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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by JettrikRyflix

  1. Yes, this episode occurs before Revival. :)


    I really liked this episode. Hondo is such a good character... makes me laugh so much.

    And the Slave 1 was epic! Hondo is so pro.


    I think I'm actually gonna miss the younglings - Byph was awesome.


    In my opinion, this season is great, and it keeps getting better.

  2. So to your final line "There will be baddies who will come up and fill the power vacuum, but they won't be genuine Sith." Sidious and Vader weren't really "genuine Sith" either. :cool:


    Fair enough. :) I guess what I mean is, it's only fair if they have to start from scratch, like Luke has to start the Jedi over from scratch. The Banite line should be dead and gone with Sidious.

  3. Have you got a source for this? If this is the case I shall be sorely dissapointed, I was looking forward to seeing Grievous chop of Hondo's head, but it looks like he's in for a humiliating defeat at the hands of either Ahsoka, pirates or... dare I say it - younglings


    Here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/A_Necessary_Bond

    That is the 4th episode in the arc, in which Ahsoka and the younglings aid Hondo in defeating Grievous, as Grievous attacks Hondo's base on Florrum.

    This is why Hondo's base is in shambles in Revival.

    So technically, Grievous can't stab Adi Gallia's corpse, since she hasn't died yet.


    I wouldn't consider it humiliating to lose to Ahsoka teamed up with pirates. But we'll see how legit it is in a couple weeks, I guess.

  4. Dont think you understand how the force and balance works. There will always be sith and jedi even if one of them get all wiped out.The force wull draw in force user to each side, as in the will of the force of things.

    Sidious did only bring the force out of balance, and Anakin got the force balanced again.

    Balance is as easy as 50/50 you can say.And what you call dark jedi are the ones who turn into sith, dont you know the lore ? star wars cant work without the fight between light and dark.Other enemies for thee most part are just boring.


    When did I say there would be no dark side?

    My point was, there needs to be an enemy using the dark side of the force, and likely a red lightsaber. However, the dark side user(s) should be starting from scratch, just like Luke is doing with the light side. His "Jedi" are much different from the Jedi order of old.

    The Sith line died out with Sidious and Vader. There will be baddies who will come up and fill the power vacuum, but they won't be genuine Sith.

  5. The Sith cannot return as a dominant force without ruining the meaning and importance of Vader's redemption and Palpatine's death.


    Unless they go the galaxy-wide invasion route (Yuuzhan Vong style), they will have to make the scope of this trilogy a little smaller. Maybe they have to defeat the re-grouped remnants of the Empire, or maybe the Mandalorians start a conquest in the wake of the recently overthrown government. Those scenarios could satisfy the "Wars" in "Star Wars", but that doesn't solve everything. There HAVE to be lightsaber battles, with red lightsabers in the hands of the antagonist(s), otherwise Disney can kiss their profits goodbye.


    I feel like dark Jedi would work... or just basic dark-side users. But Sith and Sith code should die with Palps, just like the old Jedi order was wiped out without record. Seems only fair.

  6. I hope DV slices her up into little headtail sushi bits and serves her as an hors d'oeuvre at the first annual senate "ding dong the jedi are gone" theme party.


    Yeah, I don't like her much. She's a horrible idea for a character, and unbelievable as a jedi padawan on top of that. But mostly, he's freaking annoying and I hope however she dies, it happens soon and it is very explicitely and graphically protrayed in the show, so I can finally enjoy a scene with her in it.


    Man, that's a lot of 'Soka hate right there. Have you watched any TCW since the first season? She really has come a long way since then. She is one of my favourite characters now.

  7. Good question, but I don't think so. I took a quick look around at the timelines and by the looks of it Revival happens straight after the Onderon Arc. So I assume these events happen straight after revival. Also, Hondo taking Ashoka captive and ambushing younglings would put him on bad terms with the Jedi. So an alliance between Hondo and Kenobi would be unlikely.


    It makes most sense for this to be after revival, and remember this. Hondo's on the list, he can no longer be the Jedi's pirate buddy and a character eager to build his kill count is on the way... the Force is most certainly not with Hondo.


    Actually, Revival IS after this arc. Revival happens after Grievous destroys Hondo's base, which happens in the 4th episode of this arc.

    I think Hondo is friendly to Obi-Wan because of the events in this arc, actually.


    On another note, the Tennant droid fighting without his arms or head was awesome, even if it was a stretch. And Ahsoka is quite the warrior... she's come a long way since season 1!

  8. Doesn't the story arc take place before "Revival?" If so, then Hondo can't die yet.

    Yep, Hondo will still be alive and kicking at the end of this arc.

    As for the episode, while it lacked the gorgeous visuals of "The Gathering," it made up for it with the action scenes, particularly at the end of the episode where everyone was being sucked out of the ship. Overall, the Young Jedi arc has impressed me. It's turning out to be even better than the Onderon arc.

    I know right? There was so much groaning about this arc, but it has been stellar so far. If the rest of the season is this good, I will be very pleased.

  9. And the TTK is perfectly fine for most classes. I have two healers. I can keep people alive plenty fine. In fact, when two equal teams play each other in RWZs, nobody ends up capping mid in CW, or south in NC, or get past first door in VS because teams can't kill players fast enough before they come running back.


    This is such a good point. It's like the WZ matches are designed to have a gear imbalance. Every 10 matches or so, you get even teams, and this stalemate happens.


    As for resolve - it sucked before, and it sucks even more now.

    I played against a team that was really working their stuns today. I had a good healer on me, so I wasn't dying a whole lot, but I was stunned nearly constantly, and if I wasn't stunned, I was rooted. My resolve would build, I would have a white bar for a few seconds, take a couple swings at their healer, and then it was stun time again.

    As a Sentinel, I spent 85% of the time trying to close the gap, and only 15% actually doing some damage.

  10. Just had a CW game where I came in late, we were already down, but not quite to that magic 50% of their score mark. They had two turrets though. We fight a bit longer, and we do go under that 50% mark. Then we take mid (now have mid and grass). Hold on for a while. The score is 200 them, 90 us. Then OMG - WE THREE CAP! We hold the three long enough to get above that magic 50% again. They take one back, but we hold on to the other two for a win. Never won before by actually getting a 3 cap when it was necessary. Best. Game. Ever. :)


    Wow, that sounds epic!


    I've had a few of these replacement-comeback matches. Join a VS, 4 min left on defense, and the attackers already at the last doors. We hold them until a minute left. We then go on the attack, and make it all the way. I love it when the rage quitters are the problem.


    I hate it when the other team does this, especially on NC. What is an easy match can suddenly turn into a 3-cap for the other team.

  11. I highly doubt she will be falling to the dark side. It looks as though she's gotten past her "attachment" to Lux, so she's pretty level-headed.

    If the writers wanted Ahsoka to go DS, Lux was their best shot, IMO.


    Now that SW is owned by Disney, I think there is next to a 0% chance that they will kill off their lead teen female character. Not good business.

  12. Since I'm just rambling on, I may as well throw out another complaint: I play huttball in tank stance the whole time and try to score the entire match. I basically am the designated ball carrier as much as possible. I frequently put up only 50-70k damage, but like 5k or 10k ATTACKER points. But I almost always get 0 MVP votes because my damage total is near the bottom. I wish it said who scores touchdowns so your team knows. Got me over here scoring 4 goals ftw and getting 0 votes. Cmon MAN!


    I feel your pain. I spend my huttball matches trying to gain scoring position and using my roots and slows to hinder other players. I even score sometimes. I notice certain players who just hack away in the pits, paying no attention to the game.

    When the end of the match comes around, the guy slashing away in the pit gets all the MVP votes, because he has the most damage.

    Just goes to show that the rest of the team didn't understand the objective, either.


    Most of the time I feel like I'm the only player who cares about the objective.

  13. Honestly this CW actually looks pretty interesting to me, anyone know how many seasons their are and somewhere I could watch it from the beginning?


    The most recently aired episode is Season 5, Episode 3. They have plans for a sixth season already.


    The first 4 seasons are available on DVD.

    I also heard that they were going to play on syndicated television in the US starting from the beginning. Not sure about the details though.

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