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Everything posted by MookieFett

  1. feel free to give feedbak on the layout http://www.cantinablasters.com/
  2. shouldnt it be focus because we use shock and discharge the most?
  3. q&a? for what, all u do is click 2 cc's and stuns, hit us, heal and repeat till the end. Cant wait til lyour nerfs.
  4. man I cannot STAND WARZONES I dont want to do this man. Theres no way im grinding pvp gear at 50 with warzones. Im gonna AFK till I die i see nothing fun in having 20 people people just gank me out the butt. In warzones once they spot an assassin they just swarm at him like bees cause they know we're an easy kill.
  5. No one likes huttball anyways. Whatever makes that wack game end faster.
  6. they better not waste their time with such a stupid add on. They need to take sharding away and put open world pvp prizes instead of this crap.
  7. nah, no one cares about BH's or operatives/scoundrels. Sorc/sages have too many knockbacks and cc's or maybe their cooldown is too low. its hard to get them even at 50% if you're a melee class because of this. Then they will just self heal :/
  8. everyone is in agreement that sage/sorcerers are gonna get the first nerf. Even the people who play those classes realize how bad it is.
  9. the knockbacks and cc's they have is ridiculous. for a DPS assassin if you see a sage/sorcerer just run. He'll have u mad as hell.
  10. almost impossible to solo this game as an assassin since im so weak armor wise
  11. I want to start one up but I cant find a good theme for it
  12. I only see lag when i pop in after that its smooth, uprgade ur comp thx bye.
  13. no this is a huge problem and will kill the game, hear me out. LOTR online did the same thing. They went ridiculously stupid with it though and focused 100% on lore. They followed it to a Tee so much they wouldn't even let u play as the non heroes unless in pvp instanced. Now how could a game like that prosper outside of the fanboys? It couldn't. While they say its a 100% story now they're getting backlash from a HUGE community, they have to compromise that and move on. If people like you want a full story game they can just do PVE servers. Honestly PVE servers were created for this same reason. Tatooine is savable though, its the best planet in the game, they take away sharding and tatooine becomes the pvp hub for every level. I guarantee it.
  14. I will grief every jedi I see and hope its you. Every MMO has an option to make it a single player game, its called PVE servers.
  15. im fine with pvp at tatooine levels but i agree with everyone saying sharding is ruining the game.
  16. Id beleive 9 republic players if he was a sith, but 9 total is impossible, the fleet alone is full of people xD
  17. This is the worst reason to cancel, and I really don't believe ure a huge star wars fan boy. Color me unimpressed. The dead world can be fixed by removing instanced worlds. Im sure they're going to that since its such a terrible backlash.
  18. Now not only do u make no money but u actually lose money. How the hell is this balance? Are you kidding me? who the hell is in charge of this freaking game. :mad:
  19. MookieFett

    City raiding

    so how much does bioware pay you?
  20. basically. this huttball thing is a joke. Assassins are already weak and huttball groups everyone so tight ure just getting ganked most of the time.
  21. great post. Id like to add that some of us want real pvp, no one cares about moving a ball. Like seriously who cares we just want to fight. As an assassin I hate it cause I always get jumped, assassins are too squishy to do 2 vs 1.
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