruining the community, random pugs that aren't a part of the community and only exist on the forum to complain get frustrated because they lose. Feel me?
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