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Everything posted by Shipwright

  1. I hope you are correct because I have the feeling a reinstall may be the only way.
  2. yeah :/ I hate to do it though. redo all my custom UIs etc. Wonder if a future patch will fix it.
  3. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue. My download of 7.4.1b has been stuck with 36.78 MB remaining, for hours. I eventually tried to reboot; it is the same. It is stuck at this point.
  4. Hmmm, not working. I simply cannot use QT anymore, anywhere :/
  5. This is anywhere on any planet. The QT points are "x'd" out, and a message is beneath them "Quick Travel is unavailable at this time."
  6. I can no longer quick travel. Every time I open the map for quick travel now, QT are unavailable. the message says "Quick travel is unavailable at this time". Every planet, for every one of my characters. I never saw this till the UI update we just had.
  7. So, I took a character into the so-called solo mode in activity finder; the fight is "normal", not the freak show my Sage experiences.
  8. I tried the minimum dps at the start too. Dropped a DoT on him ( I tend to like the DoT specs for Boss fights), waited for Arn and Tau to start fighting. I began to do each attempt by being behind Malgus, wondering if I were somehow missing some kind of fatal force lift. So I stayed to his rear and held back dps so as not to steal aggro from Tau ( easy to steal threat I think; happens often). Just one of many approaches I have tried. But, no good. It happens every time. I never reach the "Shades of Malgus " stage, and always end up with that bizarre , almost gentle sort of force lift, fade to black, defeat. Probably will be at the mercy of support, as you say. Oh, and thanks for taking the time to explore this!
  9. Yes, I agree. In an MMO, one may not group with a friend or friends? It even applies to the story instances often. It is daft.
  10. I just checked, in Activity Finder, "Objective Meridian" is NOT there, I was correct. I am stuck with the solo-story mission which cannot even be abandoned if one wished to.
  11. I will try doing a repair and see what happens. As to graphics, I was wondering this: could some AOE circle not be rendering for me? Am I standing in something I cannot see? Yet...nobody seems to ever experience what happens to me. Is it possible that I am the only one to make this mistake because I simply cannot see this particular AOE? Activity Finder, I may be wrong but I do not think I saw it listed. I will have to check. I was under the impression that if I do not complete this story flashpoint, it is technically the end of the road for any more story progression, and I am unable to begin anything further. Nobody can share their solo mode with me for example, several friends have tried.
  12. Hey, thanks. That is a question I have: has ANYONE in the game seen a duplicate of this freak show I experience? I did not think to look at the damned combat log 😕 As distasteful as it is to me at this point, it may be necessary to go through the FP again and find out what the combat log says. What should be fun and entertaining, this FP has become tedious and aggravating, slogging through it only to meet this bizarre end.
  13. Thank you for your reply! Here are the things I have done trying to figure out this freak show I see in my instance. First, whenever I see a fight on a platform, I am exceedingly cautious. I know somewhere on the design team is a dev who giddily awaits the opportunity to blast an unaware player off the edge. Malgus has a short, abrupt knockback, a conal attack that tracks with the target. It can be interrupted if your interrupt is not on CD. So I always am trying to position myself so that I have the greatest amount of space behind me. If I get caught in that, I will have the greatest amount of space possible behind me. So, I have played this fight as all Sage specs. Doesn't make that much difference really. In the end, the results are identical. I float upwards slowly off the platform, the screen rapidly fades to black, and boom I am defeated. Like I said, no cast to interrupt, no AOE to avoid. I have dismissed and summoned Arn to try to snap him out of it. Sometimes it works, others it does not. Tau is beyond player control but she is generally better than Arn. I noticed that "shroud" effect in the Youtube videos I watched. I never see it in my fight as Malgus never summons his shades. As you say, it is whack. I have UBER casual friends in game, they just spam attacks when playing, no care for learning rotations, no real concern for boss mechanics, and they waltzed through this on the 1st try. It has been a while since I tried again as I am so frustrated by what should be extremely simple. Going through the whole thing to reach Malgus only to have this happen each time is very unappealing. I did try leaving my character parked in the instance so I could relog later at the Malgus fight to figure out what is happening, but no good. I find myself outside the instance, but not at the very beginning when you are on the ship. The instance puts me at the point you arrive on Corellia and must fight through the whole thing again. So tired of the mess that if I could just skip the whole thing and continue with the story I would but that is not allowed.
  14. Hey, thanks for taking the time to reply. As to level and gear, I first did the FP at level 77 with gear varying from 270 to 284. Last attempt ( before I gave up out of disgust) was level 80, 324 gear. As you mentioned, nothing I see matches anything I have ever seen in the game. It baffles me. I have not made a video in many years, I'd have to get video capture software and get up to speed with the software again. Without video, this is the best description of what happens: While fighting Malgus, my character is almost gently lifted upwards off the platform. As my character ascends, the screen rapidly fades to black, and I am defeated. I can see no cast bar or channeled ability to interrupt. I see no AOE to run out of. And again, my fight appears to be very different from the fights of others I have watched on Youtube. Others have to fight "Shades of Malgus"; in my fight Malgus never summons them. I see no other player being gently lifted up off the platform by an unseen force, having their screen fade to black, and then defeat. Since it is a story FP, I cannot bring a friend along with me to observe. Moronic design decision; an MMO where I cannot play the game with a friend? 11 years of playing this game and have never seen anything like this. I have done Operations, FPs, almost always as a healer, I am very familiar with game and class mechanics so I find this very baffling. I am by no means new to this.
  15. I am baffled. Been playing MMO's for years and I am no stranger to game mechanics etc. Yet, I have been stymied by the final boss in a simple story flashpoint. Also, something definitely seems "off" with the flashpoint. In short, as a jedi sage, I fight Malgus and within 1 minute something bizarre happens. I float slowly upwards, the screens goes black, and I am defeated. No cast bar/channel to interrupt, no AOE to run out of. It is like an instant, no cast or channel time, one hit kill. Can't be. I have to be missing something. So, I watched several videos of the fight. It is a different fight, not the fights I see in the videos. In the videos, the only similar feature is Malgus's "shockwave" cast attack, a short abrupt knockback that can be interrupted ( provided your interrupt is not on cooldown). The similarity ends there. Not one player was slowly lifted up, fade to back, and defeated. Also, in the videos, Malgus summons "shades of malgus", clones of malgus to be defeated. I never had to fight these, Malgus never summoned any. What is it I am missing? The FP is very buggy for me, for what it's worth. Arn and Tau frequently do not fight/participate ( easily 50% of the time). Anyway, what is it that I am missing? I have done group content in MMO's for years, and in swtor since slightly after launch. How the hell can this simple story mission be such a mystery?
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