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Posts posted by crunchbarry

  1. First off, Happy New Year everyone! I am back in the office now from the holidays so we are right back to some yellow posts :)


    Game Update 2.6 first and foremost will mark the launch of Galactic Starfighter! That will mean the introduction of:

    • The Gunship unlock available for F2P players.
    • A new Gunship variant.
    • Two Bomber variants!
    • ...and more! We will talk more about this next week.

    Also, Game Update 2.6 will come with a few class changes, here is just an overview of some of what you will see:

    • A fairly significant DPS boost for Operatives/Scoundrels.
    • Mercenaries/Commandos will now have a skill to eliminate pushback on Tracer Missile/Grav Round and Power Shot/Charged Bolts.
    • Sorcerers/Sages will now have a skill to eliminate pushback on Lightning Strike and Force Lightning/Disturbance and Telekinetic Throw.
    • Mercenaries/Commandos can now cast Kolto Shell/Trauma Probe on more than one target at a time.
    • Mercenaries/Commandos can now use Rapid Shots/Hammer Shot on themselves while Combat Support Cylinder/Combat Support Cell are active.

    As always, look for the 2.6 patch notes for a full list of all changes that are coming! That is just a preview of what is to come.




    Any plans on optimizing the new 4vs4 map? As soon as engagement happens my game freezes for about 5 or so seconds, with 2-3 second freeze intervals afterwards. I have a gaming pc. The game runs fine everywhere else.

  2. I just wish somebody had the balls to round up the solostars and queue group ranked to prove their domination of doing better otherwise.


    I would but nobody wants to play with me 'cuz I suck.


    Also I got a ps4 been distracted.

  3. Maybe if MX did 4's, we would all know the greatness that is MX.


    So I rolled up in this kids twitch channel and said a few encouraging words.


    How about this kid bans me for no reason.


    What a ******. I can tell by your countenance you suck dick, Maniac. *********** ******. And probably take it in the ***.


    Just another Republic piece of **** like all the others.

  4. Blizzard pretty much fudged server community with transfers and implementation of xserver queue's when they weren't needed (at least not on my server)


    After all was said and done I didn't know a single person on my origin server, archimonde. They were all gone.


    Doesn't help my guild rerolled alliance to form death 'n taxes.


    That game died fast.

  5. I rather see that than Q dodging OR win trading to boost rating ANYDAY.


    Trust people still do this in wow so they don't have to play and lose to skilled teams.


    My question is did you think when arena was coming here it would be any different?


    I sure the hell didn't son.


    I quit wow a couple of months after the first expansion because it sucked. I don't recall a solo ranked in that game though.


    Do what you want guys but I will tell you exactly how this will end - players queue'in legit for solo ranked will just stop, and the whole thing will dry up.


    This is why we can't have nice things.

  6. personally, if I'm legit solo queueing and not checking who else is queueing, and im vs a 4 man of BOSS, it does annoy me, but only because some players brag about solo rating as if it represents skill.


    I don't think there's a single player who doesn't occasionally check who else is queueing among their guild/friends, it seems like the most logical thing to do when you see multiple people online, hey is anyone solo queueing?


    nothing really wrong with that. problem is when people are like "hey lets do this at exactly the same time"

  7. Then if it has nothing to do with winning or losing, what's the point of making a big fuss over players preferring to play with guildies rather getting randoms like evilgaylord who go hansolo and dies doing only 5k damage.


    Like I said, it's solo ranked, a place to farm comms....There's a difference when I call people out when they're fully gear and dodge group all together while going back to solo queue to do 4 man premades as a whole guild with 8+ people on..literally


    That's no justification. You mentioned you had gotten irritated in a previous post about others doing this. So see, you really agree with me.

  8. I'm admitting that after I did daily regs and before I had real life things coming up within the hour I queued in time with some of my guild who were also on. Only to face against them more than actually being with them.


    You speak of sounding sour, when you made a whole thread calling people out over a solo rank games where people queue only for comms.


    Monkey see monkey do? Kind of like reg/solo stars do when they get mad over the only bracket they can compete and start calling out players better than them only to dodge in an actual competitive environment to save your epeen?


    You're right, I'm better than that. That's why I'm putting you in your place if you ever think about queuing group where losing is entirely your fault or your teammate, can't get away with blaming others in this bracket for your losses.


    P.S. Who gives a **** about murkin not playing group queues or not. He brings fun to the game, actually is willing to learn more about it and step in rather queue dodge it all together. He's a good sport even when losing and more importantly when winning when trash talk is easier to do. He just needs a bit of guidance and experience to be able to compete against players who have been playing ranked since day one.


    Hey man you're right about me, though. I wouldn't take myself over sharkyo in a ranked match.


    That out of the way solo-q sync in ranked is not right. It really has nothing to do with winning or losing. I would think the same if I'd never even participated in a ranked match. Anyone that does this is a fgt.

  9. step one leave mx


    step two gain credibility


    if you don't leave mx you can't keep talking bra sorry


    Look man, not trying to earn another hater on this thread but I wouldn't be caught dead in either of those guilds you mentioned. It just is what it is.

  10. I love Murkin, he's a nice guy and fun to hang with, but man, he's .... not good. I think he knows it though so it's all good :)


    Oh, and LOL at the guy who said Luxford was #2 sorc on Bastion.


    1) He's bad. He's gotten a little better since I 1v1ed him 15 times in a row pre 2.0, but he's still not good. I haven't been able to queue on my sorc a ton yet, but the few games I've gone against him or had him on my team in solo Q I outperform, including dmg and heals. I also straight up 1v1ed him on my full tank shadow while he was madness in a huttball pit (both started from full hp and had CDs, though a sniper pew pewed me for a couple seconds before going back to the objective). Honestly, not terribad, but definitely not as good as you think.


    2) He xfered to POT5. I hope I don't get him on my team the next time I solo Q on my jug. Although, the average player there might be worse than him, so idk.


    Murk is the most objective based player i've ever come across. He goes into a game to get the win for his team not post top deeps.

  11. How convenient when you never spoke about Boss doing this with 400+ games with 8 people online and avoiding me in group queue all together while and carrying impside/created a trend of syncing forcing pubs to do the same back.


    So you're admitting to have participated in this queue sync and then going to call me trash?


    I mean, you sound pretty sour so it must be true.


    Monkey see monkey do? If I jumped off a bridge would you too?


    You're better than that, man.

  12. step one: g quit mX


    step two: join a real guild


    step three: gain credibility


    step four: profit, obv


    I would have to disagree with you.


    Even now mX is one of the top guilds on imperial side.


    Considering most of the members just came back to the game a mere 2-3 weeks ago I think that others too will soon realize their greatness.


    I have firsthand witnessed the quality of these players, and would not be where I am now if many were not above me.


    And in my opinion, mX is the only "real" guild remaining on imperial side.


    That is not meant to degrade my imperial friends. This is just my opinion.

  13. Nah jigga I watched your mom strip last night, she fell over the couch and split her wig trying to pole dance.


    That 40 ounce was too much for her thighs.


    does google translate this? does not compute.

  14. Funny thing is that we just happen to come across each other. We are like the only guilds queuing.

    Great sorcs of bastion pvp...

    #1 Venrin

    #2 luxford

    #3 Vespel

    #4 Flipin

    #5 GoGo'blinxx


    Look man, you don't have to jack me off. This isn't an ego thread, and in my honest opinion there would be more than 2 sorcs ahead of me.


    I'll take your word for this though and give you guys the benefit of the doubt. Even after playing against 2, 3+ of your guys in solo ranked multiple times this is still a believable scenario.


    As such I humbly apologize to yourself and your guild based on your good word and manner.


    With that said let it be known that any persons that do abuse solo ranked Q are scarred souls and forever bad.


    " If a man builds 1,000 bridges and sucks one dick, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a ********er."


    Not sure who I'm kidding Vesp #1 NA. ^^

  15. If you think synergy is the only guild that queue synchs you're deluding yourself.


    Ah, I'm glad you brought that up.


    I liken every guild that acts in this manner to be of a cesspool of iniquity, and below me, as well as many others.

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