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Everything posted by Shipwright

  1. Just the thought that it is heading there is profoundly unsettling to me. I am not 46 yet. PVP holds no appeal for me and I won't be doing it ( despitre some constant nagging by friends; I joined a pve server for a reason!), so I am really wondering what pve content will be locked for me if I drop the story. What exatcly are dailies, which i read of so often? I do have another character, fortunately, if this is not going to be feasible. But I loved the agent character and for me the game takes lots of hard work. It is a sacrifice for me, and even though I have another charatcer, I would want to roll another that has healing ( as my agent does). The prospect of starting over is duanting to me as I level extremely slow.
  2. thanks for your reply! maybe i can stomach that, space bar through it, i just do not know...in short i had an experience that was no different than torture fundamentally, but it is a very long story. maybe i can space bar through it, not sure; it is difficult to describe the power of this memory. the simple idea that this story takes me to a torture episode wigs me out, completely ruins it for me. what exactly would the limits be if the class story is dropped? I do not care for pvp, i am on a pve server, so pvp considerations do not matter to me. thanks for any help!
  3. I am having fun on my powertech, but wanna try a BH that has some healing too for a different play style. I'd like to be able to switch between them for a bit of variety. Each AC appeals to me. So I wanna roll a merc toon, I am wondering at what level does a merc get some healing ability? Does it kick in a bit when you choose the AC, or does it come much later in leveling? I am just curious as to how soon I will diverge from my early experience with my powertech. If heals come early I could envision a quick change, whereas if it takes several levels to get heals at all the change may be slower. Just curious as to what to expect, I am having a blast with the BH. Thanks for any help here, I appreciate it:)
  4. after a bit of searchijg it seems...I must dump my agent as without finishing class...things are closed after hitting 50. Unless someone knows sometrhing more that I am not aware of...unless I can avoid this story development but it seems there is no choice...it is not a story line choice but something forced on the agent character...an event which I find totally unplatable. I am not watching my charcter or another going through it. I want fun and a dramatic story but this is revolting to me...just totally no fun at all. I am so so sick inside. I wasted all of this time and effort and this really cool class I must abandon. I am not one of these power gamers who levels fast etc. I struggled to get where I am.
  5. I had heard rumors of a disturbing scene for the agent....I am very disturbed by it, I hate to drop my agent I worked hard to get where I am...but I can't stomach it personally. Is there any way to avoid this particular event? Can I still level to 50 and continue if I stop this? Can I forget this class story and just have an agent...level through heroics and side quests?I will not enjoy this story at all if there is no avoiding this and before I go further I should know...kills me to think of it..this actually ruins it for me in some way..takes the fun out of it. So sick to think my agent adventure is ruined.
  6. What gets me especially with Kaliyo is that we are stuck with her for so long and have so much time invested on her. I am often rather irritated with her...felt i HAD to go dark to keep her from really being a low affection companion for so damned long. I will get Vector soon it seems...I hope he is not as squishy as Kaliyo has become ( despite seriously gearing her up..ever since tatooine she has been so fragile no matter how well geared and all...proper stats etc, all good gear). Not a romance option for me but at this point I would like a stronger more durable companion who is not fickle and *****y. With Kaliyo I have bascially dumped the romance idea for the agent altogther and just pray for a more useful companion. Kaliyo was ok till tatooine, as far as being a help goes. Now...I feel awful, she nearly dies every battle no matter what gear I give her...even after holding my nose and making choices I dislike to keep her from loosing affection. Her "storm" ability has been turned off since tatooine too...that is like a suicide run for her since then. If Vector can handle more damage than her I will be relieved. Romance I can do without, I want a good partner out there!
  7. wow thanks for the replies everbody! No, I did not just kill stuff for this girl. I did kill some but really wanted to get her to understand making useful rotations, being aware of cooldowns, being careful not to break CC...she did nt even know about CC, the difference btw AoE attacks and single target attacks....so yes, I did shoot some stuff, but only to demonstrate. I was a bit underleved when I left my starter planet as I had little help and groups were nasty for me as a noob.. Thus I did almost no heroics etc. So I am acutely aware of the danger of a person being under leveled. In fact I am hoping to make sure she is leveld up more now, she has finished her class on starter and she is eager to go to next planet but I urged her to wait and get some more levels. Even now I like to have an assist on missions, to me the game is much more fun with a friend and much more dull solo. It is a frustrating thing for me, as my few friends are usually on at different times and they are much higher level than I am. I usually find myself alone, and hate to see others struggle alone....especially in what I think is meant to be a social game. I love the cooperative aspect of doing missions with a friend.
  8. In short, I was berated for helping out a total newbie on thier starter planet by some other players who seemed to take offense that I was above the level of the starter planet. They claimed I was in violation of TOS etc and would report me for being there, it was uncool, etc., etc. I have never heard of such a thing, please tell me this is just nonsense. I always take the time to help others; the idea that this is somehow not allowed in game is just sick. This player was completley at a loss for what to do, and no doubt would have written off the game were it not for someone helping out.
  9. A question...you wrote "you'll see that PvP and flashpoints factor heavily in post level 50 gear selection"...I enjoy pve and never do pvp. How does this factor in? Pve is my thing and won't be doing any pvp. So, I suppose this will affect my gear selection? PVP needs the "expertise" stat/rating on gear I think, so if I do not do pvp, I assume the gear will be different? Will modable gear I have now be ok with lvl 50 appropriate mods in them?
  10. It really is obnoxious; why is there pvp on a pve server? People roll on pve servers...because they want pve. If they wanted pvp, they would roll a toon on a pvp server. Why is it even possible? Several times I have seen this happen in various ways, people are unwittingly flagged and then ganked. I saw it 2 nights ago. Guy tries to help someone in trouble with an elite NPC....suddenly he is flagged pvp...the guy he was helping...and several of his friends who must must have been on thier way...then jumped the unwitting samaritan and obviously trashed him. Don't join random groups for heroics etc. if you cannot see the toons in front of you, as 1 of the people may be flagged and soon you will be flagged too. If you likve pvp great, but f it is not your thing, why be subjected to it? It is not what you are paying for, you rolled on a pve server and that is what you should get. Really obnoxious, this is.
  11. Well me too...only lvl 21 but i am disgusted with my agent's gear....i see nothing on GTN, commendation vendors have boots/gloves/belts but nothng else...I look like a cable installer or a gardener, not an imp agent If i don't get something soon I am gonna just play my BH I think...agent is a really cool character but I look like I don't even belong in a star wars setting with the awful stuff I find. Not much better than when I left Hutta, just hideous...drops give nothing, vendors, commendations...gearing this toon has turned out to be so thankless! At least my BH looks the part. God, if I could just find a jacket it would help and I would love a helmet ( I have a really ugly thing for a helm with OK stats but uuugghhhh it looks so stupid). Just too early in the game yet for me? I have been patient up till this week...and now I am just disgusted
  12. Seems I cannot get retractable blade, I am lvl 20 now...read you must spec for it...but how do you do that? I cannot assign any points to it in the skill tree...it is greyed out...never becomes available it seems. Obviously I am doing something wrong, but I am new to all of this and am at a loss. I assumed it would be come "active" in the skill tree at some point but it never does...what am I doing wrong? Is it some very high level skill? I am too low yet? Thanks in advance for any help!
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