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Everything posted by norlof

  1. The game was REALLY REALLY REALLY overhyped. The expectations were so high that I don't think any modern MMO could have managed to hang onto that. But its not all the games fault. The handling of it was rough. I won't go into detail because we all have our opinions but one universal opinion is that Bioware and EA could have done better. Also, people just love to hate. Name one game that doesn't get hate these days. I've even seen Bioshock hate, and people 98% of the time love that game series. Throw the internet in that and people will post for days how much they hate the game. They just love to do that. People drink a lot of haterade. I personally don't care. I love the game. As long as there is a well populated server and a good stream of content coming out, Ima play this game.
  2. As long as they are optional, I don't really care. Some days I do them. Some days I don't. Just as long as they are optional, not like WoWs style where they are essential to getting anything done. Also, name any modern MMO without dailies. Believe it or not, some people like them. Gives them something to do each day.
  3. With guild wars 2 around the corner this month, and my general lack of interest in the game lately, I am. It was a fun, short play into this MMO, but it wasn't enough to get me hooked. Also, I've seen what FTP models do to a game, and it is no bueno.
  4. Tython. I love being a Jedi, and the starting quests there for counselor and knight are amazing. I remember exploring the first time I logged in and found the huge, ancient Jedi statue, and I've been in love ever since, After that, probably Voss, just because I love the people
  5. Didn't you hear dude? WoW had YEARS of features at launch, and at launch it had 10 million players too! WoW was the best MMO ever at launch! Anyway, THANK YOU OP FOR SPELLING "DUAL" RIGHT! You know how many complainers I see who say "we need duel spec plz" I hate it. Its basic spelling. /rant off Also, DUAL spec isn't really needed in this game right now.
  6. I think it can. If you're asking me whether it will beat the current MMO king one day, then ask me a few more years down the road. If you're asking me whether the game is successful, then it already is. People play and have fun, and to me thats successful. Sure it has flaws but its pretty good. (inb4 haters) I'm enjoying the game, so hate on me all you want!
  7. Lately I've been lacking one. Right now I've been jumping around between World at War (Best CoD to me, and tons still play), Darksiders which I have yet to beat...and many more. I think ima jump into a match of CiV 5 right now. Man summers suck. All the good TV shows take a break, and no good games ever come out.
  8. Had a gunslinger ninja a piece of loot from me. I was the only sentinel, medium armor, and he ninjas it. I asked him why but he ninja logged. I just ignored him, but it pissed me off cause it was a very nice upgrade. I've never had a bad time with groups til group finder. I guess all the rejects know they can get away with it for a little now so they ninja stuff. Hopefully because its not cross-server he'll ninja some more stuff and get ignored more
  9. I kind of expected to see a little more of Yodas race. I mean not a lot, since I know they're rare, but the only one I've seen is Master Oteg during Taral V and Maelstrom Prison. Other then that, I expected more wookies. I've seen the smuggler companion and the random wookie that just stands there all day on the Republic Fleet. I guess they don't get out much.
  10. I agree. The only shortcoming is there is no room for your companions on the JC/JK ship...so I guess its a slumber party in my room. Lord Scourge loves pillow fights
  11. So, character transfers are... bad? And well if you AND your friends are gone...well I guess I should leave too random-player-ive-never-met.... Anyway, back to reality. OP, seriously, just play the game and see if YOU like it. Don't listen to other people because thats THEM, not YOU, and only you can decide if you like it and if its worth it or not. Especially don't listen to these forums, since every other post is negative people who stick around for some unknown reason, and any hint of positivity towards the game is torn apart by haters who, like I said, stick around for some unknown reason.
  12. This. Ever heard the line, "I'll make sure you never Raid again!"? PvErs are just as bad, but I'll admit I run into more "gods" of PvP than I do PvErs. They can say what they want and you can't do anything about it, and they know that. Their threats are always hollow though. Learn to laugh at it.
  13. I don't get these people either. I don't like donuts, but I'm going to spend my time and stand around the donut shop and tell everyone who walks in why donuts suck, why they shouldn't eat donuts and why I will never eat donuts again.
  14. Whats the deal with these people? Today, the first day Group finder is out, and I run into a sage healer in maelstrom (I think thats the one) where he would not hide from Kilrans snipe and would just stand there, and to make it better, he wouldn't heal, he just kept DPSing the adds and kilran. We all hid behind the pillars and walked up slowly, but he would just stand there getting sniped and kept yelling at us to protect him. We tried to explain it to him and it wasn't until the 5th wipe (yes, the 5th wipe) he shutup and did it and we downed it first time. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come
  15. The thing with queues not popping are people are not using it. On the several servers I'm on, I still see LFG and LFM spam all over the place like it was before the patch, so I guess it'll take some time before people realize its there. As for me, I ran 3 FPs across 3 chars and haven't had a single issue, so I'm happy
  16. I didn't realize best buy sales tell you whether a game is good or not
  17. You said people cried but you didn't even bother to read what they said? ok Well, "you people" will always say this game sucks but will continue to play so no sense in arguing with "you people" LOL
  18. This. Thats what frustrates me. Like someone said, Casey overhyped himself for this game. He was a big supporter. Now like every other hater he bags on it when he can because it wasn't what he wanted, but what different about him is that hes in the unique position to actually hurt the game because he doesn't like it personally. Whether you like it or not, people watch his show, and by him bashing it hes turning away potential players just because HE crashed and burned on it, and now even more people will hate on it. Im not saying this game is perfect, it has problems, but look at the stuff he said. "Missed transfers" Since they are still ongoing that was a lie or he just didnt care to look. "The community outraged" I hardly saw any hate on the transfers, besides the lost names and guild transfers, and any idiot can look at the server list and see that it obviously is better than what it used to be. I chalk him up as another hater who didn't get the game he wanted, but like I said, he can actually hurt the game more. Its sad really.
  19. If it goes free-to-play, I'm done. I've seen what it does to other games. I loved STO, then we got maybe 2 very small content patches a year. That game is a shell of what it could have been and now I log in maybe once every month because I still have a glimmer of faith of that game, then after I go cry myself to sleep. Thats what will happen to swtor. No to very small content once or twice a year, spread with only microtransacts. Oh yay I can buy a new pet for 5$!! That will keep me around!! Look at Rift! Its smaller than swtor and they STILL are P2P and are doing very well! Not to mention they crank out content faster than anyone else. I guess I just wish that was swtor. Now excuse me while I go cry myself to sleep again while holding my lightsaber.
  20. This. Have you played WoW recently? I swear more than half the population is from 4chan. I hope this game becomes a lot more successful, but I'd hate to see the community fall into what World of Warcrafts is.. Only time will tell...
  21. I gotta agree with you. I have friends who love to play MMOs...but they fail at everything MMOs are except the social part. They love to chat with other people in this make believe world...but when it comes to gear stats, strategy during fights, learning which spell or move does what, they FAIL HARD, and you know what? They don't WANT to learn how. I've tried to teach them, but they say "Oh ok I get it!" Then do the same thing over and over again for the next couple of months. Its a lost cause. People these days don't want to learn complicated strats and when to move, etc. They want a simple game, like Angry Birds, that doesn't require much thought. For me, its sad, because I don't want to live in a world of simple video games like Call of Duty where you point and shoot- I mean mean point and click to win. Unfortuantely, thats where we are headed.
  22. They already said its on their wall of crazy (Wall of stuff to do) but they also said don't expect it for a while. Its on the same list as Guild Capital Ships, but like I said, don't expect it for a while. I would love to see it, but I don't wanna read all the people who are gonna rage about it on the forums for weeks on end even though they were some of the ones begging for it in the first place. I sometimes wish all these people would go form a game company and make their own games...
  23. Amen. Since when does a short Queue = no play time at all?
  24. Its cool to know the Empire has bad days too lol.
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