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Everything posted by Coloneli

  1. As’ana / Mercenary / Arsenal / Empire
  2. Acid always takes away 10% of your max hp. There's no way to mitigate acid damage.
  3. This sentinel has a stupid win loss ratio. Less than 10 losses at this point yet you are somehow 200 above with less wins? Edit: My best win-loss ratio https://imgur.com/a/N97Fj
  4. That's a number farming game vs a real game. Totally different standars
  5. Resurgence works as hot too meaning a dps sorc can heal 2 other targets and himself with it
  6. Dcds are too strong you can already feel it in 4v4, 8v8 would be a **** show with the expection of huttball perhaps
  7. Coloneli


    https://imgur.com/a/6Hl6V xd
  8. https://imgur.com/a/Lk6KT From 900 to 2k just keep trying its possible.
  9. Swap merc and snipers out wth sorcs and it would be typical post from 4.0 lmao xd
  10. It's because the meta is literaly the same as previous season. There's nothing new to encounter.
  11. Team is so dead this season that it dosnt really have a lot of cred atm
  12. Cuz 20k aoe would be perfectly balanced on a already well performing spec.
  13. You and I must play very different games then as in 3k+ games I've seen none ever get flamed for missing augs or an interupt. But if this is the case maybe I should start flamming all the opers and mercs that doesn't cleanse flashbang?
  14. The only people that get those kinda comments are the ones getting gloabled. Repeatedly.
  15. Seriously the best season ever ive never laughed that hard at seeing the rewards
  16. As'anâ / Operative / Concealment / Empire
  17. It is still possible but not really worth it imo
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