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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by JettrikRyflix

  1. this was made way back when sorcs and mercs more or less ruled pvp. Here's a piece of advice for you. Camo to your target instead of jumping to them. They will proceed to knock back and stun. Use your stun break (you'll be at full resolve) jump and proceed to destroy them.


    The only warrior spec that has a right to use force jump as a gap closer without first wasting the knockback is vengeance for the juggernaut since they get immunity to cc on jump.


    Sweet, thanks for the advice.

    I have noticed that Camo works well as a gap closer, not only as an escape mechanism.

  2. This storyline is actually pretty well suited to a LS player.


    Basically every action you take is in self-defense... everyone just keeps trying to kill you. First that recruiter guy, then Zash, then Thanaton... it gets a little repetitive, actually.

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with the OP.


    I have spent some quality time with my Sentinel in PvP, somewhere near Valour rank 60 now.


    I have full augmented BM gear, with an augmented WH main saber.

    My current method is sneak around the fringes of the battle, trying to pick off stray casters. Even then, I spend the majority of my PvP time rooted, stunned, slowed, knocked back, and dead. Resolve is a useless mechanic for a Sentinel, as I never live long enough to see the resolve bar fill up.

    Gap closers are a joke. As soon as I get on top of a target, they either knock me back, or just stun me and kill me right then and there.

    For stuns I get Stasis (during which I'm casting, so I can't attack the target), and Awe (which breaks on damage). So, not useful for DPS-ing anyway.


    My typical 1v1 vs ranged goes like this:

    - I jump to close the gap.

    - I get stunned.

    - I don't use my stun breaker, since it's already on its (ridiculously long) CD.

    - My opponent does their high-damage moves, knocking off about half my health.

    - I use Force camouflage once the stun has ended.

    - I run scared towards the nearest health power-up, with a DoT ticking on me.

    - I get rooted or grappled as my Camo ends.

    - My opponent takes the kill from range, having taken very little damage.


    Now, this is a slight exaggeration, but it happens more often than I'd like.

  4. OldVengeance - I completely agree.


    KOTOR II was a great game mechanically, and some of the companions were cool (Atton, Brianna, Mira, HK), but it was Kreia that spoiled the game for me.

    From the moment I met her on Peragus, I wanted to get rid of her. Even before the force-bond, Kreia was "attached" to my character, and was already bossing me around. She then proceeds to nag me for my entire journey, telling me how stupid I am to help people, and how I should manipulate everything instead. Every conversation with her was a nightmare. All I wanted was a response that said: "Shut up and get off my ship!!!"


    The worst part of it all? Everybody (IRL) seems to love her, and praises her insight and wisdom. They can't seem to realize that Kreia had a (poorly) hidden agenda, and was manipulating them from the get-go. Her brilliant ideas on helping people by never helping them are plainly just selfish. All she ever did was use people, which is not "grey" or "cool" or "complex". It's straight-up evil.

    Unfortunately, her manipulation worked on the majority of the people who played KOTOR II.


    Don't get me wrong - I liked KOTOR II in general, but Kreia made it a pain. However, the realism was broken when I was fighting civilians with force powers inside the castle on Malachor V. Oh, and G0-T0.


    KOTOR I, by the way, was absolutely fantastic. The story was captivating, and I always wanted to know what happened next. Also, I much preferred being force-bound to Bastila than Kreia. Pretty much polar opposites.

    And who doesn't like Calo Nord?

  5. DPS (Damage Per Second) refers to a class that specifies in dealing damage. Its sole purpose is to kill an enemy fast. DPS classes don't have very good defensive abilities, and can die fairly quickly.


    Tanks specify in defense. They are hard to kill, and can deflect damage targeted at teammates to themselves. They can do a moderate amount of damage as well.


    Healers are the third major role. They can be easy to kill, if focused on, but they are essential to any team since they keep the DPS players and Tank players alive.

  6. Nope. Jedi-like victories:


    Obi-Wan beating Maul: As stated, he beat him after he calmed himself and didn't try to get revenge anymore.

    Mace Windu decapitating Jango Fett: no special emotions, just battle.

    Yoda forcing Dooku to retreat: Yoda is neither angry nor hateful towards Dooku.

    Obi-Wan killing Grievous: again, no anger or hatred

    Obi-Wan against Anakin: Obi-Wan doesn't use his emotions to win.


    You are ignoring the examples that go against your point. That's not how it works.


    Obi-Wan against Vader: Obi-Wan says: "You can't defeat me. If you kill me, I will become stronger than you ever imagined." Obi-Wan wins by loosing.

    Luke against Vader/Emperor: When he uses his anger, he is loosing against the Emperor. He wins when he throws his saber away.


    Jedi sometimes win and sometimes loose, just like Sith. Using hate and anger is no granted victory, but "staying true to the code" isn't either.



  7. Since the server merge, I haven't seen a decline in population. The Fatman server seems to be holding steady right now. Multiple instances of the fleet, and PvP queues popping within 30 seconds.


    IMO, the pre-transfer crisis was the last straw for the players not really sold on the game. Anyone who is still with the game obviously likes something about it - enough to withstand the low pops, or re-sub afterwards - and isn't in a huge hurry to leave.


    As for the $60 per update comment, I do not agree. If you're just logging in to try new content once through, then you're not exactly suited well to MMO gameplay. Go spend your money on single player console games instead. MMOs are all about improving your skills, working as a team, and having fun while doing it. It's almost like a sport when you get down to it. New content freshens things up, but it shouldn't be the main goal. The $15 per month is mostly spent on server upkeep and such, and some of it goes into upgrades.


    It's like renting a hockey rink. Some of the rent money goes into arena upgrades, but most goes into arena maintenance. If your objective is to play the sport of hockey, you'll be satisfied with your purchase. If you keep renting the rink just to see if they've renovated the foyer or added benches to the locker room, you'll only be satisfied once every four months or so, and be complaining the rest of the time.


    That's my view, anyway.

  8. Can someone tell me what "casts" means? thanks


    A cast is an ability that needs time to execute. A cast gets a "progress bar" which shows the duration of the ability, or the time until it activates.

    That's how I understand it, anyway.

  9. Darth Malak is stacked on the imp side. From my experience, Republic wins less than 20% of WZ matches. Almost NEVER win an Alderaan match. Less than 10% win ration there.


    Checked fleet numbers one night - Republic was at 6 or 7, and Imps were over 50.

  10. I did the romance part, kissed her and have not had a conversation with her since. I have over 6k affection, does this mean she is bugged out? Other characters seem to have dialogue every 500 or so points.


    Her missions seem to open up after each chapter ends. Keep advancing your story missions, and see what happens after Chapter 1.

  11. I've run through this twice (once in Beta). First time, I took the DS flirt option after Nar Shadda. I got the graphical bug, and she never talked after that. I didn't make it out of Chapter 1 though.


    This time, I skipped the DS flirt, and everything opened up after Chapter 1 ended. Haven't finished yet, but it's been smooth sailing so far.

  12. I am going to roll a female character tonight. I wonder if I can level up at 50 without buying any gear at all by relying on desperados giving me gear and creds. This will be a great experiment!


    lol, It's a Trap!


    That would be quite the experiment... but also a lengthy one. :p

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