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Everything posted by Unchosen

  1. So the screenshot OP took on 5/5/2016 was a bugged version and now you're seeing the fixed version.
  2. If sellers are given a better option than the GTN to get rid of the CM stuff they don't want, then there will be far fewer CM items available on the gtn. Driving gtn prices up. Why do you think the vendor refund price of unbound CM items is so low?
  3. Log in to the character you made the CM purchase with, open the CM menu. On the bottom right hand side click where you see Unclaimed Items, your purchased items should be there. Then click Claim All. Your items should now be in your Inventory.
  4. I don't think the game's dye system is capable of metallic dyes. The reflective qualities have to be part of the gear itself already. The dye only alters color.
  5. I think the poster looks cool. Thanks BioWare!
  6. More than once during the Clone Wars series Anakin let his anger get the better of him and force choked someone. He also used it against Ventress in another episode.
  7. The most recent Producer's Livestream.
  8. Even when singular it's still species not specie.
  9. A week from today the Bounty event returns.
  10. I feel this is a very small issue. It doesn't take me that long to go through my 40 plus mails.
  11. These are monthly sub rewards. Not per chapter.
  12. I think this is a much better idea than OP's suggestion. Plus, no addition interface is required to implement.
  13. I can't take anyone seriously who thinks that the Alliance can function without following a strict chain of command. That includes the BioWare writers. Jorgan acts like insubordinate trash.
  14. What makes you think that Lucasfilm/Disney has given BioWare permission to use iconic things from the newest movie? The most you'll probably see is just stuff "inspired" by the movie but no direct connection between the film and this game.
  15. The lightsaber + vibrosword bug showed up a couple of weeks ago, maybe longer.
  16. It would also allow players a way to circumvent BioWare's limit of how many listings we are allowed to have. The system is fine as is. This game has so many bigger issues that need the devs attention.
  17. Nice imagination but this isn't a realistic thing to suggest, in my opinion.
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