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Everything posted by Swedguy

  1. Ok. You mentioned in the first post that you do progression during the weekends, so I assumed you did SMs the other days. Do you do Group Finder ops on Tuesdays and Fridays?
  2. What time do you generally raid? I read on your website that it's usually 8 to 11 PM UK time. I really only have time available up until around 11 PM, but should be able to stick around until 12 PM if I'm lucky. Also, do you use a voice chat software? PS: Do you guys play through the Valley of the Machine Gods sometimes?
  3. Moved server, delete this post please
  4. Basically, here's what I'm getting at:: Set up a rotation for the operations you can queue for. On this day, you can queue for x, then this day you can que for y, then z for this day etc. Well, do let me know of any flaws with this idea.
  5. Really absurd bug. If you abandon a chapter of either KOTFE or KOTET, you're likely to get a dead companion back. I decided to replay Chapter 1 of KOTFE, and I got back Senya Tirall even though I killed her in Chapter 1 of KOTET. So, yeah. Really weird bug. Can we expect this to be fixed?
  6. After finishing the Iokath Storyline, Senya Tirall has returned as a playable character, and her companion interactions window doesn't mention me killing her in Chapter 1 of Knights fo the Eternal Throne, even though I killed her. She is still abscent story-wise, but sthe is available as a companion nonetheless. And no, I did NOT get her back through the Companion Terminal. I was told by a ticket response that if I replay a chapter of Knights of the Eternal Throne after Chapter 1, Senya would be rendered unable to be summoned. However, that didn't work...
  7. Whatever the case, I'm really tired of this. This is the THIRD story bug I get.
  8. So while playing Fractured Alliances on Iokath, I noticed that Senya is back as a companion... even though I killed her. Apparently, the game has forgotten that I killed her, but the weird thing is everything else is as it should be: I killed Koth on the Gravestone, and Arcann on Zakuul, and Vette was killed by Vaylin. http://i.imgur.com/lYryOAX.jpg
  9. I agree. It's a shame I had to make an entirely new character to get her and Ranos, something I didn't feel like doing.
  10. Good question, but I can think of one that's kind of ironic: When I created my Sith Sorcerer and told Andronikos I killed an Imperial who was killing a bunch of my kind (Twi'lek in that case). Since the Inquisitor has been a slave since day one (No spoilers, don't worry,) it's safe to assume that Imperial guy was killing a bunch of alien slaves for no reason, so I can't help but wonder if he'd be killed by a Sith or another Imperial if the Inquisitor didn't strike first.
  11. Could you fix the two KOTFE/ET romance bugs? No? Ok...
  12. It doesn't work all the time. I did the same thing, and the romance disappeared after I finished Chapter 9.
  13. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/7d/7d54e50fde764c5d82737454ae1ea0fd60ffc4ba780702481c3861e5918b7cc2.jpg
  14. Oh my god. And here I though that this bug had been oficially fixed, but NOPE! That's it, I'm done. I honestly don't know what to say anymore.
  15. Yeah, but they tend to sometimes respond regarding wether or not the programmers/bug fix team is aware of a bug.
  16. Regarding the KOTFE Chapter 9 Bug, I had a little going back and forth with CS. Have you gotten this information? http://i.imgur.com/sBP6gk4.png
  17. Hi Keith: I'm not sure if my message came through. Did you get it? Thanks.
  18. No problem! As Stoopicus said, they're a bit hidden. To make things easier, here's what I was wondering: Since Companions seem pretty important, can we expect the KOTFE Chapter 9 Bug to be fixed at some point? Maybe by lettting us toggle Companion Romances manually or by letting us alter previous KOTFE decisions by replaying Chapters 1 to 9? Might be the wrong place to ask, but it seemed relevant since in the Road Map, you mention how companions are pretty important to BioWare.
  19. Here's what I was wondering: Since Companions seem pretty important, can we expect the KOTFE Chapter 9 Bug to be fixed at some point? Maybe by lettting us toggle Companion Romances manually or by letting us alter previous KOTFE decisions by replaying Chapters 1 to 9? Might be the wrong place to ask, but it seemed relevant since in the Road Map, you mention how companions are pretty important to BioWare. Thank you
  20. Thank you for replying! I messaged you here on SWTOR.
  21. Hi Keith. You mentioned wanting to improve communication, as well as this: "We know bringing back your old Companions is extremely important so expect to see more of them returning throughout the year. " "We will continue to provide regular improvements for companions this year to enable you to increase their influence by doing in-game tasks you typically do when you play. Companions remain an important part of SWTOR and we look forward to introducing improved ways for you to engage with them." Would you mind if I messaged you here regarding a problem a lot of people have been facing regarding companions for a while that we're hoping will be fixed or adressed? Especially if companions are of great importance of BioWare. Thank you.
  22. Look at that. You added new stuff for companions. When will you fix the Companion Bug in KOTFE Chapter 9?
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