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Everything posted by elliotcat

  1. That's the point of this game though. Just like the original KOTOR and KOTOR II. Your character has a major role to play, and they influence the galaxy in a big way. We're essentially all playing the same story, but our heroes are all different - they are what we want them to be.
  2. I am going to continue, no worries! Unfortunately my [mental] health has been severely poor the last few months. Hopefully soon things will improve and I can get back to this.
  3. This - and I can offer this info as well. Writing a Jedi parent who's still a part of the Order is hard and very unpleasant. The parent basically has to force him or herself not to be attached, which is more or less unnatural. It can be a good source of drama but it can also be really difficult to write. Again, that's why I suggested a lower-ranking Jedi like a padawan.
  4. Thank you for filling in, Bright. I'm very sick and am trying to get better. I am so sorry I haven't been a good thread host this semester. Hopefully next semester will go better!
  5. I agree...I mean, would you like advice? Because I think the changes people have suggested you make are really good ones. The concerns are legitimate and they have a serious potential to pretty much destroy your story. You don't seem like a horrible, beyond-all-help kind of writer. But if you're not willing to make suggested changes to make your story realistic in the universe you choose to write in, then there's no point in asking for people's thoughts. Just my $.02.
  6. Folks have already, quite eloquently, explained the characterization issues. They gave you some good advice, so please do think about it. This particular pairing is very problematic for reasons besides that, though, too. There's nothing at all wrong with a character who has an NPC for a parent. I have one, other folks have written some. It can be done well. However, you've taken two of the most influential and powerful NPCs, who are enemies, and made them hook up and have a kid. That's a BIG red flag that you're writing a hardcore Mary Sue. Plus, these people are very famous and have a lot of responsibility - there's just no way they'd be able to sneak off and secretly have a child. Someone, somewhere, would find out. You can certainly write a story about a Sith and a Jedi having a relationship, maybe even having an agreement like the one you described. But those would have to be people who weren't the leaders of their entire Orders. Probably at least one would be low-ranking or a newcomer to the Sith or Jedi at the time of their relationship. So you could write about someone like Darth Baras having a child with a 19-year-old Jedi padawan, or Nomen Karr knocking up a Sith apprentice. From a storytelling perspective, I wouldn't want to write about Malgus and Satele anyway. There's already tons written about them, and SWTOR is chock full of really interesting NPCs who you could develop your own way. I would so much rather read about someone's unique (but believable) take on some Darth I ran into on a sidequest than read yet another story about Malgus and/or Satele. It gives you a lot more freedom when you're writing your story as well. Even some of the more important NPCs in the class stories don't get that much development, meaning you could give them whatever background you wanted. I think I could name 20 NPCs off the top of my head who I find way more intriguing than either Malgus or Satele.
  7. Sorry for the lateness! Thanks Irrissa for submitting the prompts for this week. Week of 10/31/12 Food - Everyone has to eat, and food is a major part of many cultures. It's part of your heritage and the memories you have of your family and friends. In a diverse galaxy, there are thousands of different things to eat and ways to prepare them, as well as traditions and customs involving food. Write about your characters' experiences in those realms. Loneliness and Solitude - Our characters end up with crews of interesting folks, but that doesn't mean they never feel lonely. When you're up against some of the biggest forces in the galaxy, it's hard not to feel alone. That said, sometimes being alone is a blessing - some well-deserved solitude is a wonderful thing when you need it. Write about a time in which your character felt lonely - or when they finally got some time to themselves.
  8. Sorry for the lateness! Thanks Irrissa for submitting the prompts for this week. Week of 10/31/12 Food - Everyone has to eat, and food is a major part of many cultures. It's part of your heritage and the memories you have of your family and friends. In a diverse galaxy, there are thousands of different things to eat and ways to prepare them, as well as traditions and customs involving food. Write about your characters' experiences in those realms. Loneliness and Solitude - Our characters end up with crews of interesting folks, but that doesn't mean they never feel lonely. When you're up against some of the biggest forces in the galaxy, it's hard not to feel alone. That said, sometimes being alone is a blessing - some well-deserved solitude is a wonderful thing when you need it. Write about a time in which your character felt lonely - or when they finally got some time to themselves.
  9. Worlds Colliding, I guess? I just got this idea for an alternate universe that I thought would be kind of fun, albeit totally canonically impossible. Major JK and SI spoilers: That's right, it's time for WHAT IF MEENAH WAS THE EMPRESS
  10. Week of 10/24/12 Disguises - Sometimes our characters have to gain entry to places that it's not easy to get into. What's a good strategy? A disguise, of course! Write about a time in which your character had to pretend to be someone or something else, and how they dealt with trying to be convincing. Worlds Colliding - Our characters fly all over the galaxy and meet people from many different worlds - metaphorically and literally. Relationships, friendships, and partnerships can develop, which often results in those two very different spheres of living coming together - which can be tough to navigate. Write about a time when your character's world met up with another's, and how they reacted.
  11. Week of 10/24/12 Disguises - Sometimes our characters have to gain entry to places that it's not easy to get into. What's a good strategy? A disguise, of course! Write about a time in which your character had to pretend to be someone or something else, and how they dealt with trying to be convincing. Worlds Colliding - Our characters fly all over the galaxy and meet people from many different worlds - metaphorically and literally. Relationships, friendships, and partnerships can develop, which often results in those two very different spheres of living coming together - which can be tough to navigate. Write about a time when your character's world met up with another's, and how they reacted.
  12. Xenobiology, with Meenah (and Khem, Ashara, and Andronikos). No spoilers, but...plenty of picking on Khem.
  13. 10/17/12 Xenobiology - Different species means more than different skin colors. It means different entirely different physiologies. Having friends whose bodies work so differently from your own can make things complicated, as everything from how you relax to how you dress and what your beauty rituals are (what is "lekku buffing", anyway?). How do your characters deal with differing biologies that they encounter? Best Day Ever - We've written about our characters' worst days; now write about their best days! A day when something wonderful happened, like finally beating your nemesis, or just a day when everything went really well for them, and how they reacted.
  14. 10/17/12 Xenobiology - Different species means more than different skin colors. It means different entirely different physiologies. Having friends whose bodies work so differently from your own can make things complicated, as everything from how you relax to how you dress and what your beauty rituals are (what is "lekku buffing", anyway?). How do your characters deal with differing biologies that they encounter? Best Day Ever - We've written about our characters' worst days; now write about their best days! A day when something wonderful happened, like finally beating your nemesis, or just a day when everything went really well for them, and how they reacted.
  15. Eventually, hopefully! I haven't gotten any awesome ideas yet but hopefully I will. They're so ridiculous together.
  16. Teacher, with Meenah. Doesn't really have any spoilers for the class stories but it does spoil one of the ~exciting twists~ I have planned for my story Cost of Doing Business, so, you know. Fair warning. Also, the lovely Agent Crezelle is mentioned! notes:
  17. So long as no one minds, I'm gonna sync the threads up for now. I'm pretty busy with school so it makes it easier if I use the same prompts and update on the same day, at least for awhile. Week of 10/10/12 Teachers and Heroes - Everyone has someone they look up to, or someone who's taught them something important. Or a hero that they strive to be like. Who does your character admire and look toward when they're not sure what to do? Who has had an impact on making them the person they are today?
  18. So long as no one minds, I'm gonna sync the threads up for now. I'm pretty busy with school so it makes it easier if I use the same prompts and update on the same day, at least for awhile. Week of 10/10/12 Teachers and Heroes - Everyone has someone they look up to, or someone who's taught them something important. Or a hero that they strive to be like. Who does your character admire and look toward when they're not sure what to do? Who has had an impact on making them the person they are today?
  19. I finished the agent story last night, so I wanted to write something about it. I'm finally participating in my own thread again! Hooray! For memories. Characters: Meenah Ferula(Assassin), Vriska Alyssum (agent, mentioned), Latula (Ebon Hawk Sith, mentioned)
  20. Depending on time I might be able to. I have a level 10 Consular on the Ebon Hawk as well as some level 1 characters on the Republic side.
  21. You would have to be a little careful with the sarcasm/wittiness, I think, because Sith are still expected to act a certain way in public and around other Sith. If you're able to blend that with the proper composure that Sith Lords are expected to have then I'd say go for it. Also, I wouldn't play him as having chosen to be a Sith, because that's not something that happens. All Force-sensitive people in the Empire are forced to become Sith, no matter their origins. Nobody ever really gets a choice between being a Sith or a Jedi, it's whoever gets to you first.
  22. Because of the bolded part, I think he needs to be severely shamed publicly.
  23. idk if you're still updating this but as of last night I finished the agent story.
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