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Everything posted by Masarko

  1. Played with a premade in CW yesterday, we lost. working as intended yes
  2. I turned on General chat for entertainment, saw people complain over Carnage and Rage at the present and made my own entertainment with this
  3. Lol why should i QQ about Ahni / watchman when my OWN Marauder is mainly Ahni?(You play one you learn to counter one right? ) If I were to QQ about any of the specs it would be Carnage as it has so much immobolize to stop my utillity on my Operative but i dont want Maras to be nerfed I have no problems dealing with Ahni's with a 30sec cd stun, cleanse, stealth, dodge you name it.
  4. I made this in purpose of solo queing as from my experience in solo smash spec is so squishy its sad (compared to Ahni) and smash seems to be the only big hitter and its easy countered, besides even tho in this hybrid i think my non shockwave smashes were decent saw some 2-3k crits around there
  5. Yes, that is true, but I dont like full Carnage, hence why hybrid spec and ive never been this spec for reals i am mainly an Ahnilation Read the OP for the reason why i tried it / made it at all
  6. People in tank stance take 75% less damage when theyre under controll
  7. Been trying it for quite a few warzones, do find it quite fun to play (formerly an Ahni Mara) and the Obliterate makes up for no longer short range on charge, as youre not heavy relying on smash to do good and you confuse people with the Ataru form so they dont see the smash comming
  8. Lololo these changes will make us sooooo viable for everything, waiting for invites to rain in!
  9. Its because the other AC's is going heroic in Warzones and doing what an DPS Operative should, go solo attack a node and stuff. Admit it theres not much we can do in in the middle of a cluster fùck (Leth lasts longer than Conceal in big fights tho)
  10. Lift is a CC and Choke is a stun thats why
  11. Hurrdurrrrr dis r #1 spec fer ratidzzz of all tiem (I know its not, stop telling me it. Read the whole thread and see why I made it) After paying attention to General chat on Fleet, I noticed that most people complain over either Carnage or Rage Marauders, understandable since Ahnilation is just some leghumping if you cleanse the dots. So after looking at the different trees, I thought: "Heck lets put carnage and rage together" and made this: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_warrior/marauder/#::f20e5fdef2efe3fe2f2e4f2e2fef2efef. I found out that a full procced smash followed up with a procced scream = oboi and smash crits without shockwave hits pretty decent, as this build only lets you lolsmash every minute Oh yea im a bad marauder so no hate Results: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4IkZjUuWg0
  12. Stop this nonsense Marauders are getting their UR nerfed to 4 seconds, quit complaining! This is a heavy nerf and im considering quitting my Marauder already
  13. Youre the stoop running in cover all the times right? and playing defenceivly? Nicked you some times going full offencesive
  14. lollame jk Lethality is actuallty good tho
  15. I bet the OP tried to kill an Operative or Merc healer alone Edit: Look at your trama debuff when you enter combat, read it and hear healers cry in the deep, IMO that debuff is heavy, now add another one of those from the Mara/Sniper
  16. Pretty sure the pvp area in Ilum flags you automaticly
  17. Masarko

    Stun bug

    It happens once a while you can use abillities and stuff, but youre in the stunned animation, also another scenario is when the stun debuff is gone, you cant move or use abillities
  18. Took me 3days and 17 hours to level my Sentinel
  19. We dont need more objective based pvp. What we need and want is a pure deathmatch
  20. Masarko

    Stun bug

    And the stuck in spawn ty, /sign
  21. Lol if Snipers/GS gets more I demand Intercede and cc immunity to Marauders!
  22. Leave quitters alone! Im going to start a trend for this #Leavequittersalone
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