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Everything posted by DresG

  1. I feel for you, that's exactly my case with Vigilance. I've been playing it since 1.3 and got called a noob many times because of it (despite the fact that I would outperform everyone). Now we got an unnecessary buff and it made things just too easy and not fun.
  2. Honesly, I think secondary stats work fine (except for alacrity). My juggernaut has a comfortable mix of crit and power (21,5% crit), it also has a ton of accuracy which, contrary to popular belief, really helps with vigilance/vengeance (people still gear as if they were playing smash). My guardian has an even more unorthodox gear sitting at 25% crit. Both are equally effective. Power/surge is too mainstream.
  3. I lol-ed. I think BO would be fine without the crit increase and TT without it giving the possibility to crit on secondary weapons (pods)
  4. Actually, it's a game. Having fun is what counts, or would you tell me that you only derive pleasure from looking at a green tinted scoreboard with the word Victory rather than actually flying a ship against pilots of similar skill? but let's pretend rhetoric arguments are here just for a random, angry future forum poster to reply to (and possibly necro) instead of something to be taken as food for thought in the present. A VOIP system to counter bomber and gs premades would help just veteran pilots. New pilots, even if they had a mean to communicate effectively, don't know how to position themselves to kill bombers or flank gs. GSF suffers most from the steep learning curve that drives new players away from this game mode, while a VOIP system would be nice, it wouldn't really help new players deal with the previously mentioned premades.
  5. To fix that we could try to mimic the method used by not-so-oldschool-fps like ET and limit the amount of players that can choose certain ships. Everyone jumping on Field Ops to call for airstrikes during a certain stage of the match was a common occurrence on some servers, with a cap to Field Ops the match ran smoothly and everyone had fun. Sadly, people would cry and ragequit if something like this ever happens, because winning is what counts, right?
  6. I don't think the real problem are TT/BO but rather CF, despite the fact that its available to every ship, Type 1 and 2 scouts benefit the most from it. So I guess you could say the combination of TT/BO and CF is what needs a nerf, maybe making the cooldowns exclusive to each other, as in not being able to activate them simultaneously. I would prefer "everyone" getting nerfed to SF levels than seeing SFs buffed to match scouts and gunships. This is coming from a guy that loves his Type 1 SF (unless I'm imp side, the Rycer is hideous). BTW, SF are fine, they don't need a buff, not even to rapids.
  7. Domination (Scout and Overall): Vègan- S-13 Sting - Jedi Covenant - 16 Solo Kills Vègan- S-13 Sting - Jedi Covenant - 25 Kills Performance Tab: http://i.imgur.com/rUWIeSD.jpg From a different match: Vègan- S-13 Sting - Jedi Covenant - 21 Kill Streak Vègan- S-13 Sting - Jedi Covenant - 93,224 Damage Vègan- S-13 Sting - Jedi Covenant - 143,64 DPS No deaths so performance tab is not necessary. Death Match (Strike Fighter and Overall): Drès - FT-8 Star Guard - Jedi Covenant - 107,426 Damage Someone please tell me how to calculate DPS for this Drès - FT-8 Star Guard - Jedi Covenant - 26 Kills & Assists Drès - FT-8 Star Guard - Jedi Covenant - 6 Solo Kills Performance Tab: http://i.imgur.com/YnIN8Cd.jpg Medals: Drès - FT-7B Clarion - Jedi Covenant - 17 Medals Performance Tab: http://i.imgur.com/m5PX4gR.jpg
  8. While I won't stop flying my Star Guard, I must disagree with the pieces falling into place argument. Giving a single ship the best Primary Weapon (Bursts), the two best Secondary Weapons (Slug and Clusters) and the best defense and engine components (Distortion and Power Dive) is plain stupid, specially when you consider that this ship, designed for very long range "encounters", will have the option of fighting back effectively against pretty much all the other ship roles. In a game that places emphasis on the Rock/Paper/Scissor design, it makes no sense to have a ship that can be Rock and Paper at the same time.
  9. You are our voice, push for it to happen [: Hah I am unable to imagine Madness/Balance as the new FOTM.
  10. I was not aware the questions were already out. Thanks a lot for this one, I miss Balance spec so much. I know it's obviously too late, but here are some suggestions: Instant, lower cooldown Phase walk that briefly stealths you (combat stealth, like Force Camo) would work wonders for survivability of this spec. Increased self-healing would be amazing as well, but I would prefer if they added a new talent that reduced the cooldown on Resilience/Deflection 0.5secs for every DoT crit. This would also make gearing more interesting than the current way people gear for Infiltration (17% crit, buffed), so crit rating becomes sort of a passive defensive stat. I understand that they maybe removed the talent that increased melee damage to prevent powerful hybrid builds, but its silly considering it could have been moved high up the tree and remove Lambaste instead. My last suggestion is for increased damage, burst specifically, make Spinning Strike (our execute) usable on targets regardless of health for 5 seconds after using Force in Balance. I'm not entirely sure if it should reset the cooldown, that could make for a massive burst potential on under 30% hp targets.
  11. I normally tell people they are wrong when something like this is said, but Bioware nerfed Focus in a way that was needed pre Vigilance proc/root buff. Right now they made my spec (Vigilance) way too powerful and easy to use, Focus just feels bad right now and even harder to use compared to Vigilance Talent bloat, merge accuracy and single saber mastery, problem solved. Being able to use Guardian Leap while rooted would be nice, but if you are under fire and can't break LOS for whatever reason you are still dead. I would say adding a talent that reduces the cooldown of Saber Ward 10/20secs every time Guardian Leap is used, but maybe then we would find people using Gleap just to keep the other cooldown ready to use. Maybe a damage reduction or increased defense chance (20% on any or both?) for 2 seconds could make for a nice change, very high up the tree of course.
  12. I'm not sure its such a good idea to give the two best short ranged weapons in the game to a ship that already has the best long, really long, range weapon there is. They might as well give the Type 3 GS Interdiction Mines. I think they will try to keep pushing the whole support role thing they did with the new scouts and strike fighters. Maybe through a new component similar to remote slicing, except that it can be applied from GS range, or a new railgun that does not hit as hard as slug but adds a shield pierce debuff that lasts as many seconds as it takes you to release the shot (up to 8 or something)
  13. I don't usually call people noobs, but whoever told you that is a huge noob. Type 1 Scout packs one of the highest bursts potential in the game (rocked pods, light lasers and telemetry) and Type 1 Strike Fighter is one of the most versatile ships there are, you can set the components for a mean, very sturdy, short range dogfighter (ions, rapids, clusters, quick charge) or you can set it for mid range harasser (heavies, rapids, concs). In both cases, these ships need just a couple of days to have it upgraded to a decent level of functionality. If you want Fleet Requisition fast then you need to convert Ship Requisition from those ships you barely use, to Fleet Req using Cartel Coins.
  14. I crit for 7,5k Spinning Strike on my DPS geared, full tank specced shadow when relics proc. It is not something that happens constantly at all.
  15. Cyclops is pretty much spot on, he is a jerk. I guess I'm Iceman.
  16. The hangar should be at least faction-wide, I should be able to fly my Star Guard on my leveling alts too.
  17. Updated my post with the performance tab. Yes, I only like flying my StarGuard on pub side.
  18. My k/d ratios for Imp side used to be on the negative side, literally, there was a blank space where the number indicating my k/d was supposed to be, right now its getting near a respetable 4. It is not a lie, you die a lot at first, then you learn and stop dying or, at the very least, die less than what you used to. There is no such thing as "boys club", and if there was one it would not include bombers hiding in the corner of a satellite. Less QQ more PewPewPew.
  19. Domination Drès - Star Guard - Prime-Defense - Jedi Covenant - 19 Kills Drès - Star Guard - Prime-Defense - Jedi Covenant - 17 Kill Streak Drès - Star Guard - Prime-Defense - Jedi Covenant - 11 Solo Kills Drès - Star Guard - Prime-Defense - Jedi Covenant - 80800 Damage The numbers work for records by ship type, got the performance tab too. Performance Tab: http://i.imgur.com/mfpF36I.jpg
  20. A couple of pilots do (that I have noticed) and plenty of bad GS pilots after I start farming them for having no situational awareness.
  21. It used to be high before the Master Strike root/proc buffs, now its almost as easy as Focus is
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