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Posts posted by crunchbarry


    Actually, I think its pretty funny.


    I have a tendency to laugh manically for long periods of time.


    And the fact that you would support these acts (as defined by your post) speaks volumes of your character.


    You are below me, Sir.



  2. Kid I don't know who you are, but this is an online MULTIPLAYER game. Sorry some people like playing with friends.


    You guys abuse solo Q ranked to play with buddies vs. pugs. This is really what all this is about (although I've never really seen any of you roll solo in a normal pug)


    To clarify this, it means you and your friends all queue at the exact same time solo in hopes of landing in a group with each other, therefore gaining an unfair advantage. In a ranked matchup.


    I liken this to maphacking in starcraft2, or the like. A complete and utter abomination and a travesty to personal as well as guild ethics.


    I'm calling you out.


    What have you got to say for yourselves?


    Do you deny this accusation?

  3. I posted this on the pvp forums but I wanted to come directly to the Sorcs on this. Below we have 3 different players with Team Rated streams showing it's viability.








    Thurinlore (Start at the 9 Hour mark)



    My only major complaint with Madness is the Force Issues, besides that though it seems to be just fine. Btw this is the spec Glory used, I'm assuming the others were the same or very similar.




    I think madness sorc is the least viable in solo ranked arena. Easily.

  4. check your cables and make sure nothing is melted.. especially if you have any extender cables those are typically suspect.


    if you are able to actually install windows, etc, and the problem persists it could very well be a psu issue.


    also what does the bsod say?


    usually when a psu starts going bad you'll just intermittent power failure. freezes and bsod could be cause by a short in wiring (on the psu itself) or an extender... but usually not the psu itself, just a wire. you could try plugging different molex and power connectors also.

  5. What? Mobility doesn't matter? Unless you a tank and a healer like the ones featured in mudclot stream, this class is meant to be played by running. Face tanking is the wrong play to play it. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose when kiting, but if you face tank you will always be obliterated and come cry here in the forums.


    Bottom line what you established is plain wrong.


    yea', i suppose you're right. i'm not sure why i never thought of running before. aw, snap. l2p issue.


    so i suppose that we shouldn't suggest any changes in this thread and just all l2p.


    you heard it. sorcs are fine. all other classes are fine. game is balanced. l2p.

  6. If you are getting destroyed by smashers in 3-5gcds you aren't playing the class right. And how can you say that mobility doesn't matter when almost every class has to move to do damage on you. If you move properly (kite/los) then you negate their damage since they can't move as good as you. The real problem is Madness has force management problems, and has less damage output then lightning. Part of this lack of damage output can be solved by better force management, but stronger AOE in the madness tree would make it more viable in regs, and keep it from being OP in Arenas. Also dots not breaking whirlwind and/or insta cast whirlwind would be fair.


    please teach me old wise one, then, how to l2p.


    i mean, on my guard or mara i have never not practically insta-gibbed madness sorcs. l2p?

  7. See my comment on 'as far as melee goes...'


    SInce I've established that mobility doesn't give all that much of an advantage, i just don't really see how madness is fine in pvp. Madness biggest bane is being leapt upon by a smasher and then pretty much destroyed in 3-5 GCD - leaving the smasher with 95% health and 2 measly DoTs ticking. At least with lightning I can pop polarity shift and outburst them, proc a bubble stun and lay a blast when they break my normal stun. With madness your only hope is to pop your 3min bubble cooldown and hope they go away. No i'm not really whining or anything because I'll respec lightning and destory said smasher in next match - but you're on the internet and you're wrong. That ^^^^^^^^ is not balanced.

  8. No, why would I be joking? I play a DPS Sorc. I do arenas, solo and otherwise. Madness is fine in PvP, specifically because of its mobility. Madness Sorcs are better than any Merc spec and better than MM Snipers in arenas. That spec is essentially fine. I would have never taken it into an 8v8 ranked scenario, because in 8v8s burst damage is king. But for what it does, being a DoT spec, it does admirably. And in arenas burst specs aren't nearly as much of a must-have (see Lethality Snipers or AP PTs.) Lightning is not fine. Lightning suffers from the same issue that Arsenal Mercs have, and that is if you sit on them they can't do damage, because their setup requires casting. How to fix that? Well, if you make the changes I suggest via replacing the PvP Force-Master set bonus with the PvE one, that allows you to put a little alacrity on your gear and end up with dramatically lower cast times when the set bonus passive procs. It also reduces the CD of Polarity Shift, giving you more time being uninterruptable and increasing your damage. Additionally, if you can pop your Static Barrier and Unnatural Preservation without having to waste a GCD, it's going to allow you to play more offensively and get more damage off because you're not having to choose 'Do I do damage or do I use a defensive cooldown' since you'll be able to do both at once. As far as versus ranged classes go, Lightning will be able to beat everything else. The only reason they lose now is because of the multiple GCDs you're using your defensives and not damaging the enemy. As far as melee goes, they're already fine with Bubblestun, Electric Bindings and Force Slow.


    Those are the issues DPS Sorcs have. That's what my minor changes would fix. Particularly with the upcoming Vengeance change, maybe all Sorcs should have Fadeout as a baseline ability on their Force Speed so we don't just auto-die. But as things are right now, on this patch, I really don't feel that's necessary. There are other minor things I find wrong with Lightning. I think Thundering Blast's 2 second cast time is ridiculous and would love to see it cut down to 1.5 seconds...but again, that's a luxury thing. It doesn't need to happen in order for Lightning Sorcs to be just as viable as another ranged class in PvP.


    I don't have any comment on PvE other than I'm aware that Lightning is currently better than Madness. That both DPS specs are inferior to what the sniper has. And that snipers are OP, everyone knows it, and comparing Sorcs to Snipers and then calling Sorcs bad is just something that is silly to do and needs to stop.


    Lightning has far less mobility as it requires casting, yet lightning has far more control and kiteability due to bubble stun. While nearly impossible to shutdown a guardian/warrior as madness its ez pz as lightning.


    In this scenario - kiteability > mobility

  9. Bring back the old Overload. The new overload doesn't even fit the old animation.


    Bring back insta whirlwind. Madness sorcs have the worst survivability in the game. Especially vs melee, and specifically, guardian/warriors. Roots are useless against them because they can just leap out of it.



    Madness sorcs run OOF very fast and yet they rely on sustained damage, not burst. This is a bad design and gimps the spec more than anything else. Consumption doesn't help a whole lot because of the debuff, its counter productive.. and a madness sorc won't see enough gains from parasitism to even use consumption. The only time consumption is useful is when there is a health buff nearby.


    If you aren't going to do anything about the force situation you should buff the damage output of the DoTs. I would prefer to see DoT do higher damage than become uncleanseable. This change is counter-productive in creating a game and environment where skill and ability are trump cards instead of class, build, and gear.


    Bad change, coming from a sorc.

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