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Everything posted by psikofunkster

  1. and there you go...that's what i've been suspecting since the last 2 operations ravs and tos were bugged and not fix until the next year... Killing the game little by little.
  2. Nope, nerfin never ends why the threads should....
  3. To the White Knight: FYI Develops are working right now not spending their time reading stupid threads.
  4. This expansion is unoffically called "the eternal grind" so....enjoy leveling up again.
  5. and this go for the white knights suggesting everybody should move to the harbinger....
  6. No only that, game now remains you each time you log in that you are missing classes (if that is the case) so in order to achieve that feeling of "completeness" (IMO) you need to get the full 8 ones, marketing trick i know but that's how things are.
  7. Not only that, the few people that still remains don't know the operations, on my server the JC trying to complete ravagers or TFB STORY MODE is a real pain (event with the bolster and the 4.0 nerf), most people can't do it. It's useless to log in on this game, endgame content is dead...sub ends next Saturday i'm sad because i wish i could still play but there's no point.
  8. what Bioware CAN do is to release new operations like Blizzard did with legion....
  9. The USA ones are doing exactly the same.....
  10. Exactly you put more intelect on that in comparison to parsing 8k that's my point.
  11. Sure doing bad things is not good, still their activity is more powerful compared to grinding a game which leaves you at the end with nothing.... BTW the USA actually do the same.... http://map.norsecorp.com/#/
  12. Its interesting while some of us are wasting our time on the eternal grind or posting here those Chinese teens are learning how to attack servers.... mmm. That's their personal SWTOR for them....
  13. Anybody can post any cr""# on twitter to be fair. Yesterday was stated it was an attack to ISP carries in the USA. We are currently monitoring a DDOS attack against network providers which is affecting latency/connections to our games. That makes sense not an attack to EA. Again they are not that important and SWTOR is currently empty.
  14. Nobody is attacking EA LOL they are not THAT important they are attacking ISP in the USA hence EA is affected too.
  15. These bloo3$# chinos! En el bosque de la china la chinita se perdió la la la
  16. Things are fine now. Sadly most of the people went to sleep.....lol
  17. More interesting seeing Microsoft being involved attacking...
  18. More important this attack coincides with the new WoW expansion being released....not related but interesting...
  19. Exactly this game feels nowhere land since last week. Sub expires this saturday....gonna miss the game but its pointless to be a sub for me right now.
  20. What about an official statement? don't you think we as players deserve that minimum from EA?
  21. DDOS attack against network providers What about stating an official announcement about this EA, Blizzard does.
  22. Perhpaps the one that should stop playing is you? That way you don't have to deal with these kind of threads, have a sniker boi.
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