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Everything posted by AnAnonymousGuy

  1. As a fellow healer, you have my sympathies. It's an undervalued skill and people don't realize that considerable consideration and thinking goes into healing (or, at least, healing efficiently). You should bare in mind that this was double xp weekend. That means that a lot of the lower level toons running around are alts for higher levels and they don't shed their uber-perfect mindset just because they're running with people who may not be at that level of experience. My advice to you would be to practice healing on your own and don't be discouraged. It's rare, but when you run into a group who appreciates your efforts, it actually makes healing enjoyable.
  2. I'm going to be moving to The Harbinger when server transfers open, as this seems to be a destination lots of people from the APAC servers have made their way to. Although I'm from the UK, the times I play generally mean that I raid when APAC players will be raiding. So, I'd like a guild to go to when I transfer, hence this post. I'm a Sith Sorcerer Healer, in full 69's (soon to be a piece of 72 on top of that). Had I been on a server with regular raiders online when I am, then I most likely would be in full 72's by now but oh well, c'est la vie. If you have a republic side guild, even better! Please let me know if you're interested in having me
  3. O.K, thanks for the responses guys. The Harbinger it is then I think.
  4. Greetings all, Since there's been absolutely no reply as to why EU <-> NA servers transfers will not be available, I'm going to have to do the next best thing and move to a new NA server with the highest APAC population, since my playing time best matches when the majority of those guys play. So, which server did you Aussies and Kiwi's go to? Any information on APAC-specific guilds would be nice too. Thanks in advance!
  5. Not true. A few of the healers have been good, and we've had no issues with them; no wipes, no complaints, nothing. I also refute that you can't be a decent healer without having every single skill available to you. As soon as a Sith Sorc healer gets to level 12, they have all they need to heal adequately (albeit not as efficiently as later on).
  6. Greetings all, Over the last few days, I've ran several flashpoints on my lower level alts. Whilst the experience has been enjoyable for the most part, something has become apparent that I feel needs to be addressed. I should point out here that my main is a level 55 Sith Sorcerer Healer. Lower level tanks tend to be pretty good, for the most part. Sometimes a little slow but from my experience, pretty good. Lower level dps is also almost always completely fine aswell, since this is probably the most "fun" class to play, so people are more enthusiastic, ergo more likely to know what they're doing. Just speculation but regardless, they're pretty decent. Healing, however, is a different story. Below is a list of a few things I'd like lower level healers to please bare in mind. 1. Heal I know what you're thinking. What kind of maniac would queue up as a healer and then not heal!? Well, as it turns out, quite a few. Queuing as a healer, and then being a DPS, is simply unacceptable at all levels. 2. Heal properly Some lower-level healers will heal, but only when the DPS or Tank gets below 50% health, or even lower than that. I have no idea why they impose this arbitrary rule on the group but alas, they do. And it stinks. Why? Well, two main reasons spring to mind. First of all, these types of healers are far too obnoxious to inform the rest of the group of what they're doing and so the DPS and Tank see their health getting low, and use a medpac. No biggie, but they cost cash and it's just not necessary. Why should I pay credits to cover your laziness and/or dictator complex? Secondly, and more importantly, there's a thing called spike damage. This isn't so much of a problem at the low end of low level SWTOR, but the higher you go, the more spike damage people take, which can very realistically cause wipes. As a healer, you should be developing a pathological fear of taking damage. As soon as anyone takes damage, look to heal it or, even better, use abilities that prevent damage, such as Static Barrier for Sith Sorcerers. If seeing someone lose 30% of their health in 2 seconds doesn't scare you, then you probably shouldn't be a healer. 3. Ignore amusing "rules" and just heal What I mean by this is, for example, adhering to the following "rule": "If a Tank dies, it's the Healer's fault, If a Healer dies, it's the Tank's fault, If the DPS dies, it's their own damn fault." If you have any intention of healing even semi-seriously in this game, ignore that rule right now. Whilst it does make me smile when I read, and there is SOME truth in it, it's never as simple as this. You should, therefore, never not heal a DPS who's acting in a normal and acceptable way. If the group are proceeding as they should be, and the DPS are taking damage, then there may be multiple causes, the first of which is probably that they're taking normal, as-to-be-expected, standard damage that occurs in every raid/flashpoint in this game. No-one has ever run a raid where the DPS took no damage whatsoever. It could be that they're standing in stupid circles, in which case, simply tell them to please not do so and then continue. It could be that they're just pulling aggro off the tank, which means either the tank is bad and/or the DPS is really good. If you are going to follow a rule, please let it be this one: "Heal first, whinge later." Stop imposing stupid rules and just heal the damn DPS and Tank. 4. Don't DPS; just heal I'm not including in this group people who queue as a healer with no intention of healing. I'm talking about healers who are healing but also DPS. The problem with this is that you're using resources, such as force power or energy, to attack when you should be conserving it to heal. I know it's tempting to do, but it's not your job. It's also important to bare in mind that whilst you may be well-geared, your fellow flashpoint members may not be. Pay attention to everyone's health and let the DPS and Tank do their job. It may take you an extra 30 seconds to kill the guy doing it this way, but everyone will feel much safer for it, yourself included. Never give yourself cause to be blamed for a wipe. --- And here ends my kinda-rant, although I hope it's maybe helped some people. If you have anything else to add to this, feel free to do so.
  7. Yeah, I've seen that guy around lol Guild name: Ewoks Into a Bar - on Red Eclipse I think.
  8. Several. But I'm unable to. Read some of the most recent posts in this thread.
  9. It's not as if I'm expecting to change their mind. This is Bioware, after all; they would never their mind simply to make people happy, but it would be nice if they had some respect for us and just gave us a reason.
  10. Again, not really read what's been said, but I'll fill you in. They've confirmed paid transfers are coming, within the next week or two most likely. They've already moved many of the APAC players to East coast servers, so cross-region transfers is perfectly viable. Finally, they've stated their reason for not allowing EU <-> NA transfers is nothing technical. Do you not see something wrong with this? And if you do, which you should, are we not entitled to an explanation as to why they aren't doing it?
  11. Thanks for your reply, but you've clearly not read anything in the last 30 or so posts.
  12. Another good point. I should really be starting all the nightmare content that was released today, considering the amount of time I've played this game, but I've still not even completed SM S&V, TFB, TC...none of it, because raiding at 2am when everyone else on your server is doing it, is obviously not feasible. Moreover, what gives with this complete and utter silence from you? This is past insulting now, it's just laughable. Give your customers a damn answer. Would you ignore a customer in a shop with a query? Of course not, and we're paying. Like has been said, don't give a crap about achievements (and like has also been said, very little of the actual achievements ever registered with your system anyway). Just let me play the game with people in my timezone.
  13. Wow, Bioware, why are you ignoring us? If you really do read the threads, then why don't you answer?!
  14. Come on Eric, Amber, someone...give us a genuine, real answer on this one.
  15. This made me very happy...until the typo =(
  16. That's the point, we haven't got what we wanted. We WANT to transfer to any server. Since someone from BW has already stated that the inability to do so is NOT a technical issue, it's only fair that they at least justify why they aren't doing it. Hell, there may be an amazing reason why they can't (although I can't imagine what that would be) but they could at least justify it. The fact I'm on an American server, when I want and should be on an EU one, is because they took forever to consolidate the servers and I got tired playing on a server with 20 people on the fleet (at peak times) which, at the time, was every single EU server. I'm willing to bet that a lot of the people who want the US <-> EU transfer option have similar stories to me. I'm glad that your situation is peachy-perfect, but it isn't for everyone else and you are not the only person who plays this game. We are entitled to an explanation; I've accepted they won't be doing it yet, but I'd like to at least know why.
  17. I'm not gonna let this topic get buried. Please, anyone from BW, please justify why you aren't doing EU <-> US transfers. Please.
  18. Good for you. Unsure how that's meant to help any of us who do want to transfer but regardless...good for you.
  19. +1 Seriously, limitations for the sake of limitations. Don't you WANT to make money? Don't you want this to work!? ("this" being the entire game)
  20. This should become standard practice. Can someone get this guy a medal?
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