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Posts posted by TX_Angel

  1. On 5/26/2023 at 5:34 PM, Khoxion said:

    Just a tip, but the grade 11 slicing mission for lockboxes gives you scrap and also credits (roughly the amount of credits spent on the mission); when it crits you get 3 boxes and a grade 11 mission. I have it on my main and run it all the time. You can get thousands of scrap very fast and you don't loose money.


    Yes, and if you could run it on "auto-run", or send all your companions on it at once, it would be epic.  And probably break the game.  :)

  2. On 6/16/2023 at 11:51 AM, jedimasterjac said:

    I’ve been thinking about the game’s narrative arc and I’m just… really at a loss. There’s no thrust, no momentum. We bounce around to these random locations while accomplishing very little of note.

    Dunno. I’ve loved this game as a platform and I’ve spent 11 years of my life playing this. I’ve made great friends and I’ve made awesome stories doing my own RP with small communities, but… man. It just feels so hollow. 

    Knights of the Eternal Throne, or 5.0, was the last real expansion of the game in 2016, the rest has been maintenance mode.

    I've been saying this for 7 years, mostly to get back "you're crazy, they released 30 minutes of story last year!"

  3. On 6/16/2023 at 8:47 AM, ceryxp said:

    Or guilds that do not have any preferred or F2P members.  In order to move encryptions from my preferred account to my main, subscribed account I had to post them to the GTN and buy them from myself.  Preferred accounts do not have access to the guild bank without an additional purchase.  One of the listed benefits of preferred over F2P is that preferred can participate in secured trades.  Now that benefit is drastically reduced.

    SWTOR isn't a game that plays well at end game without a sub.

    If you want to be F2P, there are better games to do that with.

  4. 9 minutes ago, deverson said:

    It's down for me. My partner, in the same room, on the same router, is currently playing on Satele Shan. It's not down for them.

    soo... Schrödinger's Server?

    Weird...  maybe because they are already logged in?


    So perhaps it is the LOGIN server that is down, but the actual game is running?

    • Like 1
  5. And yet most players don't even have a tenth of that from what I can tell. But you are right of course, if people want to buy them or have them, more power to them.


    However, I do like that these augments came into the public opinion as unnecessary and overpriced. That makes it so they don't become a requirement for raiding.


    Ahh, you're still here old friend... given the history, figured you would have bailed by now.


    I largely stopped playing, coming back to goof off in the game from time to time, but no longer take it seriously, no longer raid, no longer group or guild.

  6. In PvP, we want to continue to foster more high quality matches in Ranked, especially Group Ranked. So far this year we’ve boosted rewards to that end, but haven’t seen as much movement there as we would like.


    Translation... the players aren't playing the way WE want, so lets twist everyone's arm to try and get the PAYING CUSTOMERS to play the game OUR WAY.


    I wouldn't really engage with the community either if I had the devs attitude, frankly they should be embarrassed to show their faces at all.

  7. I agree. It sucks and BW made it worse than it was. I would like to say "let's hope they fix it" but hope and logic doesn't exist in BioWare's universe.


    And yet, everyone is still here talking...


    Unless you vote with your feet, all the chatter here is meaningless and EA knows it.


    Also, please stop calling it Bioware, that company no longer exists.

  8. Of course, he clearly invented this story of having a life outside swtor to avoid us. As you well know, Eric is a very active participant on these forums, and if he were to leave suddenly, his absence would be noted. Assuredly.


    If this is your idea of Eric being active... I'd had to see what you think inactive is...


    He is hardly here, clearly the forums isn't his job.

  9. Don't you lose the guildleader title as preffered if at least one person is a subscriber?


    And for everyone else: Stop worrying about CXP or crates. Can't you just enjoy the game for the gameplay and the fun you get from it? :confused:


    The gameplay stopped being fun awhile ago, there is nothing new and the game engine sucks...


    I've just tried to do it tonight and it is boring...


    Did a few FP, some PvP, and frankly... there are better games... lightsabers carry you some distance, but only so far...

  10. What do you guys think about this?


    Best Regards,




    I think you're kidding yourself and holding on to hope that should have died years ago... 3.0 was ok, 4.0 was terrible, but if 5.0 had launched the way 2.0 did, then it would have been ok... 5.0 has turned this game into a joke and it is never going back...

  11. Nice!! I haven't seen the statue but I'm glad they're recognizing founders on the anniversary of the game. I can't believe it's been five years already. I can still remember rolling my first toon and first starter planet. Here's to five more years!


    Five more years of what? A bit of solo story once a year and maybe 1 PVP map every other year?


    All the good stuff in this game is more than 2 years old now, most is more than 3 years old, there hasn't been anything new in years that would qualify as MMO content...

  12. ....It is incorrect to say there is not group content released in 5.0, and that it therefore is not and MMO.


    They did launch with some group content, and more is on the way in the next few months.


    They released the BARE MINIMUM for people like you to be able to say that... that you buy into it and repeat it shows a lack of insight on your part...


    Technically we have new PvP content in the past year, there were two new maps, but it doesn't make up for the completely inattention to PvP for years...

  13. I understand now what they are doing and why, and it is their game so, we can suggest/request, but we cannot demand or insist. Players are resisting and revolting because they don't like change, nor are they patient enough to take their foot off the pedal on GC until it gets smoothed out.


    Players really are their own worst enemies a lot of the time, and this is one of those times.


    You can blame the players all you like... but the players have another name... Customers...


    At the end of the day, if you don't take care of your customers, you won't have much of a game or a business...

  14. Yeah... been here since early beta..... I seem to remember that exact same comment back in the first six months of launch.... as 75% of the player base left and they scrambled to implement F2P.


    And has the game ever been the same since?


    2.0 was largely planned already, so it was decent... but beyond that it went downhill...


    Lightsabers only carry so far

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