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Everything posted by PBoba

  1. Not true. Give mercs an energy bubble or jet escape, something like the sorc bubble, not going to do anything to them in regs except they will have 5 deaths w/o heals instead of 10. But it would make them more solo ranked viable because they get the chance to force a switch of focus -like ops, sins, juggs and sorcs can do.
  2. same problem. thought it might be cos (I think) my character handed in an old 55 weekly (15 matches) in 3.0.
  3. +1... Almost. It's how I feel about all the glowstick classes cept Mara.
  4. ^ This. And +1 to all the carbine burst complaints. I suggested it was OP in a sorc/sin PVP thread... someone took me seriously.
  5. the 5k is endurance augs "bolster" for those without augs.
  6. PTs will be first ones on the floor, but sins, yeah.
  7. I am (was?) maining lethality right now. so I know, from painful experience. And giving dotspread on carbine is like asking sorcs to spread with slash.
  8. Operatives can spec +25% damage on carbine burst. Just sayin'.
  9. PBoba

    Mercs fotm????

    Isn't it we mercs need a big "don't attack me/can't attack me" like other classes have got? Can't get me - bubble(now+bubblestun and forcespeed) , stealth and phasewalk - so that's sorcs, sins and op ok Don't touch me - enraged defense - juggs. (plus everything else they have) And with that you have the only classes with effective arena defenses. At least PTs are fast now. I will throw in force camo, cloak of pain, because while there is a lot of complaining about maras, a well played mara going in and out with force camo is a beautiful thing to watch (even when they're killing my team.) Thematically mercs could have similar dropping them from combat for 10 seconds (mandalorian stealth generator), or the jet pack escape. Or the green energy bubble that pops up in some class stories. They could run off supercharge maybe. Every class needs this so solo queue focus is broken up. Surviving initial focus/making the opposition switch is key. Yes you can (or could pre 3.0, as some were saying) hump around kiting, take a while to die, but it's about being given the chance to enjoy your class.
  10. So there are some people with a legion of undeserved furious weapons and armour sets? Ty for explaining, and ty BW for the fix.
  11. PBoba

    Shadow/Sin fotm

    And BW thought a couple of scoundrel knockdowns were bad. This sht can't last. Soon as the SoR bugs are fixed it has to be priority #1.
  12. PBoba

    Mercs fotm????

    Everything useful for mercs is in heroic. Skillful and Masterful is trash. We need some DR at first tier. Our utilities should be closer to PTs, like sins and sorcs are closer. The Devs seem to think mercs spend all their time LOLing about at range. Yes, the PTs charge in - but in arenas especially, the melee opens up right in our face. (Refrains from mentioning jetpacks and mandalorian stealth generators).
  13. PBoba

    Mercs fotm????

    SS does proc instant if you hit a ranged attack (on a burning target?). Level 59 talent. If you get the rotation right, you never have to hard cast a serrated shot, and might get to powershot instantly a few times too.
  14. PBoba

    Mercs fotm????

    Spend GCDs kolto-shotting/running for your life. works for me.
  15. PBoba

    Mercs fotm????

    I love my merc! May yolo her this season. Toss up between getting force-fcked on her or my dps op. For the fun!
  16. Ok, no change, thanks. Throw in the alacrity changes and I've been reluctant to spend any comms yet, but at least relics are easy.
  17. One for the theorycrafters - Without the pristat buffs, as in the talent trees, is focused retribution relic still BiS? When should you choose dev vengeance? Same question for augments. Is power now always better?
  18. This trick worked for me, thank you. Confirmed by the creator as the best first fix, too.
  19. Anyone tried running this with SoR? I came up with a "C6 error" asking if I had 2gb of memory spare (or something_) and dumped me from the loading screen to desktop.
  20. I think if they changed matchmaking this could work. I think they should make it when you queue, your icon goes green when you are matched with an equiv role and rating - not a teammate, an opponent. Then you know you only have a bit longer to wait while 3 more matches are made, making two teams. If this happened, people would stay in queue longer, better pops, better teams.
  21. Ignoring all the personal attacks in this thread, The thing the devs have got wrong (again) is that they feel the need to give the title some celebrity factor. The fact that a title is rare and has one source is all the notoriety it needs. Putting "Famously" or "fantastic" in makes it sound like the title was earned in a Pride Parade. Not brutal deathmatch arenas, which are even more brutal once you factor in the ranked meta. So for my titles, suggested earlier: "Battered and Furious" fits because that's what anyone who gets under 1300 is (me included). We've had the ups and downs and frustrations, just like anyone, but haven't managed to climb into the good stuff. "Living Fury" - the sub 1649s are survivors. All the of the above, but with more to show for it. "Unstoppable Fury" - the 1650s are all of the above and didn't let it stop them. "Fury Incarnate" - the top 96 are the exact end product of whatever ranked PVP in SWTOR is. Not perfect, since it's not per server, but they epitomise Furious season, warts and all. I'm only bothering to post this in the (probably vain) hope that the devs acknowledge their colossal mistake with the titles (focusing on fame rather than arenas) swallow their pride and revamp their titles.
  22. Lemme try... Battered and Furious Living Fury Unstoppable Fury Fury Incarnate
  23. PBoba


    Lesser evil, as I said. Some will stack weapons. Some will spend 8hrs a day gaming and get their min/max in 2 weeks. The rest...? But isn't my main point right? If min-maxed pro-beasts all played ranked, there'd be no need for comm caps. Why min-max pros don't play ranked (now, and pre 2.0) is a whole other thread.
  24. PBoba


    The cap is necessary, unfortunately. Hardcore players immediately getting the new top tier gear and jumping straight into ranked - no problem. Hardcore players immediately getting the new top tier gear and massacring regs in premades - big problem. It's not just a grind, it's a small gate to prevent warzones becoming impossible for the general player (you know, like GSF; or kinda like what conquests have done to warzones for serious pvp pugs ). If all the top geared players and most experienced players played ranked, there'd be no problem. But that's not how the pvp community behaves. Besides always looking for the cheapest of all options, BW does look for the lesser of all evils.
  25. If it's like evasion/dodge, they can't.
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