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Everything posted by XDrcaul

  1. For right now selling to a vender would be the best way until the community gets bigger and more wealthy.
  2. Crafting items and selling them have a better pay-off to pay-in ratio, I could get 10,000 in a little over an hour by selling the items I craft.
  3. That may work on lower levels but not on higher levels, you'll need a better way of dealing with the weaker ones first that deal allot dps all together. Most of the time the stronger enemy packs a bigger punch but is much slower and easier for you to maintain.
  4. in a mob this is pointless, force your companion to attack the weak ones that will cause allot of damage if left alive. While your main character distracts the toughest enemies. 9 times out of 10 this method works almost flawlessly in mobs. 1 on 1 boss battles bring out your best healer and tank it. Have your stats and and armor updated and you should have no problems.
  5. Craft items that have the fastest and biggest pay-off vs pay-in ratio. I spend $500 or a little more for my crew to gather the needed materials. I get about $1000 - $1500 return in profit after I sell the items. After a good hour of doing this you could make at least $10,000. Also you can stack up items per companion while crafting, I think you can stack 5 per companion. You can do this while questing, by the time your done you should notice a big different in credits.
  6. 2 words 1. Intel i7 or i5 2. Nvidia w/256bit or higher memory bus Going to quote an 80's song "If your going to do it, do it right"
  7. Got a solution, solo it and get it your self. Or roll the dice. It's up to you.
  8. Max out your stats armor ect. go do any quests you may have not done. Get some datacrons to increase your stats. Consider a respec, maybe needed to balance your skills for end game. Last but not least consider the Dark side is stronger give into your hate and Join the Sith instead as a bounty hunter.
  9. There is no level balance in match making, who wants to go into a PVP being level 36. While getting your %%% kicked by level 50 players. It's like a feather weight boxer, taking on a bunch of heavy weights. It's just not going to happen, needless to say I won't be playing PVP till I'm level 50.
  10. Only way to win Jedi is if you give into your hate. Your hate will make you stronger and give you much needed focus.
  11. Yep you can also send your companion on diplomacy run for dark side points, using the crew skill.
  12. Server traffic + Your system could cause this. If you have programs that do auto-updates from the web or scans like anti-virus programs. Shut those off while playing or edit the times that they do their respective scan or updates. I play on full server every night with zero frame drops. My game graphics are set to Ultra High with 1080p res. I'm on PVE, I have no comment on the PVP.
  13. All your CE items are available to every character you create new or old.
  14. Take the shuttle back to Korriban and complete your class quests. That's the only way to continue and get your companion.
  15. Follow the main quest for your character, your should have gotten the companion at around level 8 or 9. On the plus side when you reach the next planet you would be at a higher level than most starting and killing will be more easy for you.
  16. I agree like my warrior to look a certain way the orange loot allow you to modify them
  17. If the loot drops are low you could always trade or sell them, I do them to gain more experience points.
  18. You can solo Flashpoints, as long as your companion complements your class disadvantages. Using sith warrior as a tank, I have a ranged companion to complement my lack of range. I have also a healer, that heals me while tanking on 1 vs 1 boss battles.
  19. I tank with the Jug just fine, depends what skill set you chose. For questing I recommend the middle skills set. Use the Immortal skill set for PVP and Raids.
  20. If you can't get a group together to finish a Heroic or Flashpoint, wait till you reach the level cap for that planet and go back and complete them while solo. For example Korriban is levels 1-10, wait till you reach 10 and go back to complete, but if you complete it while your above the cap say 11, you will miss out on the experience and loot. You can even try it at level 9 just to be more safe. For the flashpoints I would just go with the level cap from the next plant in the main quest
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