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Everything posted by DresG

  1. Nope. You cannot justify the current way Force Sweep works by saying theres a class that can bubble the entire team, that would imply that Focus is not op only when fighting against a team with sorcs/sages. Maybe you can start a match with full bubbles, but when the combat starts the healer wont have enough GCDs to cast bubble on the entire team. Solution is simple, single target dmg for Focus spec is fine, all bioware needs to do is make Force Sweep do normal dmg (either not affected by singularity or the auto crit) to everyone but your current target. In exchange, Focus Guardians need some utility, maybe a root/snare to targets affected by sweep. Something like Freezing Force debuff on all targets affected by Force Sweep or refresh the duration of Freezing Force (that way it makes a good sinergy with the other talent), that would make Focus spec very desirable for reasons that have nothing to do with massive aoe numbers.
  2. I honestly think Operative DPS is fine, I play leth almost exclusively tho, conc feels boring to me.
  3. Has it ever happened to you that you finish a RPG but regardless of the, hopefully, great and satisfying journey to the end of the game you simply want to replay it again? ofcourse it has, RPG fans are no strangers to that kind of scenario, that is why some RPG games have a "New Game+" mode which allows you to replay the game keeping all your items and skills but with a higher difficulty setting, this is exactly what the game needs! One of the strongest selling points this game has is the story, Bioware wants us to play all class stories (which makes sense since they are all fun) but this is an mmoRPG, I do not participate in RP yet I do feel a connection to my character, I've created a story for him, how he got his mask, lightsaber, etc, so while it seems logical to just create another character to replay the story, I want MY already created character to go through the story again, the one I care for, not some random zabrak. I know some people do not play, any game, just for the sake of playing it, so while I know I would enjoy playing the story again with my old character just for the fun, there has to be some kind of reward for doing so, maybe new achievements, maybe some nice gear (cosmetic or otherwise) simple rewards, details that show some thought put into it are the best, or maybe something even simpler (and more obvious) like a bonus to experience to your next alt. This might look like new "old" content, but any content is new if you give us a new way to experience it, like the new HM flashpoints you added for 2.0, this brings me to the next point. Higher difficulty, do you remember that first time you were wandering that RPG world and noticed something odd, maybe a big, lonely, scary monster just standing there? (I am looking at you Emerald Weapon from FF) you had no idea wether to approach it or not because you did not know what could happen, then you get into the fight and there is a sense of dread when that monster takes half of your health points in a single hit... nice moments which this game is lacking. I want that last quest on Belsavis, as a Knight, where they were plotting to blow the planet to actually be hard to complete, maybe even a true countdown... you get the idea. Bioware crafted huge, beautiful worlds that remain virtually empty, they have tried to address this with GSI dailies, but honestly it is not enough, specially considering that they are mostly time consuming instead of fun. Consider this, with people going through the Hard Mode Class Story, you will have populated planets again (things that motivate them to leave the safety shelter known as the fleet are good) and it would be amazing if you could make periodic events on certain planets. Every 15 days you could add quests that are completed in a designated area of a planet, for example Balmorra, Imperials/The Republic is trying to obtain this facility/resource to advance their war effort and it is your duty to stop them, the first 15 days of a month could be on a planet that is not accessible by both sides, making it a PvE event, and the following 15 days make it on a planet that both factions can fight each other so it turns into Open Wolrd PvP. That last point is one of the most important, for some reason that war between the two factions is overlooked by you, as a Jedi Knight I want to aid in defeating the Empire and bring security to the galaxy, as a Operative I want to become an agent of change for the Empire, fighting Dread Masters or Hutts is just not the same. There is a reason we are playing a Star Wars MMO. This is a great, amazing game, huge potential, with some minor additions could become even better. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
  4. So somehow for you having a commando use a blaster rifle instead of an assault cannon messes the storyline? *spoiler alert* some people do that already.
  5. Reading skills? if you try to say something funny you could at least base it on something people actually said.
  6. I've not stated that non force users should be able to use lightsabers or force users blasters, just weapons that can actually fit the role, Boba Fett is a bounty hunter with a blaster rifle, Windu uses Juyo with a single lightsaber.
  7. All weapons with the exception of those required for advanced classes (double bladed lightsaber, two lightsabers, sniper rifle, assault cannon) should have no restriction and be used by any of the appropriate classes.
  8. " I would pay big bucks if you let my Shadow use a single bladed lightsaber effectively" as in there is no restriction to the abilities.
  9. Actually I think it would be better if there were some minor restrictions so some classes remain "iconic", after all I do not think we would want powertechs running around rocket punching people while they carry a gatling gun.
  10. I'll pretend you are talking about animations so I will explain from a 3d animation point of view, things wouldnt have to be "switched and redone" because of the fact that every character model can use the same armors, that means that all the characters use a single skeleton (every armor and model is weighted to this skeleton) and this skeleton contains all the animations for the characters, which is why some merc can do a force sweep during his heroic moment. It is not computer wizardry.
  11. Not if you use what already exists, an assassin who wants to use a single bladed lightsaber could use the same animations as the warrior.
  12. Did you actually think about it before your post? Because the only actual game mechanic involved is the difference in weapon damage and even that could be solved by adding a "new" weapon type for each of the new uses.
  13. The point of playing a RPG is to play a role, to connect with your character, get invested in the story (this point the game does well, if you ignore all the side quests). There are already multiple ways to be able to really connect with your character, more customization wont hurt at all. I would pay big bucks if you let my Shadow use a single bladed lightsaber effectively. I am pretty sure there are plenty of subs who would love to have their bounty hunters use blaster rifles, or sentinels/marauders use something other than 2 lightsabers, maybe a operative with a blaster pistol (which would make more sense considering its only 10m range).
  14. That's some impressive numbers guys, I'm glad I actually get to fight some of you occassionally. Got a ss for medal count (21), during early 1.3 running Vig/Def hybrid. http://i49.tinypic.com/atm6v5.jpg Maybe you can add a new category? Total Wins (non-ranked) to Medals, or MVP ratio.
  15. Any spec you plan to run using Soresu (even if not all the time) needs Lunge, Riposte is invaluable skill when you are trying to do the highest possible DPS (even if you are using other specs, that extra off-GCD makes a big difference)
  16. No free bladestorm is a no-no for any build, and going so high up vig and not getting free sweep also feels like a waste. Vig/focus hybrid builds are being discussed in this threat http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=547312
  17. Great reading material, I've been using a spec like this for a while now (switching back and forth from full focus on current patch, and from vig/def hybrid on 1.2/1.3) like you say it can be very scary to some people to suddenly get zealous leaped at by a guardian who just did overhead slash. But despite the obvious usefulness it doesnt offer that much compared to vig/def hybrid (unchanneled stasis, warding call and blade barrier) or the sometimes ridiculous amount of dmg that focus can do to a group. Both vig hybrids are very fun to play, but like you say they are very gear dependant (specially vig/focus) Maybe someday BW will make focus spec more interesting and fun to play (most likely through a nerf or making something other than force sweeps the whole point of playing full focus) that way we can all go back to enjoy guardians that actually take skill to play.
  18. Don't judge people for their valor or gear, a lot of a bad players get carried or eventually simply get enough resources to be full WH and get their precious titles that they think makes backpedaling a very pro thing to do.
  19. Learn to kite, as simple as that, if you are a range class and cant kill that annoying melee class with his uber op 4m melee range then you need to switch game. I suspect you are a backpedaler. Operative = I can kite pretty much any melee, specially those lol juggs that spam their buffed snare, just sever tendon and kite. Sorcerer/Commando = a bit trickier but still maneagable if you can strafe+run.
  20. To be honest I considered it many times while leveling at around lv35 with my shadow, but I decided to wait until some day BW gives us the choice to change it using $
  21. There is so much truth on that post that I could quote everything, but probably the highlight of your post is when you mention class roles on huttball and the shadow section, knowing how to use your class to help your team win applies to virtually every wz. Great post.
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