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Everything posted by Danalon

  1. Do I have a deja vu? Wasn't there a thread about that dude a week ago or so?
  2. 100 shots? That sample size is way too small to be accurate. You probably need over 1000 shots to get a somewhat useful result.
  3. Jo als Fortgeschrittener Spieler kann man auch n FLASHFIRE/STING davon kaufen, allerdings kann es schwer sein als Einsteiger Scout zu fliegen.
  4. Dacht ich mir fast. Dennoch unterstreicht es, wie wichtig es ist sich von den 5000 Flottenrequisition der Raumjäger-Einführung mit einem Kampfschiff und einem Bomber auszustatten. Die beiden "billigen" Schiffe, die ich oben genannt habe sind zwei der stärksten Schiffe im Spiel und sie helfen ungemein das eigene Team zu unterstützen.
  5. Grundsätzlich is es mit neuen Schiffen wesentlich einfacher im DOM ordentlich mitzuwirken als im DM. Wenn man im DOM am Spawn abgefarmt wird hat das nichts mit den eigenen Schiffen zu tun, sondern damit, dass das ganze eigene Team schlecht ist.. Im DOM kann man mit jedem Schiff Satelliten blocken und grün/weiß halten bis Verstärkung da is, was allerdings voraussetzt, dass das restliche Team mitspielt. Ein Grundsätzliches Problem im DOM ist, dass viele Spieler zu feige sind, sich mitten in die Schlacht zu werfen und einen Satelliten gegebenenfalls bis zum Ende zu verteidigen. Und wenn zu viele in einem Team lieber hinten bleiben um bloß nicht zu sterben und keiner Druck macht ist das Team zum scheitern verurteilt. Abgesehn davon hat man ab Level 10 die Möglichkeit sich die Raumjäger-Einführung (und anschließend die Tages- und Wochenquests) zu holen. Mit der Belohnung kauft man sich den RAMPART/RAZORWIRE und den MANGLER/QUARREL. Der Bomber ist mit minimalen Modifikationen (5k Requisition) nahezu vollständig einsatzbereit und mit etwas Übung eine ernste Bedrohung im DOM. Das Kampfschiff hat am Anfang noch einige Makel, ist aber je nach Situation durchaus nützlich.
  6. Avast is sometimes a bit oversensitive and gives out false-positives.
  7. I think everything earlier than 7pm EST is ok for EU players.
  8. Depends on what day it is. Hosting "worldwide" events is certainly easier on weekends. The time difference between EU and US west coast is around 9 hours (depending on where in the EU you are). If you don't want to exclude anyone the best time probably is on weekends (assuming most players don't have to work on weekends). Hosting events during 9am-4pm US west-coast time (PST I think) would result in 6pm-1am (GMT+1 / CET). However, hosting events in the morngin or during lunch is probably not a good idea which would narrow down the window to 1-4pm (PST) / 10pm-1am (CET). You could host events so late, that it'd be morning in the EU. 12-2am (pacific) would be 9-11am in EU, but I somehow doubt that's a good time, because it excludes US east coast people and everyone is tired, some from staying and others from waking up.
  9. 16% is the crit chance for Slugs. I think those 18% you're referring to are close enough to be the result of small sample size.
  10. As far as I know all buffs/debuffs of the same type overwrite each other. I don't think Tensor is an exception. I think it stacks with Interdiction drive though.
  11. It's not necessary to keep out of LoS of every Gunship. Depending on the skill of your opponents and depending on how busy they are it's enough to stay out of range. You can check the distance of every opponent appearing on the scanner by mouseovering. If one Gunship is significantly closer than the others you usually have some seconds before they can react and don't need to care about LoS to them for a few seconds. You can check the facing of each opponent by targeting them. If some of them face the wrong direction they usually also need a short time to react. Railguns are the only active weapons in game which don't require selecting a target. You can target one opponent and shoot at another by aiming at their square. This let's you keep track of two people at once. The Scouts who annoy me the most while I'm in a Gunship use TT, Wingman and Pods and the following tactic. They wait for all their cooldowns to be ready, preferably get a DO too, boost in range, hit TT & Wingman and shoot. That's usually enough to kill anyone who's not prepared for it and most Gunships tunnel vision anyway or don't react fast enough to survive. The cooldowns last long enough to kill more than one Gunship, if the Gunships are close together. They usually don't dogfight or pursue fleeing targets, except they're fighting a bad team. When their cooldowns run out, they usually run away until cooldowns are ready again; if running away is not possible because of their position they will try to kill some more before being shot down. In short: stack damage cooldowns, choose target(s) wisely, kill as fast and many as possible, preferably unaware or non-reacting targets, don't get tunnel vision by chasing or dogfighting, if you can't exit, go kamikaze.
  12. Did you check if there wasn't any match popping or it was just you who didn't get an invite? If it's just you who gets skipped, the reason might be that you have too many games played on that character and you'll have to group with someone to not get skipped. Also, depending on server, queue times are different. Some servers have an active GSF population and you can expect pops during afternoon and evening - the more active the server the earlier it starts and the later it ends.. Harbinger has almost 24/7 pops from what I've heard. Some servers are almost dead, and you won't get much if any pops there.
  13. In DOM they can zerg all they wan't. As long as the satellites belong to my team I don't care. If attacking Gunships get too annoying, let Bombers stay at the satellites and send Scouts/Gunships to get rid of the enemy Gunships. If their Gunships are burried in with their Bombers at satellites, shoot them with Ion Rails and send a Scout/Bomber in to clean the satellite of whatever is left over from the Ions. In TDM, if they decide to make a mix of Bombers & Gunships, your team needs to get more Gunships, kill their Gunships and then their Bombers. If they are extremely Gunship heavy either do the same and hope your pilots are better or get a mix of Scouts/Gunships to attack them. Games like those are the reason why I always try to fly with a wingman. I can't Ion Rail them and at the same time kill them with BLC. I can't block a satellite and kill the Gunships that are trying to kill me at the same time. After all it's a team game and even having a team of just two people is incredibly helpful.
  14. Danke fürs Übersetzen. Gibt sicher viele, die das brauchen können.
  15. Gunships are getting easy kills against all but two of the ships listed - basically 5/7 of the ship-classes listed are Strikes or very similar to Strikes. (The Gunships both use dual lockons, which essentially makes them Strikes and the only difference between a Strike and the T3 Bomber is the Systems slot.) If I had to take a guess, the deaths to Slugs would be lower, if there were less "Strikes" on that list.
  16. I really hope they do something like that (and maybe more) when Rogue One releases.
  17. I recommed switching from bitraider streaming launcher to the "normal" launcher, if you didn't do that already. You will have to redownload the entire game but in my experience this fixes a lot of crash bugs. I remember some months ago, when only people with disabled bitraider launcher were able to log in and the fleet was almost empty during prime time. Here's how to: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7826333
  18. I encourage new players to at least try retros (upgraded to T2, 5k req total). Imho they're almost as easy to handle as barrel roll and on the T2 Scout, they're opening a different playstyle than barrel roll. BLC and Clusters are easy to handle weapons and work with both barrel roll and retros.
  19. I've 2-3k games played and during the last 5 matches I crashed into an object 4 times, including one barrel roll and two retros. Generally there are some components/upgrades which are more important to make a ship work than others, obviously you should buy those first. Never use fleet req for buying ship upgrades though. I'll list some of the components/upgrades I go for on some ships. As a rule of thumb, if a ship has any of these components, they should be equipped: burst laser, distortion field, hyperspace beacon, ion railgun, slug railgun, heavy lasers (and maybe clusters). On most ships: unlocking the first and second tier of engine and shields improves those abilities a lot and can be done early (if you want to replace a component, don't buy upgrades for it). T1 Scout: I usually don't play this scout, but when starting a new character I try to get the armor ignore for rocket pods asap. I usually switch to laser cannon and then try to get distortion field with the T3 missile break. T1 Bomber: Hyperspace beacon before everything, then charged plating and armor for better surviveability on satellites. Switch to interdiction mines, upgrade heavy lasers to armor ignore, after that improve mines. T1 Gunship: This ship needs imho the most req to work at close tu full capacity. Usually I put 2 tiers in distortion field and barrel roll and then focus on railguns with the goal of getting ion rail T4 splash and T5 regeneration blocker as well as slug rail T4 armor ignore (I'm terrible at saving req so sometimes I buy the railgun upgrades with no specific order). After that distortion field T3 missile break and burst laser T4 armor ignore. T2 Scout: I have a different build than most pilots for this ship, but usually I try to get burst lasers with armor ignore, distortion field with T3 missile break, lightweight armor and retros with 2 tiers unlocked as soon as possible. I don't really have a plan for other ships, because when I'm at the point where I buy them, I usually have enough requisition tokens to skip the "what do I buy first"-dilemma.
  20. If a "close matches" category or thread is made, should it contain all lost games too? Also a close match doesn't necessarily mean that no one "owned new pilots".
  21. Deathmatch Timeout Percent Kills and Assists Rayene (Danalon) - GSS-3 Mangler - T3-M4 37/38 Kills & Assists (97,37%)
  22. It's not an EU event, it's just at a time where it's possible to participate from EU.
  23. On all non-cc ships you can see which weapon is equipped by looking at the icon of the weapon that's shown on the mouse keybinds. By looking at your screenshot I can tell, slug is active. Here's what slug and ion look like on the Mangler. If you want to look up the icons of any weapon, you can do that in your hangar or here.
  24. In the domination game you could have had 5-7 easy medals when taking a bomber and staying on the one node you had for the entire game. Also you had the option to attack enemy satellite turrets, so you could have gotten 3 medals and some additional easy damage out of that too. Defense, repair, turret-kill and damage are really easy medals in DOM if you focus on just getting medals in a lost game (Just so I'm clear: I'm not saying "lose the game, focus on medals"; I'm saying "If you can't win, might as well collect medals") Getting medals on the receiving end of a lopsided deathmatch as a pilot in training is extremely difficult. Sometimes it's easier to do that in a Gunship. Also in deathmatch the maximum medal count is 12 (instead of 25, also the kill-related 10 are harder to get), so getting 5 there is much more difficult as in domination. Some people are new, some are casual but some are just bad. I don't mind new and casual pilots being underperforming. I hate bad pilots. Bad players in GSF and other games are all those who don't want to improve themselves. Players who complain no one takes them on raids/operations but don't upgrade/augment/enchant(whatever) their gear. Players who perform significantly worse than others with the same gear and yet refuse to read a guide or get help from other players. Players who make the same mistakes over and over. I'm not talking about players who just can't be better for a reason (for example a colorblind person not seeing everything), I'm talking about lazy players who don't want to put in the slightest effort and just leech the rewards.
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