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Posts posted by crunchbarry

  1. I've seen what I needed to see from one person in particular and I won't be inviting anyone else. To anyone else that was interested it doesn't have anything to do with your skill not being up to par, so don't take it that way. I'm just sore from dumbwhitegirl poking me in the butt too many times.


    To everyone else:


    Cya in warzones, ***gots..

  2. the devs put money and resources into this. the idea that the whole class of mounts would be restricted to such a tiny percentage of players is ludicrous. of course they were going to cash in on it. thats how they made 150 million+ last year and its not going to change any time soon


    as to the idea that only the "elite 1%" should get good mounts, why do you feel they should be the only ones getting good stuff? the devs need to take care of the 99% of the player base that pays their salaries.hardcore pvpers and raiders are notoriously fickle. they will dump your game at the drop of a hat and leave you for the new game in a second. better to take care of the tried and true subscribers.


    Um. Because they earned it?


    You're right. Hardcore players typically don't play games that only cater to casual players.

  3. i can't believe you guys would insinuate attention whore just because somebody posts a RL picture / introduction thread on the forums.


    why do you guys have to be such trolling douchebags? you guys should try to be nicer to people. i mean, its not like they ever did anything to you. god.

  4. Yeah.. Makeb can be very laggy in some areas. Though Makeb may be laggy, try Oricon... I go up to the Temple (Or whatever its called) and lag all over the place.. and that with only 20-40ppl in the instance. The only other place I get worse lag than Oricon is on the Fleet (Which I expect with the 165+ ppl per instance).


    Of course, part of the problem lies with BW still using DX 9 for SWTOR. If it was updated to support DX 11 we'd likely have far fewer lag issues.


    I don't mean the planet. I don't get too much lag anywhere... except Makeb Mesa. The 4v4 pvp board.



    I'm Scopeseven/Scopeate a female sorc healer and op healer. Nice to see a fellow gamer girl on this server! You're always welcome here ;) We should totally play together sometime and show these stupid boys hows its done :p


    Here's me last Saturday just chillin playin some playstation in my dorm! I took it with my brand new nikon!!! :D




    Holla at me in game girly <3


    can i tap that?

  6. It won't happen. Sorry, but they don't like PvP'ers that much. It will be a cartel item and probably a PvE reward.


    so, uh... whats the point of doing ranked again? oh, you mean to have the same bragging rights as some carebear?


    so bioware is pretty much screwing its own game over by not giving ranked pvpers exclusive items.

  7. They overdid it with the healing nerf. Op healers are now a casting class and will be easy to shut down. They broke the class in 2.0 with unlimited energy and grant of 2 tactical advantage when exiting stealth, it simply wasn't needed. But taking away the respamming of surgical probe under 30% would have been manageable if you had TA built up, but to place a 6 second CD on it? That makes it a casting class no different from mercs or sorcs and you will see a mass exodus from the class because sorcs and mercs can put up better numbers.. I'm transferring my sniper over to Pot5 and will start playing that after 2.7. In my opinion what you will see is TTK really go down very fast and healers may even be a liability without a tank, snipers are going to be teeing off on them.


    Is it a conspiracy? Yes I believe communists have infiltrated EA and they are trying to make all healers identical casting classes.


    "op healers are a casting class and will be shut down"


    oh, you mean like every other healing class in the game?


    oh, but you still have kolto probe so nevermind.

  8. Repeating...You did not get to level 10 or 15.


    oh, i was talking about the video.


    but ESO is pretty bad too. i played the beta for a few hours and uninstalled. bethesda isn't even developing it. it looks arcadey. it lacks ambiance. to target something you have to move your mouse over it and click repeatedly to engage?? how bad is that. if i wanted that i'd play diablo or something. also, every crate is empty and there are no cheese wheels to be had.

  9. we aren't really looking to add a lot of players. our goal right now is to get 2 more active players as i mentioned to run 4s.


    with that said if you are a quality player and interested in joining just message me in game or inbox me.

  10. Looking for an ops heal and tank. Pref jugg.


    If you are not top of your class and one of the best on server don't bother. I will be personally evaluating and pvping with you as a trial.


    MSG me in game.



  11. Sent a pub toon to pot5 just to see how bad it could be as far as pvp. Needless to say, he's back on the badstion. Won't be moving pubs there anytime soon unless a server merge happens that will insure a lot better pubs will be there as well


    mad he got poked in the butt by imps. ^^

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