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Everything posted by Danalon

  1. I'm sure Battlefront will get cheap in a few years when they shutdown the servers and release the next game in the series.
  2. Regeneration reduction also works against scouts and they will have a harder time chasing you. If you hit a Scout that was low on engine energy it also "disables" the Scout's boost which makes it easier to hit. From my experience, if a Scout surprises me, then it's irrelevant what upgrade I have, because I have to run away and didn't hit the Scout with a railgun before. If a Scout doesn't surprise me, i.e. trying to attack while inside my firing arc, I have the chance to rail him once before the dogfight/chase starts. It almost doesn't matter which railgun I use then. All railguns can do enough damage to possibly scare the scout away. Ionrail's slow makes it a little easier to gain distance on the scout and it's regeneration reuction makes it harder for the Scout to chase you, because he'll be low on engines for a while. Anyway, the advantage you get from using regeneration reduction against other targets (especially Gunships) clearly outweighs everything the slow can offer.
  3. Einfach zu kaufen reicht nicht. Das Crewmitglied muss auch eingsetzt sein.
  4. Other things not affected by evasion: Interdiction Drone's interdiction effect DoTs once they're applied Copilot abilites EMP Does anyone know if Ion Railgun's cleave is affected?
  5. 1) Those are just the parties within the operations group. If you queue with a 4-person premade, all 4 will end up in the same party and will be able to use /p to communicate with others of their party. When solo queueing it doesn't matter because everyone should use the ops chat. 3) De-cloaking should remove the dampening effects of the target. I'm not sure if it works or not, because it's irrelevant. If someone is close enough to de-cloak, his target usually shows up to everyone because of comm sensors.
  6. It's not the music per se that's annoying. I always listen to music in the background while playing, and I can't stand two pieces of music playing simultaneous.
  7. In every game I played that had some sort of lottery in it (boxes, upgrades, etc) the lottery system is NEVER in favor of the player. And why should it be? There's money to be made.
  8. I planned to move my characters from the PvP section up to the GSF section on the fleet, because most of the time I just play GSF anyway and all I need is that terminal. Sadly, in the GSF section there is this extremely annoying music in the background, that I can't turn off. So I moved all my characters back to the PvP section.
  9. Git gud or git rekt. That's what PvP is about and GSF is no exception. Everyone has to deal with it. Just in case you want to get better, have some guides: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=821345 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=729222
  10. Running into the "wrong" people is mostly a matter of timing. Next time try to check "/who" is flying currently and try aligning with others. I know it's possible to fit all 3 gsf maps into one /who command, but I'm not sure what it is in english. I think it's "/who denon mesas shipyards" or something.
  11. EMP's radius is smaller than mentioned in the description. (edited) If you want to disable shield abilities with EMP, you'll have a hard time, because EMP doesn't remove the shield buff when it's up it just disables the ability to use the shield component. From my experience the sabotage probe has the same problem as almost all utility lock-on weapons. By the time it's locked, the fight usually is over or my target would be dead if I had used another weapon. EMP+probe against CP bombers doesn't work well because there's a good chance you can't do damage to the bomber when he manages to pop CP before you use EMP and it's very likely you won't hit him with the probe because of the long lock-on time. I'm assuming a bomber defending a satellite in this scenario. EMP+probe against Scouts doesn't work most of the time because a good scout pilot will use his CDs before the pulse hit him and again, the probe needs too long to lock. Also you can't disable both - shields and engines - so the other Scout can always interrupt your lock and run away. Against Gunships it's pretty much the same. You lack burst and can't disable all of the Gunships defensive mechanisms fast enough.
  12. Scout-only is still possible although depending on the number of Bombers and Gunships, a Scout isn't the best choice in some situations. Scout is the best ship to counter a Gunship but if there are too many Gunships on the enemies team and not enough good pilots on your team to keep them busy you'll have a hard time killing a Gunship while the other Gunships shoot at you. If you're up against bombers you need to kill them before they make it into cover - as soon as a Bomber reaches a satellite it's extremely difficult to kill it (assuming a pilot who knows how to fly evasive).
  13. I'm using a cheap gaming mouse with 2 thumb keys and a 4-way wheel (using the thumb keys and wheel left/right for energy management). It also has adjustable dpi (you can set 4 values and switch between them). Usually I set it to 3600 dpi but for gsf I had to tune it down to ~2000 dpi. I can't lower the dpi further because I don't want to move my arm while playing. I once tried it with ~1600 dpi and it was easier to aim in the center area, but as soon as I needed to dogfight or needed mobility I had to move my arm which decreased accuracy because I can aim precisely only while my wrist is laying still on the table.
  14. That's an old problem and the reason why I run Fraps (test version is enough to make screenshots) when playing GSF.
  15. If you take 2 equally skilled pilots in an 1v1 environment, the best ship will be the T2 Scout. The reason why Gunship stacking is so popular is the simple fact that it's the easiest way to farm inexperienced pilots. A lot of poeple have no idea how to counter gunships and if it happens that there's a whole team of people not knowing how to counter gunships, then gunship is the obvious choice to fly against them. Without Ion Rail the T1 Gunship would be as bad as the T2 Gunship which is one of the worst ships in GSF overall. Ion Rail is the component which makes the T1 Gunship important to the meta. It's the same reason why Scouts, the fastest and most evasive ships, have damage cooldowns and the same reason why Bombers, the most durable ships, have deployables. Railguns (especially Ion), damage cooldowns and deploybales - all of those are very powerful. They're the reasons, why Gunships, Scouts and Bombers are meta-relevant ships. Oh and by the way. Ion Rail doesn't make "invulnerable to counters". When I'm in a Scout and attack a Gunship, literally the only chance of the Gunship to kill me is to hit me with a well charged rail shot before I'm in firing range; and because of boosting, passive and active evasion, as well as evasive flying, that almost never happens - and that's just the case if the Gunship notices me, which most of them don't.
  16. Still, voice chat doesn't explain how there's only 1 death at the stock side. Voice chat doesn't make ships more durable. (Edit: I haven't been there, I don't know if voice chat was used.) Without knowing what the other team's hangars and upgrades looked like, it's just another example that skill (and coordination, if voice chat was used) make the difference in GSF.
  17. As a T2 scout. Tab through enemies until you find a gunship. Check boost energy, if it's enough, boost until you're in firing range, avoid being in front of the Gunship. Slow down to fire, use DF or retros if you think you'll be under attack during you unload damage. Use TT/Wingman if the Gunship uses DF. If the DF runs, chase it but pay attention to it's teammates. It's not like this is rocket science. T2 Scout always wins, except it's pilot makes a huge mistake. If someone in a T2 scout loses to any Gunship there is either a huge skill gap involved or there is a gearing problem (when the Scout isn't outfitted properly or it's a freshly bought scout vs a mastered gunship) or the gunship had help. What you're writing, that the scout has to be better than the gunship, isn't true.
  18. Just to make this clear: GSF is not a flight sim. GSF is a third person shooter. You come here and cry about GSF not being a good flight sim which is the same as if someone went over to the Frontier forums and started complaining that CQC (ED's GSF equivalent) isn't a good first person shooter. When comparing GSF to ED's CQC (assuming everyone here knows basic stuff about gsf): GSF has a way more overseeably HUD. (shooter vs sim) GSF's controls are easier. (shooter vs sim) Both games have terrible matchmaking. (Most CQC TDM games were landslide victories for one team.) CQC's ships are more similar to each other while GSF's ship classes are more distinguishable. In CQC spawnpoints are relatively random and if you're unlucky you can spawn right in front of someone elses weapons. CQC is 4v4 or everyone for himself. People without IPv4 connection can't play any ED multiplayer, because they can't see other players (no IPv6 support). Can't say much about content, but from what I've seen GSF and CQC both don't have much to offer, which is okay, because they're both PvP minigames. CQC has more maps, but when it comes down to playing the game, the maps aren't that much different from each other.
  19. Assuming similar hardware, there is no ajor difference between playing it on a laptop or a desktop system. However, you will need a mouse (obvious, but it's not part of the laptop itself). On my laptop I experience problems when I try to hit 3 or more buttons at once (example: boosting and strafing up works but I can't target anyone) - however I usually play with an USB keyboard and there it works perfectly. You can assign keys like in the ground game, there is a special tab in the keyboard menu. The only thing you can't reassign is adjusting railgun zoom (mousewheel) which means you shouldn't bind scrolling on mousewheel to anything. You can accept the intro mission and after you completed it the daily and weekly missions on the fleet when you're at least level 10. Always accept them if you plan flying. For a beginner I recommend doing the intro quest and using its reward to buy the Razorwire and Mangler (Imperium) or the Rampart and Qarrel (Republic). Each of those ships only costs 2500 fleet requisition and those ships are considered to be the best of their classes (bombers and gunships respectively). After that you should buy a Flashfire (Republic) or a Sting (Imperium). If you bought these 3 ships, you have the strongest ship of every relevant class in your hangar. I also recommend reading guides like the Stasiepedia to learn how to build ships or other guides like this guide for newer players. If you want or need to know more, just ask again; a good thread for that would be this one. PvE space missions aka the railroad shooters are completely different from GSF. The PvE space missions are completely the same everytime you do them and there isn't much replay value. Each GSF game is different, which can be very entertaining for a long time, but be warned, starting GSF can be very unpleasing because of its PvP nature and because of the extremely huge skill gap.
  20. From what I've seen starfighters are exceptionally good tools to kill Skywalkers of any kind.
  21. Once I had similar concerns regarding Gunships and the only thing you can do about that is learning how to counter them. You can either search the forum for further information or, if you don't find anything or want to ask specific questions, just ask here. I'm sure we'll find some answers.
  22. For GSF, everything that's called "hull damage reduction" or "damage reduction" usually just means that armor is added, which in turn means AP weapons aren't affected. In the beginning I fell for that with defenseive copilot passives, where it says "damage reduction increased by 9%" but it just adds 9% armor.
  23. Depends. Someone with range capacitor can start shooting sooner, which makes all of his shots happen earlier.
  24. It just affects tooltips in the hangar. During matches, the cooldowns aren't affected. The last time I checked this was 2-3 months ago, so it might have changed.
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