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Everything posted by anesvik

  1. And I know I come off Trollish. But I dont sugar coat for people. Its the same in most MMOs...At some point, we as players need to not always have the company hold our hands through the game and save us every time someone is "mean" or "annoying"... let people make stupid names. As long as you like your character's name and story, etc....then its all good.
  2. I agree to OP. I still have my Tionese gear for my Mara...but vendored it when I was gearing up my merc...then the expansion came out and I wish I could outfit my merc in the mara tionese chest...Bring back tion/rakata/war hero shells? I want to have those as visual options for my characters...
  3. FYI...the name in question...HILARIOUS. They are lvl 38. I am sure they were reported before, and the name is still there at lvl 38. So here is what ya gotta do...move on.
  4. So What are you going to do if you see my alt Bacon running around. If I was all anal about someones name on a GAME...i would just ignore them. that feature is basically there to make the annoying people invisible to us. Use it. And remember, this is a GAME. Have fun. let others have fun in a way the want. If Bioware deems the name in need of change, it will change. But if they dont, then move on....or go outside.
  5. I liked RotHC...but i do think we need to progress with classes. after we are done, we are just ...floating around...til we get told to go to makeb. Will agents story be resolved, or the emperor's wrath...will they look for the emperor? Many classes seem to just end and hang there...so I am sure there is room for another expansion. Was hoping it too be soon, but realistically it wont be for awhile. So for now why can try to influence patches. So here is my idea...Swoops. nice red ones. Or Imperial Royal Guard gear....
  6. ok. fine....ill be the one to say it...ITS AN RP SERVER....no one cares. they made rp servers to keep the freaks away from the people that love to play the game and be social. lol. If you dont like someones name? uh ok here is an idea...put em on ignore list, or ignore it personally, or move on.
  7. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=589921
  8. amen, plus...not only is it fun, but it is VERY profitable.
  9. hmmm with only 2 hours? well, my cycle of dailies usually takes longer. But I could do my Black Hole and Section X dailies and do 3-4 flashpoints (as DPS....i have no tank toons and my healing toons are not at max lvl yet) But If I have a short amount of time, I will usually play the gtn and run crew missions for mats that i sell on gtn. I find that there is plenty to do. Even as another poster said, lately I have been doing heroics that I skipped while I was leveling. and rep grinding is long, but I am loving the rewards and the mass amounts of credits I am making. I hope OP is not QQing about having nothing to do at max level because I have a ton to do, usually have to alternate what I do each day cuz there is more than I can do in one day. So look around, there is a ton to do.
  10. Ya, I use paypal for all purchases and like I said, previous times it was instant. And I buy the 10 dollar pack once a month. And I did ask in gen chat about it on the harbinger...might of been me. But my response was that a few other people had the same issue. The current wait time on the phone is over an hour I will call again later to see if i can get help, but if not I will ask for a refund for sure. Because my paypal processed the info and the money was subtracted already from my account....uggg
  11. Ok. I like this game. I rarely have issues with the game like most people have. But the following has happened 3 times now. I have made a purchase of cartel coins. My Paypal processed the payment and the money was taken...but I have not got the coins. It has been about 5 hours..logged out then back in. etc. The first time i bought coins i needed to wait about an hour, the next time was instant...but the last 3 times? I need to *****, open ticket and call ( and the circle jerk automated menu is insanity)...and then they issue the coins. Listen Bioware, is it to much to ask to get some service? Gold farmers on WoW were faster than you guys....and a tad more friendly. So come on Bioware. Fix this.
  12. This is stupid. ummm I am able to craft some dyes. And the red-white dye is popular, yet only goes for about 8k. And it makes my gear look bad ***. And are people complaining about using cartel coins to get dyes? wow, really. They are a ton of people that are free to play. How would you all suggest they make money? hmmm? I love the dye system. this was a great idea. Room to improve? sure. But i am sure minor changes will be made in the future. Here is a thought. You cant make EVERYONE happy. I dont like how i need to pay to be cathar...but im over it. I will buy the unlock off gtn using creds i worked my rear off for. Bioware needs to make money to offset the cost of development and pay their employees. Dont whine. Play the game. Enjoy it. Its freaking Star Wars. If you dont like it, i will take over your account for you all... Its not perfect...but it is fun.
  13. I agree. this was just ...well, bad. Subs get full game...without the cost...yet here we are. This is the first let down since i have sub'd...i hope they fix it and it will be the last. but im realistic...it wont get much better. Want to play a cathar, but not paying cc...ill just use credits...like i do for everything else.
  14. CC fo altering my looks? really? and cool a new race. I am a sub. ill go make a new toon and have it be a cathar...OH WAIT...IM NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT, ok, so u add new content...and subs cant even use it? really? charge free to play cc's....preferred get discounted cc's...and subs pay with in game currency. OH NO WAIT. that would be logical. Tell me, why do I sub? actually stocking up on unlocks so i dont need to sub again. well, i pay my monthly if i am actually allowed to play what i payed for...otherwise ill look at this game as another d3...dying.
  15. crossing fingers for either...gree event, subs get cathar free, OR...a fix on the long loading screens. since 2.1 my loading screens have taken forever...that would be a nice fix. but it is prob some weird glitch or animation...oh well, i can still hope for free stuff...lol
  16. this is not the only one to attack me. IR-77 attacked me 2x...a wampa and a droid too. All have boss health and icon. I killed the droid and the wampa vanished. IR-77 attacked me on taris and hoth. i got them to 50% health then...poof. they vanished. I am able to kill them so why do they vanish? and i get nothing for killing them...exp or otherwise. Glitch maybe?
  17. oh god...not a rep grind! i was doing fine with dailies...ugg. time sink ftw! not really complaining cuz i know i am gonna be doing them...lol
  18. so your mad that you need to grind again? ok. You all are insane. Would you rather have a game like Diablo3 that you beat and that is that...or do you want a game that keeps you learning, always giving you something new to do? Ya, I am a noob to this game, But new levels, gear, zones whatever mean new things to learn and it never gets stale. If you dont want new stuff, feel free to leave...lighten up the server load a little. I enjoy finding new gear...exploring a new zone...IN ANY GAME. It is proof that designers put pride in their work and dont sit on their rears. the expansion is a good thing. It means this game is still growing. Means that even in free to play, they generate enough money to work on a new project and impliment any feature...and thats not cheap. I will not pre order...kinda a waste, but i will buy it when it is released. I will keep subscribing...or maybe unlock with coins the features i want...not sure yet.
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