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Everything posted by BuckShotSchell

  1. Fanboys=LMAO!!!! Kristen Bell Uber hot as brunette! Somebody get me something cold to drink! I need to cool off after thinking about that little minx.
  2. ObSW story - SW was decried from local pulpits when it was first released (all that talk of the Force was clearly Satanism), and because my parents were going through a rather Fundamentalist phase at the time, I wasn't allowed to see it. They took me to see Grease instead. So instead of an age appropriate tale of good vs evil, with amazing effects, I had to sit through a lame musical the moral of which was if you want a boy to like you, you'd best turn into a floozy. That is one of the funniest things i heard this week! I actualy remember all that stuff about the force being "magic and sorcery ",........ lol
  3. I have a little story too. In 1980-81 just before the release of. ESB they showed "A New Hope" so i got to see them both with in a couple of weeks of each other. I was like 5 or 6 years old and Darth Vader was the scariest thing i could imagine! He scared the crap out of me! But Han Solo was the coolest dude ever I am now almost 40 and Han is still one of my all time favorite characters. I guess his example of coolness under fire and over all swagger really made a big impression on my young mind and has stuck with me even now.......lol That is also when i figured out the bad guys and.the cool ones (like Han) get the best toys and gear!
  4. Me and Corso will have a round of the Corelian whiskey. Dont laugh at Corso's patch work armor though. I know it lloks like he blew up a circus clown and rolled around in it like a kath hound but for some reason i cant seem to find the color unifaction machine on my ship! Someone else asked earlier what the power "force cafe" would do. Well i experienced it first hand on Quesh. The greasy haired co-ed sith acolyte used it upon me. I was relentlessly pelted with cold soggy paninis and over priced stale coffee that would cause you to be stuck in place for a while due to all the sugary fake flavoring syurp in it! Frightening!
  5. I preffer the scum and villany personally. How about Blasterbee's your galactic bar and grill? You can serve over priced watered down neon colored drinks and crappy burnt shoe souls you call steak. Anyway great idea the trolls and flamers are terrible im glad they are leaving. Now if they would just do it and stop telling us about it over and over!
  6. I have maxed slicing but not affection. I have never found any schematics. I get a lot of onetime missions though.
  7. I am sure this has been said already probably numerous times, but the current system of two gathering and one crafting skill is to confining. I have been trying to support the devs' and the game as a whole. I am really enjoying it but i hate not being able to.find the materials i need for crafting. I have leveled slicing to 400 and scavenging to 370 and i cant justify getting rid of either as one makes me money (always in short supply) and the other gets me aboit half of the materials i need for cybertech. However the other materials i need especially for high level stuff is underworld metals which have become impossible to get on my server and were ridiculously expensive on my server. I dont know what the answer should be to fix this mayne a third gathering skill or being able to give yoir crew members individual skills. Hell i would.even be happy with being able to run the onetime use missions i find all the time. If all else fails i guees i will have to roll up an alt and swap stuff between my toons but that doesnt seem like the most enjoyable way the devs could do it.
  8. I pretty happy with the game over all i am also old enough and realistic enough to realize no system is perfect. BW is fairly timely with little updates and patches so i dont get all the grief i think they really are trying to improve things over time. Sooner or later they will release a big addon that will eaise the lvl cap and have new content. In the mean time i will make a new character and play that story. What ireally find annoying is the constant "i hate this, this game. Suck, i am unsubing." Tell customer service and leave then the rest of us dont care. I know it is asking for a lot but lets think about why nk one has made that "perfect game" . It cant be done! Things take time also so maybe they are working on all those little things we keep coming up with, but since 90%+ of us are not game designers or programers we dont realize the amoint of work that adding something seemingly simple requires, especially if they are trying to exceed the expectations.
  9. This one is pretty good, but i would add a duel system only usable in the cantinas. Others could spectate and wager on the outcomes and the fighters get a piece of the purse and bonus exp.
  10. Personally dont really care about appearance slots, but would like to be able to unify colors on companions. My Corso Riggs guy looks like a circus clown blow up all over him! Having said that though i am alway for more customization.
  11. I dont get this one! Im guessing troll, but anyway my launcher tells me when they are going to do maintenance then gives me a link to the patch notes. Maybe he is talking about something else. I never been on a forum that was nkt full of negativity and flames, these are pretty sedate IMO.
  12. You can go to your preferences and set your map to fade partially or completly. Then open your map get yourself in the right direction and start running. The map will fade as you move and solidify when you stop. I use it.from time to time. It can be frustrating but it is a map not a gps. Wait till you get to Balmora and all the lifts!
  13. A couple of people of intimated that because most people im the community are helpful or at the most indifferent the the new folks that they should be fine. I am reminded however of the old saying "ine bad apple spoils the bunch" or how about we as a group dont get the second chance to make a first impression. The first real interaction most Noobs have is when they reach the fleet and there are all these other players running around seemingly with a purpose. I maintain that with out a concerted effort to help or at least ne nice rhe dew that are jerks to them will be tje example in their minds of the community as a whole.
  14. Agree with OP. If you dont have the right skill you are out of luck. You cant get mats from drops or anything and for some things they never show up on the GTN. Maybe they could throw some cross mission drops. Like Corso having the under world trading buff could some times find under world mats from slicing or scavenging. No one wants to lvl to 400 in something just to have to dump it and start over so you can get one material you need.
  15. If Google could solve every problem and answer every question why would we even have a community or more to the point an "MMORPG"? Also until you are actually in the game googling where is X is really pretty usless.
  16. Yesterday afternoon while hanging out on the Republic starion doing crew skill missions and trading on the GTN several noobs showed up on the chat. As noobs do they began asking all sorts of questions like; Where is X? How do i do Y, and what does Z mean, do, or go? Ya'll know the drill. Several more experienced players answered their questions with very brief, mostly vague, and sometime snotty answers. Of course the noobs were then even more confused than before not knowing all of the acronyms and short hand that is unique to each game and not having the experience with all the systems in this one yet. So after a another round of questions that most of.us already know the answers to a player who had already given an abreviation ladden set of.instructions to the noobs shouted over the chat "S T F U NOOBS". Now it only takes a minute cruising these forums to see all the grief and the "I. Am unsubning because, or i am not.going.to.renew because." If these peolle really do.what they say and others join them because the rest of the community is jerky to them when they need help it wont be long before we wont have to worry about noobs or bugs or weekly patches because there wont be a game or SWTOR community anymore. I am not saying that everyone does this myself and a.coupleotherpeople took pity on the poor noobs and tried to give them some semblance of advice and chastised the SFU:rak_02:
  17. In the last week or so the GTN on my server has completely dried up of kust about everything, but especially black market metals like agrinium. I dont know if people are using it that much themselves or if they are not running the missions for it or if it is not dropping but it is really putting a damper on the crafting of cybertech items ect.. Maybe the devs can start throwing some unusual stuff into the other missions like arch' or slicing or whatever but we really need some more resources.
  18. Thank you digital Dr Phil and the self appointed post patrol man for you prompt yet incomplete advice and observation. I am sorry that you took time out of your obviously busy "real life" and strenuous mental workout to not only read but then comment on this thread. I have to guess the reason there was no link attached above is so that one would have to use ones brain to find the info of which you speak.
  19. I would like to see an app for my smart phone and/ or I-device that would allow me to send my crew out on gathering and crafting missions while I am at work or otherwise engaged in real life. It would also be really nice of you could check your in game mail and interact with the GTN. I realize that these devices dont have the capabilities to run the full game client but something like this that has minimal graphical and processing requirements should not only be possible but could be another revenue stream for BW/EA. While i would not want to spend a fortune to purchase the app I and I would think a lot of the community would be willing to come out of our pockets with a few bucks to do so. Also a higher level of customization should be added in game. Where by players can change the hair style, facial hair, tattoos. Etc... of their toons and be able to do a bit of ship customization. We cant even name our ship! Being able to "repaint" name and individualize our ship should have been a no brainer from the start.
  20. Longview. LA, coonass by birth though. GEUAX TIGERS!
  21. I've been looking for cunductive flux for days now and a few other materials but i cant find them. I know i can buy it from the vendors but i was getting better deals on the gtn and trading. Now i cant find any of the stuff i need. I get plenty of brazing flux through crew runs though
  22. Well there was that one customs guy on Taris. What more do you want? No really though, i see your point. However i guess i didnt really expect to do any actual smuggling, it is more the clavor of the character rather than the actual missions. The game os still pretty new though so mayne they will come up with something. I.dont know how they would.work.actual smugglimg missions with out some kind of stealth mechanic or something or maybe some.kind of investigation stuff to find hidden space lanes and clandestine hangers or something.
  23. I really enjoyed the first chapter. Its a subjective decision obviously but i thought the story was pretty compelling. My character; quick of wit and quicker of hand. Against an opponent always one step ahead of me. The script was hard boiled but humorous and i flirted with every chick i had the chance to. One of the funniest lines was telling Risha she should hide somewhere safe, like my bunk! If the smart comments and kind of campy western or hard nosed wise guy style doesnt appeal to you then i would imagine this story wouldn't. Now i find myself in the delema of what to play next. I am drawn to the BH now but maybe the agent since.i really like that Bond or Bourne thing. I guess either way i need to make a female character for my legacy. That is something im not really excited about. But oh well
  24. Im not that high a level cybertech but i have made a few things, mostly for my own use. I would like to make more nut i can never get any good schematics. I dont have enough money to buy the best ones from a vendor and in 32 lvls and an almost maxed slicing skill i have not found a single cybertech schematic! I have got over a dozen diplomacy and several armstech and synthweaving though. Very frustrating.
  25. Googled it. No android application. Also would be simpler for the deva of the game to make one they can monitor ans have customer support for. But pretty neat app.
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