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Everything posted by Cyberberus

  1. At least they don't get penalized for stopping to do ANYTHING, even the simple act of clicking on a mission objective blue object means your power (focus/rage) level is dropping, need to heal, lose power, wait for a debuff to timeout, lose power .... with all the other classes these actions don't present a penalty to combat effectiveness
  2. Got me, all I know is I hit target nearest enemy and next thing I know I'm getting the big red "target not enemy" warning and my companion is targeted, hit an attack button which should target the nearest enemy and my companion is targeted, happens very frequently and when in a melee furball very very annoying. I don't have a target companion hotkey, and have tab targeting unbound (first thing I checked was for overlapping keys)
  3. How about have a right click menu (after the first 'registration' click) that allows instant travel from one quick travel point to another? Bypassing the speeder taxi altogether, on many planets being able to go back to the "start point" and back to the "outer" areas would be a nice thing IMO. Maybe a subscriber only bennie?
  4. Its bad enough that target nearest enemy is more likely to target a mob waaaay over there rather than the guy in my face trying to gut me with a buzz stick .... ... but not only does target nearest like to target my companion over a red name but auto-target does it too.
  5. Many threads in many places, still ignored. Of course given the seeming hatred for force warriors that the devs have I don't find it all that surprising.
  6. You have to be SUBSCRIBED by the 17th, you get the speeder on the 18th
  7. Fear not non-US dwellers, there are those of us in the US that feel the pain of weekend event hours. If you live outside the US the hours blow this is true. If you live in the US and don't live by the psuedo-traditional 9-5 Monday-Friday work/school routine you also get shorted. I for instance work Wed-Sun 3pm to close so I will most likely have (to include life things like sleep shower eat) even less available hours than many non-US players. Personally I don't understand why they can't just give everyone that logs in during the weekend a x2xp boost with like a 24hour gametime timer, they could even give the boost a hard expiration date (1 week? the following friday?) and probably make most of the SWTOR gamers across the world happy.
  8. I think they should start charging a ONE TIME $5-10 account registration fee for non-subs, if it cost $5-10 every time a seller/farmer account got banned we would have one frack of a lot fewer of them
  9. TSW is my alternate game also, and I like it for 2 main reasons 1) While its freee-to-PLAY its not free, you stil have to buy it, which almost totally eliminates the gold spammers that haunt us in TOR 2) As mentioned, the HUGE no-class-required ability setup.
  10. Ummm ... So What? Hawt is Hawt and from all indications in the SW universe people lived better longer
  11. Don't worry ... I'm sure the highly unusual Monday patch will to fix some game breaking feature of the Cartel Market
  12. Spam is horrible now because the spammers can have a new account as fast as the old ones can be nuked .. .... however .... Reducing spam to simple occasional background noise is simple, make it not cost effective. How? You may ask. Require purchase of a registration key to play, $5-10 one time cost, free to play from then on. Hard to make spamming give a good return on investment then. IMO
  13. 2 years Over 600 posts And no dev has even noticed or bothered to step in and comment on the possibility. Sad
  14. None of the above ... talking NPCs here, As Imp Sniper on Alderaan its house rist is a pull fest, on Taris the Cathaar Brawlers yank you right out of cover to name 2 pull examples. On Quesh Jedi Commander NPCs do the leap thing right into cover
  15. While I went ahead and submitted a bug report I'm not too confident that it will be noticed or acknowledged. Why? Because of other things happening with NPC mobs that I've noticed since 2.5, things like sewer pipe toting trooper type mobs pulling out vibro swords when a melee pc engages, mobs ignoring roots, interrupt lockouts and cooldowns (global and otherwise) to name a few. One of these things I might be able to chalk up as an error, but somehow its beginning to look like stealth buffing of NPC mobs is happening using immunities to pc abilities rather than pc ability nerfs that would raise an uproar. Call it tinfoil hat-itis but I'm just sayin
  16. I'd say its totally bugged. As in its NOT being applied to snipers as its supposed to be after they "tweaked" ops and soundrels. My experience in PvE has been not only silver mobs but pretty much any mob can pull or leap, along with various abilities knocking you out of cover or interrupting you.
  17. Yeah ... it doesn't have to scream DARK FORCE USER to have an Imperial Feel. Even a something as simple as a chestplate with Imperial and Republic versions would (IMHO) go a long way
  18. Yeah .. its kind of slap in the face for people that ponied up at the start .. if you just bought it you basically get your money back in c-coins, before that you get a "had a nice time" note on the pillow
  19. While thats a different issue I would agree that a Legacy tab on cargo bays would be a wonderful thing to have.
  20. I can say that with my previous trackball, a opti-mech as opposed to my fully optical current trackball that it happened far less often
  21. I have a wired usb trackball and get this also so I don't think wireless has anything to do with it.
  22. Has nothing to do with logic ... Color dyes are a bone toss to Artifice Artifice got hit when they made Wieldable items moddable and available from comm vendors, the whole category became pointless ... then got spanked hard when they came out with the packs full of color crystals with stats @ level 10 only available at level 50 crafted, all thats left is enhancements and lightsaber hilts. Only reason Armorer didn't get killed by CC market is not everyone (IMO) wants to look like a P2W clone
  23. Well ... I suppose from a RP standpoint riding thru those places wouldn't be "real" but then again RP vs Buff timers IMHO the buff timers win .. but thats just me
  24. Yeah .. this is the primary reason I thought to start this thread
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