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Everything posted by Totemdancer

  1. April fools morning they will say the game will continue for years to come. That afternoon they turn the servers off and close the game.
  2. They could at least acknowledge the issue and say they are looking into it. Communication or acknowledgement of an issue, no matter how bad, is better than silence. When you hear nothing it just reinforces people beliefs that they don't care or aren't trying to fix something. Even if they don't have an answer to a problem, they just need to say we are looking into it or we've heard you and will get back to you, Eric did that about people's request to have the option to turn off the 250% XP boost. He didn't even have an answer in his first post, but he said we've heard you and I'll get back to you. That is the sort of communication everyone wants from them. If we had that more often it would go a long way with players. Even if they say no to something, at least the communication is acknowledged. I think the head in the sand mentality is compounding all the current players issues since 5.0. The most frustrating is when they get all excited about a feature that we all hate and want fixed. It's a complete disregard for the players and I would go as far as disrespecting the players.
  3. Probably why Tait left EA, he saw the writing on the wall. You have to wonder if people on the team are even listened to by Ben or Charles. I know I would be extremely frustrated and look for other work in that circumstance.
  4. Totemdancer


    Lots of bad Mercs on that team, so I'm not sure why you are complaining they are so majorly OP and ruining matches. I have to admit that's the most I've ever seen in one match. Looks like you had fun pummelling those noobs, lol
  5. The resident hack trolls are back and started to post on the forums yesterday and the day before. I sent a PM to Eric to advice him the person was back on one of his multitude Alt accounts and to keep an eye out for this hacker to show up in matches. Their threads and posts were removed in the last 24 hours. The best thing you can do is to PM Eric with the players name, server, time, map and explain what you saw. If you e recorded it, ask Eric if you can send it to him.
  6. If all you are doing is farming CXP, maybe you should play pve. Most people pvp for the sake of pvp and don't care as much about CXP. I'd rather play an Arena match than sit in the queue waiting for it to pop because there aren't enough for an 8 man.
  7. That is good advice. LoS is essential and anyone who doesn't use it in pvp needs to learn how to.
  8. There isnt just one scale fits all for being psychologically stable these days, especially people online. Even a small amount of depression or stress from work/study or some major emotional event in someone's life can trigger responses to harming yourself or even others. In Australia we are going through a social mental awareness and education process. It's no longer taboo to talk about such things and attitudes are changing towards it, so more people are open to getting help or asking others if they are ok. As someone who helps others with these issues and supporting their loved ones, I can tell you from first hand experiences that having people constantly saying things like that to you can affect the way you feel about yourself and there is always that first person to start the process. No one should ever tell someone to kill themselves, no matter how mundane it may seem or wether they mean it. There have been thousands of reported cases where people online have been told to kill themsleves and they have. Considering no one knows how another person is feeling online, they shouldn't assume that what they say won't have a negative affect on someone.
  9. Why, I have one of every class
  10. Totemdancer


    Because I disagree with you? All I see is you QQing about Mercs all over the forums and when people explain how to counter them or why they aren't as bad as you make them out to be, you won't listen. Take some advice. Roll a Merc, learn how to play the class properly, not just face tank like noobs do. Then you'll be able to anticipate what they are going to do and know how to counter them. If you are getting smashed by Mercs, then maybe they are just better players and it wouldn't matter what class they were on. Any over tuned class, wether it's a small or large over tuned one, will seem extremely OP in the hands of people who really know how to play the class and are good. Most of the really good Mercs at the moment are ones that learned to play them properly before 5.0 and probably main them. So I suggest you look inwards to discover the real reason you think they are so OP as to ruin the game. I'm pretty sure it's a L2 improve your skill level issue.
  11. Totemdancer


    I'd rather have nearly any other class on my team than a Merc
  12. LoL, they are just so dumb.
  13. LoL, now I want crystals that make your weapons shoot rainbows and a gun that makes fart noises when you shoot it. Can you imagine you're in pvp on Voice Chat with a bunch of people and someone shoots a fart sounding weapon and everyone on chat goes quiet while we work out who it was that farted. Then we all start laughing and go get fart weapons too. The whole match would turn into an episode of Terrence and Philip or blazing saddles.
  14. Totemdancer


    I need to point out that I'm from Generation X and we know the value of needing to work hard or learn things properly. FYI, I main a lightning Sorc, the worst spec in the game at the moment and I can kill Mercs. So they aren't as bad as you constantly make out. I think maybe half your problem is you've never played a Merc so you don't know how to counter them. Maybe role one and learn how they really work and you might change your tune. Tactics, anticipation and watching what they are doing makes all the difference. If all you are doing is spamming your own abilities and reacting to them and have zero idea what they are about to do or are doing, then you will lose to most specs, you just need to use your brain a bit more instead of expecting them to just roll over and die.
  15. True to a certain extent, but most people don't even try to play HB or even know how to use their class in HB. Sometimes having a whole team full of centres willing to run the ball together is like a Rugby football match and you can push to the line with brute force and bit of flair. The game can be played different ways depending on the team mix and you can use different tactics as long as the players know their class role for the match. That is the biggest problem with HB, it requires a different mind set from any other type of play and most people just can't get their head around the fact that it's basically a sport and requires real team work. On my dps Sorc I usually out heal my damage 2-1 in HB. On my dps Jugg I tank more than dps. Stuns, slows, roots, interrupts and pushes are needed more than pumping out massive dps. When I see most of a team not playing the ball I leave the match because I refuse to carry them. It's disheartening when you score all 6 goals solo or with 1 other person to win the match and the person who gets all the votes is the idiot dps farmer who didn't contribute all match Or when you are the only one defending against 5 of their team and 7 of your guys run all over the map trying to kill 3 people. I'd rather leave even if we are winning than carry idiots. The only time I'll rage quit a HB is when people don't try. If they are bad and we are losing I'll stay as long as they are trying to play.
  16. Totemdancer


    LoL, food stamps, classic quote.
  17. Totemdancer


    Merc isn't broken, just slightly over tuned and they are still killable if you can play.
  18. Be sad to see you go. I know you've been here for a long time But I can't really blame you. I'm probably going to follow soon because I'm sick of waiting 10-20 mins for a pvp pop.
  19. Wait, what?? Between expansions, sorry but, lol, the expansion only just launched and the game started bleeding players almost instantly. We are only just going on 2 full months since release, so I certainly wouldn't classify it being between expansions yet. Maybe in another 2 months, but not yet. Holidays, work and school can affect some participation, but not this bad. I do agree it's probably a compounding of all reasons, but the one that stands out the most is the RNG/CXP gearing and the removal of the old gearing system, especially for parts of the game like pvp who don't grind RNG/CXP because all they want to do is play skill vs skill.
  20. It was the way you worded FOTM in the sentence that made it look like you didn't understand what it meant, so apologies. Most Sorcs are Madness/healing and are left over from the 4.0 meta when they were FOTM. Madness really aren't performing that well, there are just lots of them. I play lightning and as you probably know it's the worst performing spec in the game, even the pve people don't want them in operations. Its my main and I'm pretty good because Ive had 5 years to practice, but I'd love a small buff to bring up to the same as a Fury Mara burst. There are still Mercs and commandos about, but they are diminishing in numbers. I now see snipers out number Mercs at least 2-1 in every match. When I call a sniper FOTM it's because I see so many. On a side note I've seen a big increase in operatives too, especially people running 4 operative Premades like it's the only way they can win.
  21. Yeah, it's hard to get better when regs aren't challenging you enough to get better than you are. So the only recourse is to try Ranked to get the challenge to improve. Obviously duels don't work for healers so anyone suggesting that doesn't realise that duelling people is pointless. Years ago when we had more players and higher skilled than we do now, regs could be challenging, especially as Arena didn't exist, so 99%!of pvp was in regs. The skill grind to get better was real because you had lots of these excellent players to learn from and play against. People didn't troll you (much) or be ultra elitist and you had the opportunity to really increase your skill. Now 99.99999% of those good players have left. Most of the current elitist players wouldn't be considered skilled enough to beat those players. It's not their fault because once you get to a certain lvl of skill and have no one better to grind against, so your skills plateau because you don't need to get better. But they shouldnt consider themselves elite, because they aren't. There will always be someone better than them and they should know that and encourage you to grind against them to get better.
  22. A Light sabre whip would be an awesome weapon for Force weilders. It's a weapon that has been used in SW stories even though they aren't canon anymore, but they used to be. It would be better than the same bland sabre hilts that are rehashed over and over.
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