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Everything posted by jgelling

  1. Lol, I was joking about them putting in a bug where toons explode randomly. So headless Ashara and random fatalities... SWTOR is turning a bit ghoulish Um, the only similar bug I've noted is with the companion health bar showing dead quite often, and a couple of times I've summoned companions that somehow actually are dead. Randomly dying is weird, though. There is that womp rat fever, but I didn't think it actually killed you? Not immediately anyway. I'd consider reinstalling the game client if that keeps up.
  2. Even headless Ashara never stops whining. Somehow I think I ended up pretend-married to her, Dark V, and as I killed the innocent 10 feet away from her, she was planning our revolution to bring the Empire to the light. She's basically the girl that married the Godfather but still insists on asking about his business.
  3. You need to get a guildy to dance in their faces until they get confused and misclick so you can ninja-loot the water buff. Or seriously, why does it matter? Go buy better gear that adds +1 to your primary stat for the same effect.
  4. Imagine if there were really significant differences between classes and factions in this game, beyond their role in the Trinity? Then we'd actually see a lot of "this is so imba" threads.
  5. In any population, there's a small percentage. But if the population is really low, even the craziest won't talk to themselves... for long. So clustering everybody together gave you a new critical mass of crazy people. Unless you were on The Fatman, whose general chat was always a strong argument against democracy or free speech
  6. I don't know - never played it. What was wrong with Ilum is it turned into an amazing embarrassment for BW. I assumed you were saying you didn't want new content for SWTOR?? I don't know if anyone is going to argue over whether SWG was any good - it wasn't very successful and shut down like what, 24 hours before they launched this game.
  7. I suppose if it were F2P or if the content they had put in to begin with was more dynamic (things like working world PvP, dynamic world events like GW2, or at the very least worlds that were wide-open to exploration, with countless side quests to pick and choose from) it wouldn't be as much of an issue.
  8. Wow, that's harsh. For its day, few other RPGs were comparable. Now, it wouldn't have worked as an MMO. I can tell because they attempted basically the same rail-questing here with slightly better graphics, a lot more annoying quests and slightly bigger worlds and it isn't working very well.
  9. In fairness, he's probably an experienced MMO player, rushing to end-game as fast as possible? SWTOR's leveling process makes that a lot more time-consuming than a lot of other MMOs. The game isn't nearly as run and done as, say, WoW is right now. You can level up in WoW - all the way to 85 - at least twice as fast as you can get to 50 in SWTOR. Now that's by design and I'm not saying it's bad or anything, just noting that from a certain point of view, I can see where he's coming from. The WoW approach to leveling is: here's 10,000 quests and dungeons maybe you'd like to PvP or explore or whatever, just wander around fairly aimlessly doing pretty much whatever you want. SWTOR locks you into rails and demands you complete a lot of very specific content to get where you need to go, for the most part, although with 1.3 they've (slightly) started to open up new options for alts, well at least making things up to 30% faster. Everyone likes SWTOR's storytelling, but it comes at the expense of not having as many quests to pick and choose from and not being able to wander around and explore nearly as much as you can in other games.
  10. Yeah, if it were up to me re-spec'ing would be free and instant, let alone the idea of it as a 200k character-specific legacy perk with the same time/cost hassle and a long cool-down(?). And someone was trying to tell me that's the same thing as putting dual spec in the game??
  11. Yay, consensus! This thread has been just like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6_4wfEmPpc&sns=em
  12. Ok, I'll grant you remembering roles that you just played. You're right: it could and ideally should do that. Other than that, no, I don't like leaving the boxes unchecked and forcing me to check a box, because once we get dual spec, I think I'd rather queue for both possible roles for my AC, or at least I'd like the system to present that as the first possible option. And the auto-selection could be tricky at various stages of the leveling process, and would be totally obsolete once they add in dual spec. Basically, I can see why they did it the way they did, and besides remembering your last choice, I think it's better than the other two alternatives. At the very least it doesn't strike me as a bad design choice - and I've been more than willing to share my opinion on bad design choices in this game.
  13. I think it won't even be worth the effort to do that much because eventually they will add dual spec. At that point, the group finder popping up and queuing you DPS every time when you plan on switching to heals after you've found a dungeon would just be more annoying than this.
  14. But if you were forming a group yourself, or running with friends, would you incorrectly describe yourself as a tank when you're DPS or vice versa?
  15. They fired the guy who was supposed to give you news. I was actually going to type that as a joke at first, but then I actually stopped myself, because yes, that did basically happen.
  16. Well, it does logically select roles you could be. I don't know if it's fair to expect the game to decide exactly how hybrid your build is or how you've chosen to equip yourself. It's so much easier to ask players not to be dumb about it, really. I can't fault SWTOR for this. On the bright side, until they actually code dual spec in-game, if you mistakenly queue as DPS you'll have endless amounts of time to change the decision before entering the dungeon.
  17. It's lame overall, but if you broke it out, the math on at least the +1% crit crafting success tiers shows they're definitely a good value for heavy crafters, at least judged in terms of credit costs. Adding +3% chance to every crafted item will pay off over time just because it's a one-time cost that constantly pays benefits down the road. A crit-crafting success on say, augments will double the production at half the time and resources spent, and produce other gear worth tens of thousands in additional credits. So if you crafted every day with plans on playing the GTN it'd pay for itself within a month. I can't really justify the other legacy costs except as pure credit sinks for people that are grinding dailies with their 50s and have to spend it on their alts. Are they fun or exciting? I don't think so. The percentage-boosters especially strike me as lazy programming - that's probably why you find the mail or repair droids so much more exciting. Compared to +a few percentage here or there, summoning an actual in-game item is game-changing and fun. My biggest disappointment was the field re-spec droid was character specific? Ouch.
  18. .............. ............................. ... --- ... ... --- ... ... --- ...
  19. LOL, so you never beat Final Fantasy 7 either unless you got every single piece of equipment in the game, and discovered every single augment, and talked with every single NPC, and stepped on every single tile in the game... That's a bit of a silly standard - especially maxing companion affection. How does getting several extra 15 second cutscenes here and there change the gameplay experience significantly?
  20. I keep hearing about SWG but had never played - but just the idea of having a Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 makes me drool a little bit on my mini Tauntaun. Oh well, I have 8 days on my sub and I'm probably out, maybe I'll run into you 10 years from now in the next SW MMO, which will be released by EAActivisionBlizzardArenaNet Inc., and probably still won't feature gear customization.
  21. This game has tiny, medium, large and "you must be straight-up out yo' mind" size defects, but on the bright side it's still Star Wars. If this were a generic no-name game, or a game set in pixie-town, I wouldn't have bothered with it and neither would anyone else, and no one would still be here. Star Wars keeps the lights on. What MMO players want isn't hard to get: lively worlds, easy opportunities for interaction with others, meaningful crafting or at least the opportunity to wear distinctive gear, meaningful progression, feeling like a hero, etc. etc. To be part of an heroic world. Basically, a successful MMO is one where you can sink into the illusion of the world that's been created and identify with the characters and personalities in the game, and especially your own character. And a great MMO has to do all of that and still remain addictive and immersive over time. I can't count the number of ways this game fails those tests - the wheels come off the illusion bus early, and then ends in a massive pileup at the bottom of a ravine in the end-game. Everyone knows the complaints by now - the game lacks depth, replay-value, the worlds couldn't be more static if they were Tesla coils, the mobs are amazingly not challenging at all in any way, crafting is sub-par, character customization is weak, gear customization is extremely unbelievably horribly is-this-2012-or-1997 weak (no dyes, really?!), etc. etc. So no, it's not about 12 million people or pandas. If the game was great you could tell if only 1 million played, because everyone would be racing to copy it and compare their new game to that one. No one is stealing any ideas here or racing to be the next SWTOR.
  22. I still remembered when the sky texture failed to load when I was on Hoth and I thought for a second they had implemented day/night. That would have been cool - even the graphical glitch was pretty cool, to tell you the truth.
  23. Bah, don't lose your cool man. I mean, it's not worth it - you know what I mean? If people want to be mean about people they see as being mean to a game they love(?), I mean, what can you do?
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