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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by JettrikRyflix

  1. Based on the fact that every hooded robe already has an unhooded variant (helmet on, Twi'lek, etc...), I would say this is mostly a UI project. Models are already there, and are already toggled by helmets.


    I'd guess they're avoiding any character customization tweaks at the moment because the FTP patch will include new character customization tools, to go with the new shop items.

  2. That awkward moment when you discover that your crush is already flirting with someone else. Poor Ahsoka. I still think she can do better than Lux, lol.


    Anyway, it was a good episode. I liked Anakin's "most impressive" comment. :p

    If the Seperatists would just invest in better brain chips for their droids, they'd be winning the war by leaps and bounds!

  3. The resolve system doesn't work. The balance is all wrong. Either reduce incoming damage, or reduce stun time.

    As it stands, my resolve bar fills at about the same time as I die. Every time.

    The only time resolve does anything is if I'm carrying the huttball, and I have mad heals coming in. Otherwise, time to kill is shorter than time to fill resolve.

    If I actually manage to fill my resolve, it disappears again before I can say "stunlock".


    After the 1.4 patch it has been especially bad. Having 1 stun breaker every couple of lives just isn't enough to deal with the stunning.


    Maybe this isn't a big deal for ranged classes, but a melee DPS has to break roots and slows on top of all the stuns, otherwise they do nothing.

  4. These 100 Jedi would most likely feel hopeless. Their Order was just destroyed, the greatest among them lost. And then the now infamous Jedi killer Darth Vader arrives. The Ensuing Great Jedi Purge killed many of the last Jedi, but as we have seen, a few managed to escape. This is most likely due to Vader searching for the rebels. The Rebel Alliance was a greater threat to the Empire than a few rogue Jedi. For none of them could defeat Vader, and even if they did, Sidious would destroy or turn them. The Order's destruction was absolute. None of could defeat the pinnacle of the Rule of Two and the epitome of the Dark Side.


    Nihilus and Sion came close, but they were defeated. Sidious on the other hand managed to destroy the Order and take control of the galaxy simultaneously.


    Yes, what Jedi did survive would not be able to regain control. They would be public enemy #1. Also, they no longer have any records, holocrons, etc. All there was to do was hide, really.


    The funny thing is, Sidious kept the most dangerous one with him at all times. His overconfidence was his weakness.

  5. Star Wars is a dark story. There's no hiding it. While the good guys win in the end, the bad guys take control of the galaxy. Good guys died left, right and center. CN should have thought about that before taking on TCW. Sometimes a beloved character dies and if CN decides that they won't allow it then they don't understand Star Wars.


    I think CN understands... http://www.galacticbinder.com/images/news/who-will-fall.jpg


    It's just a matter of which good guy(s) at this point.

  6. I agree that there are good reasons for her death. However, I believe Ahsoka's death would be too soon, and would send Anakin nuts way too early.

    Look at Season 4, Episodes 15 and 16, when Obi-Wan fakes his death. Anakin goes on a rampage, force choking people, etc. in order to get revenge. He is prevented from this vengeful killing only when he realizes that Obi is still alive.

    Do you think Ahsoka would be any different? Anakin would lose it all over again, but this time he wouldn't stop until he had struck down the one responsible. If he's already done this, why would killing Dooku seem like such a huge hurdle in Episode 3? Anakin can't take that plunge to the dark side too soon. Sidious is very careful in his timing.


    Again, I agree that there are valid reasons for Ahsoka to die. I'm just trying to make a fair case for the opposite. Like Filoni has said, nothing is set in stone as of yet.

  7. Why should that stop her from being killed off? Not all shows/movies, need to have happy endings just to please the kids. But your probably right, due to CN being a bunch of pansys now probably won't allow characters to get killed off anymore and tell LA that they won't allow it.


    At the same time, you don't need to kill of a character just to make a show "dark" or "realistic" - that's a great way to alienate your fans, most of the time.

  8. ok so he didnt get them all but

    http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Palpatine#Order_66 no sith has even come close to doing that.


    Coming from an article on Wookieepedia sourcing a stub of a magazine. I'd hardly view that as canon.


    Regardless, as was previously stated, even a ridiculous 99% success (or failure) rate leaves at least 100 Jedi kicking around. There are still plenty to account for. The galaxy is awfully big.


    But you're right, no other Sith has come anywhere close to that level of annihilation.

  9. No. If she is mature enough to lead her own campiagns she doesnt need to be mentioned. I'm sure you dont mention your friends names in everything you do.


    The scenes in ROTS had no place or time for a mention on Ahsoka anyway.


    I agree.

    If Ahsoka was busy in some other campaign (leading or otherwise), there would have been no reason for her mention in ROTS. Especially if she isn't Anakin's padawan at that point.

  10. No she has to die,otherwise her character would be pointless and there would be no reason for them not to mention her in ROTS.


    If she dies, how does she NOT get mentioned in ROTS? Anakin would be like, "I wasn't strong enough to save my mother, or... that person I trained that I don't really remember anymore. Forget about her."


    Either way, Ahsoka would've been mentioned in ROTS. Her story is completely open, IMO.

  11. My opinion is that Ahsoka's death would push Anakin too far.

    Take season 4 for example, where Obi-Wan is presumed dead. Anakin goes on a mad rampage trying to avenge his "death", only stopping when he realizes the truth.

    If Anakin were to lose Ahsoka, he would either (1) be much more mature after dealing with it, or (2) have already gone dark side by the time episode III comes around.

  12. With the focus on rerolls, why is there not, to this day, all gear Bind on Legacy? Why can`t I send ANY gear freely among alts? THAT is quality of life, not a monkey face.


    So that you have to grind gear for each of your characters, and companions. If you were able to move any item to any char, you would only have to earn 4 sets of gear, and then you could move them to each of your characters as you wish.

    They could keep the item unbound until you chose a character to permanently use it. Otherwise it has to be all or nothing.



    Keep up the good work BioWare! I like the companion gear changes, and the character moods should be fun for the times spent waiting for wz pops.

  13. Did you notice how confused Yoda was when Mace and the Jedi Dream Team was killed by Sidious? All he felt was a massive disturbance in the Force that continued as his Order was annihilated around him, but he could not focus on the individual disturbances. He intuited that something very wrong was happening to his fellow Jedi and that he should take measures to defend himself.


    I didn't say they wouldn't be confused, but most Jedi should've at least had "a bad feeling about this" if you know what I mean.


    No. Obi-Wan could not finish off Darth Vader. The fight was over when Vader lost his legs and arm. A Jedi does not kill an unarmed sentient. It is not the Jedi way. In the true Jedi tradition, he left Vader's fate to the Force, and it punished Vader for committing murder on such a grand scale by burning his body, or at least that's how a Jedi would have viewed it. Obi Wan left him to die, burnt to a crisp on the volcanic shores of Mustafar, taking the weapon that was used to slaughter so many Jedi, Padawans and innocent younglings.


    What I meant to say was that the fight could've ended differently - Anakin falling into lava, head cut off, stab to the chest, etc. I know that Obi-Wan wouldn't kill an unarmed person - especially Anakin.


    The only person who benefitted from Vader being seriously hurt was Sidious. At least after that, he would have little fear of his apprentice trying to kill him because Vader's ability to use the Force had diminished significantly upon being put in the suit, and Sidious already had a huge mental advantage over him.


    True, but the diminishing of Vader's power made his job of hunting the remaining Jedi much more difficult.


    Yoda knew that there was no way he could beat Palpatine. In the ROTS novelization it even mentions Yoda's acknowledgement of this fact.


    Sorry, I was going off what I saw in the movie. Palpatine was a master of manipulation, but that doesn't automatically make him an uber duelist. From what I saw, Yoda got the short end of the stick, and what remained of his power was used to cushion his fall. Had their positions been reversed, Palps might not have been in a winning position.


    But if the book is canon, then so be it. Makes the fight in the movie seem dull and pointless, though.

  14. Pretty much every Jedi was in the midst of battle. They wouldn't have felt the deaths of their fellow Jedi because they were focused on the flow of the battle. Coupled with Darth Sidious pretty much blinding them in the Force left only one Jedi capable of feeling their deaths: Yoda.


    Yoda could feel the deaths of his fellow Jedi because of his mastery in Force farsight and he survived Order 66 because of his mastery of battle precognition. Obi-Wan's varactyl mount took the brunt of the blast and allowed Obi-Wan to survive the attack.


    Palpatine was more than clever. Waging a fake war. Turning the Jedi Order's trump card to the Dark Side and then using him to destroy the Jedi. Everything during the Prequels happened because of Palpatine and his plan.


    Palpatine wouldn't let her survive the war. He knows about Force bonds and would most likely have her removed before Order 66, before ROTS even. I address the reason for this in one of my previous posts.


    Yes, Palpatine does recognize the bond between Anakin and Ahsoka. This could be the reason Ventress is hunting her down in Season 5. Who knows.


    I just don't want to give Palpatine more credit than he is due. Remember, this is the same guy who got picked up by an old robot and thrown down a pit.

  15. Agreed. Order 66 did in a matter of days, what the Sith failed to do for millenia. But far too many Jedi are surviving the greatest moment in Sith history.


    I feel the opposite way - far too many Jedi were killed by mere clone troopers and a false distress signal. What are the chances that even 50% of the Jedi were accompanied by a full squad of clones when the order was given?

    Would the Jedi not feel the deaths of their fellow Jedi piling up? For the Jedi accompanied by Clones, this would remove the element of surprise. The rest of the Jedi would know that the distress signal is a trap.


    The two Jedi closest to the center of Order 66 (Yoda and Obi-Wan) both survived. Why not Jedi who had to face mere clones?


    Sure Palpatine was clever, but he can only do so much.


    So, I think it would be very plausible for Ahsoka to survive Order 66 - she would be very in-tune with Anakin, and would probably sense his turning. This would improve her chances, at least.

  16. The pits were added as cool-factor, as well as the AT-AT explosion.


    In-universe, however, is totally different.


    I'd think the AT-AT was either hit at a weak spot, or the laser-deflecting shields went out after the AT-AT crashed to the ground.


    The pits... maybe they have some ventilation or technological purposes.

  17. 1. KOTOR

    2. Rogue Squadron 3D

    3. X-Wing Alliance

    4. Jedi Academy

    5. Episode 1 Racer

    6. Lego Star Wars (I, II, Complete Saga, Clone Wars)

    7. KOTOR II

    8. Empire At War

    9. Battlefront (1, 2)

    10. Galactic Battlegrounds

    11. Force Commander

    12. Force Unleashed

    13. Pit Droids

    14. Droid Works

    15. Jedi Outcast

    16. Clone Wars Adventures

    17. The Phantom Menace

    18. Rebel Assault (Rail shooter FTW)

    19. Clone Wars - Lightsaber Battles

    20. Clone Wars - Republic Heroes


    Umm... excluding SWTOR.

  18. I would not say that Palpatine's plan was perfect.


    1. There is no way Palpatine could have ensured that every Jedi was surrounded by a group of clones at the exact moment that Anakin and the Jedi would discover his true intentions.


    2. The clones were well trained, but not all squads would be successful in taking out a Jedi, or possibly multiple Jedi. Not all Jedi would be as oblivious as, say, Aayla Secura.


    3. The distress signal should not fool every Jedi. Would the remaining Jedi not feel the echoes of the deaths of their fellow Jedi? Jedi can feel these kinds of things all the time, in games, books, and even the movies.


    4. Obi-Wan could have finished Anakin off - he bested him after all. Even with Anakin's survival, his robotic state severely weakens the final stage of Order 66.


    5. Yoda could have beaten Palpatine himself. If their positions in the senate pod were reversed, it would have been Palpatine falling to defeat instead of Yoda.


    In conclusion, I think that Palpatine was lucky to eliminate as many Jedi as he did. I also think that the more Jedi survive Order 66, the more realistic it becomes. Jedi outmatch clones any day of the week, surprised or not.

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