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Everything posted by GamewizX

  1. This has nothing to do with EA getting mad about the way the community was being handled. EA could care less about the community. They laid off people because, with the decrease in players, such a large pool of Bioware employees was not necessary. For EA it solely had to do with cutting back expenses and had nothing to do with EA trying to "reprimand" Bioware for how they handle the community.
  2. Simple typo, but I appreciate that everyone is so eager to correct me. I never claimed it was worse than any other gaming forum community, but that doesn't mean it's not a rabid community.
  3. With Stephen Reid now gone I'm very curious to see who will be filling those not-so-desired shoes of being the primary buffer between the rabid community and the developers.
  4. It's sad to see Stephen go. The next CM has big shoes to fill.
  5. Have fun in the game any and all newcomers! Feel free to look up Corthin on the Republic side of The Shadowlands server.
  6. Been playing it for over 9 months now and still absolutely loving it. Before you say, "Hey! That's not possible!", I was in beta beginning in August of last year.
  7. Yes you are at a disadvantage in regards to companion affection, however you can still choose whichever reply you want and min/max by using gifts. And LS/DS is completely irrelevant as the best relics and gear in the game (ie, any gear that is equal or better than dailies) have zero LS/DS requirements. So you can still play out the story exactly the way you want and can min/max afterwards to make sure you are set for endgame content.
  8. Then feel free to enjoy Mortal Online and I will continue to enjoy TOR.
  9. If most of those titles were bags of crap to you, then perhaps you just aren't into the MMO genre that much. I enjoy TOR. I find it hilarious that is so offensive to you and you are so out to "prove" my personal preference of games is wrong. This all boils back to my original reply to you. I find that TOR has both great VO as well as fun gameplay. Clearly my MMO experience isn't new or restricted to just one type of MMO. So instead of you desperately trying to cling this idea that only those with extensive MMO experience with your exact mindset can hold a valid opinion, try and recognize the fact that I'm entitled to enjoy this game and that it differs from yours. It might be hard for you, but at least give it a try, hm?
  10. As is DCUO, but I would not consider DCUO to be anything like WoW. Edit: Haha you edited your post Point being is that the other poster is so bent on trying to validate his own argument by claiming I'm new to the MMO industry. I'm anything but.
  11. Really? STO, MO, Eve, COH, DCUO and SWG are like WoW? Try again.
  12. First MMO was SWG, and the list of MMOs I've played just off the top of my head are SWG, MO, LOTRO, CO, COH, STO, EVE, WOW, DCUO, Aion, and a slew of other smaller named MMOs. And I've been playing this game since last August when I got into beta. Try again. Edit: Oh, add WAR to that list. Also, I'm only counting the games where I've had at least a 3 month subscription to.
  13. You think of it as a gate, I think of it as part of the content. Therefore, this game has a ton of content for me.
  14. It's already confirmed that contracts and payment for extra voice-over has already been secured for future content. It will not need to be cut nor will it hurt future development costs.
  15. I'm assuming you mean that as a personal opinion and not a fact. Because they are just very different styles of RPG. What is considered the best is all a matter of personal preference.
  16. I think Bethesda has great RPGs as well, they are just very different in style. I've always looked to Bioware to give me my themepark RPG fix that is heavy on story and that tap into the emotional aspect of gaming. I look to Bethesda for my sandbox RPG fix if I want to experience a world they've created and where I essentially determine my own path. Both are very valid forms of RPG and they cater to very different playstyles.
  17. I guess we just have differing opinions on this then because I am not seeing the decline in Bioware games. I enjoy them just as much as I enjoyed the original Baldur's Gate and NWN.
  18. Sounds like you are just getting burnt out then. Just take a break for a couple weeks then come back to it if you want. One thing I've learned is that the second I start turning a game into a job or I feel like I'm just "going through the motions", it's time to take a break from it.
  19. Please drop the tin foil conspiracy theories. I've personally talked with both of them, even had a great one on one conversation with Greg Zeschuk last year. They are incredibly passionate gamers, and that is not something easily faked, especially when just talking casually to someone one on one. Have you read the contract between EA and Bioware? If not, do not make any claims about who is in charge of what when it comes to Bioware and their development procedures.
  20. And for the most part everyone in this thread thinks it's money worth spent. Of course it is more money to add voice overs as opposed to text. It also costs more to add 3d graphics as opposed to having TOR just be some text-based game. It's called investing into the game to make it more immersive. It's the exact reason why companies spend so much money making the visual (which includes the sound) aspect of a game so appealing. It appeals to our basic senses.
  21. That's not true. LA has the joy of SELLING the rights to use Star Wars and spending next to nothing on development. They get to just reap in a portion of all the proceeds and they have had very little input or financial backing into SWTOR.
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