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Everything posted by Coloneli

  1. This is stupidly OP http://imgur.com/a/Xd5ph
  2. You can still trade them around by buying enhancements/mods and put them in legacy bank and resell on the char you want the coms on.
  3. This is pvp not a dummy parse that u don't get interrupted and stunned lul
  4. Rip my sin and shadow, been fun knowing you.
  5. https://www.twitch.tv/asana97/v/96403162 much hacks
  6. Coloneli

    One Shot

    Not enough information like did you have any dcds or how many people were on you and what classes/specs.
  7. Then I do other stuff like reading, watch smthing or duel people. And in case you didn't know I mainly q with the 2 worst classes for ranked. And a reg arena doesn't rlly compare to a ranked arena unless you got all decent players. If you don't wanna q ranked nobody is forcing you to.
  8. Agree with this post. Dunno what your point in first post was rlly...
  9. This tells me you don't know when ranked pops. That's all it is but I would be stupid if I said it pops at all times or on all servers every day.
  10. Everyone seems to forget that pvp gear and pve gear was the same after 2.0 with different colors.
  11. Coloneli


    Yet so many fail to do this.
  12. Coloneli


    Bcuz getting pvp gear is such a grind.......
  13. Just ran a few wz with both sniper and slinger. It works just fine.
  14. Actually IO have higher burst potential and more mobility. What it sucks in is indeed heat management and offheals compared to arsenal.
  15. It's so satisfying timing rocket out on a flashbang though.
  16. Disagree haven't seen any of these things in weeks.
  17. Q ranked with low to no expectation for rewards, easy
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