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Posts posted by crunchbarry

  1. Thanks for the replies. I sort of misled with the title of the thread. I'm looking for the most active guilds that run PVP at all levels. I don't even know if I would get accepted into one of these guilds if all they do is play ranked.


    not sure if troll or...

  2. The same 5 or 6 pubs are always on the same team. Either no one q's over there or....well....you know.


    not really what this thread is about. was more of a joke.


    and not really typically there are 1-2 bad teams of pubs and then super team.


    but yeah bioware is investigating that sort of thing and any sort of misbehavior/exploit is supposedly going to result in resets.


    happy q'ing!

  3. Yeah I don't think that's a thing. People either are too lazy to form a group because they're not assured a pop and don't want to have their time putting together a team potentially wasted, or more likely, because they're afraid of getting roflstomped (because there's not enough teams queuing to provide any adequate matchmaking). The group ranked population is below the critical mass, so to speak.


    Also, because BW has still failed to create a unique incentive for 4s that cannot be accessed through solo Q, most people will continue to take the path of least resistance to complete ranked quests and just solo Q. Hopefully BW divides solo and 4s into separate quests soon.


    thats a great idea.

  4. Was it you that asked me? I thought it was some guy named Simple. Kept talking about scopeseven for some reason


    i clearly can't remember. ^_-


    most of the time simple invites them and then i boot them out a day later. i mean, actually nobody ever really joins. mostly just simple ************ about having nobody to play with.

  5. Here is a translated version to assist:






    "Even with some buffs and rng reduction, I can't make the best spec of the only class I play work."





    "Remember that time I did something right and you messed up? I bring this up to make myself feel better."


    Hope this helped somewhat.


    Also, is that invite to tryout for Bastion #1 <mX> still on the table?


    i prefer a 60% chance to get CD on 1 tick of force lightning. honestly i would rather they revert that change. i guess the change is good for the average PvE'r. of course, fadeout is nice with all the juggs running around. of course, i lose out on force management and pure damage reduction by taking it. not much of a buff imo but a nice option.


    do you even sorc, bro?


    i mean its nice to be told to learn to play and then point out exactly why their accuser is bad from in game actions, i admit. i wasn't even saying you are bad just pointing out how absolutely ridiculous your comment was, as proof you know nothing about sorcs.


    i've mained other characters but i only have time to play 1 at a time mostly unless i'm dicking around, admittedly.


    nice jobs on radishz. tho.


    PS - a cleave is any ability that hits more than 1 person.

  6. 1. L2P

    2. ???

    3. Profit?


    A correctly played madness sorc is now better than maras, mercs, snipers, ops, and probably PTs and sins.


    lettuce. aren't you the guy that spammed pt cleaves on their team in yolo while i "kite" all 4 of their players for a godly 10 seconds (i'm the man) and then got all super mad because nobody else could "do as much leet dps as you". must be because we are "bad" and need to "l2p".




    sorcs haven't been OP since bubble stun. even then they weren't fotm more like a one trick pony.

  7. they are ....


    i just got mauled for 10k.


    i mean its my fault i died i should start using bubble at half health.


    i mean there was nothing but sorcs on for about a week after 2.7 hit i'll give you that.


    i mean we do have a 5k instant heal and a "hey look at me" bubble on a leet 3min cd.


    and lets not forget that 20% damage reduction. so leet. we are the ****.

  8. Oh they deleted the thread with the solo qq (like that funny joke)? Top 4 solo players on bastion from solo q should make a 4s team so breakfast and midian can farm u scrubs all day. Haha gg goml lol hfgl gih k thx bai now.


    Come on yo ******* q up with ur sorcs and whatnot fotm hehehehe backpeddle ftw. U know who u r..the big bois know u are bad ;-)


    sorcs fotm. that was an april fools joke.

  9. the force push is to prevent you escaping with sprint.


    Nice try though.


    It wouldve been a bad decision had it been someone who couldnt break my root with a sprint. that would be just plane silly. Don't tell me how to play my class when I play all classes better than you. Talk **** to me now that im bending you over on pub side and everyone butthurt. Grow the **** up


    ill be back to carry you gimps soon enough. Miss my sorce


    not sure what you're talking about. pretty sure you leaped. force pushed. then leaped again. then i burned you with fadeout and roots and left you standing in your place like a good little noob. nice try tho. :)


    honestly i never laughed so manically and had so much fun losing in my life.

  10. ive been streaming for the past 4 hours without being in mumble. same thing is happening. sorry if 2 good players get on the same team it upsets the balance


    mosh, so good blowing force push out the gate and then getting rooted and kited the rest of the match. you are nothing more than an annoying fly. i guess its okay to be bad when you have good teammates.

  11. Dude seriously...I actually TRIED to sync queues with my buddy, so the two of us could play together. Not a whole group or anything, jsut us two...by counting down 3,2,1 and hitting the queue button.


    We couldn't do it, no matter how many times we tried. We would get simultaneous pops and be in different arenas.


    The stuff you're complaining about must be either on a dead server or at off times, both of which don't matter very much, so there won't be much done about it.


    you should be mac id banned.


    that is what should be done.

  12. Unkit-eable? lolwut? Unless they really know what they're doing, most Assassins are pretty easy to kite. Just wait for them to Force Speed and hit them with a stun/knockback in the middle of it, then laugh. Then do it again when they stun-break. There are very few Assassins who know how to deal with that.


    i wish. they have an ability that makes them immune to everything.


    also, juggs are really OP their infinite health pool needs to be toned down. probably even more op than assassins.

  13. Melee really? Post 2.7 pvp is ranged dominated. Many of the top ranked teams are even running double sorcs now as a pressure comp.


    well, i'm not arguing with you there.


    just tired of getting opened on vs unkite-able assassins in solo q and destroyed.


    so really this is a nerf assassins thread some aspects of the class need to be toned down.

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