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  1. I get Novare Coast instant queue and I am alone in the warzone and I have to cap all three points. Its easy free win but I feel like exploiting a glitch and I feel guilty. Also it messes up everthing after that. I cant join any ops group or group finder? Any other servers have this problem?
  2. I have recently got to level 50 and in a week I almost have full Battle master. The point is I being an experienced gamer playing various MMORPGs, cannot bear this PvP system while enjoying it at the same time. At level 50s people usually know what they need to do or are doing unlike 10-49 where lowbies go swish swoosh. THE POINT IS: The resolve system is pretty good on its own, but they really need to add a Diminishing Return (DR) for the same type of CC on any player. For example, a marauder comes and fears me, OK after the fear another marauder chains it with his fear, a full fear. There needs to be a decrease in the fear time at least by half. With this it literally needs no skill to kill people as long as you have a team that co-ordinates. The DR might make people use their CC more productively instead of just spamming keys until they die not thinking of what to use when. Another point would be seeing no DR and a million CCs each class can have, the healers should get a type of Dispels or Protection spells that might give a little immunity to CC for a while or something to make the PvP more easier. Right now its at the point where a Healer can out heal a single DPS on him by just casting spells and blowing a few cds. This is sad. They need their heals a bit reduced fr PvP and more counter control. Thats all I got from playing this game for 3 weeks. Will research more and unerstand it better. Please leave your feedback and comments.
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