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Everything posted by cyberfreaq

  1. I see that bear. He looks happy. Good bear. Nice bear *pet* *pet*.
  2. Yes, but that can very easily be implemented, as TOR already has WASD space movement (limited, but it's there) and mouse aiming. The engine is clearly capable of supporting stuff like this. My point was that Bio does not have to reinvent/rewrite the entire engine in a time consuming effort to change space combat, as the basic elements are there already.
  3. It is relatively easy to complete them with level 5 upgrades. Do many barrel rolls, constantly move from left to right and try to focus more on the main mission objectives (fire less, let shields regenerate). Oh and whenever possible, attack from distance, don't wait until you're right next to your target. A tricky mission is the minefield one, where you are in permanent crossfire. Try to attack the minefield from distance, because once you learn the pattern it gets a lot easier. Yes, maybe the final mission is the most difficult (rightfully so), but it is not impossible with a little training and memorizing the patterns.
  4. Catastrophic? Bad reviews? Those games were made in the 90's. Game reviewing probably wasn't as biased as it is today (with all the money companies invest in favorable reviews). But I don't remember a game review magazine wiping the floor with this game. Didn't get much attention? Really? I mean REALLY didn't get much attention? I have yet to talk to/see a SW fan who doesn't know about at least 3 games: Dark Forces, X-Wing and Rebel Assault. In fact I don't know an "old-school" gamer who hasn't at least HEARD of RA. RA 1&2 were using state of the art technology at the time. It was the time when CD-ROM based games were mostly interactive movies. That doesn't mean that they were bad. I mean, sure, for today's standard maybe they wouldn't be appreciated by the Force Unleashed generation, but that doesn't make them CATASTROPHIC games.
  5. A species is unlocked once you reach level 50 with it. Are there people who already leveled 8 characters to 50? Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with that, but it sounds so...strange
  6. Of course you wouldn't expect a feature to be complete/done with right after launch right? They have the framework now and they will be able to improve the system in the future.
  7. @OP: Rebel Assault was not a phone app. And it turned out to be one of the classic SW games. And it was on rails. There is nothing wrong with on-rails gameplay, as long as it is diverse and challenging. The diversity is not the strong point of the current space combat. And challenge goes away when you get the level 5 upgrades. We could use ground dogfights or trench runs with tons of obstacles. We could use a small pvp system where movement is free. It is not like they have to revamp the entire system. They can simply improve on the current one to make space/ship combat more enjoyable.
  8. The current space combat is not difficult at all. Once you get all the upgrades, there is almost nothing challenging about it. What is wrong for people to ask for a simple space pvp action? More keys to press? You will have WASD (like you already do with your normal character) and left/right click for shooting/aiming.
  9. The pop on my server has increased actually. Does this thread have a point or something?
  10. Kashyyyk is somewhere in the Mid-Rim of the Galaxy. It was in KOTOR, so I don't see why we won't have this one implemented (along with other famous planets) in the future.
  11. Actually I wouldn't mind more KOTOR and less mmo. Just saying
  12. No one likes to have his main character class nerfed. That much is true. But that doesn't mean that there weren't any problems with that class.
  13. I will, since there is no better alternative on the market (MMORPG). Tera? Yeah right. GW2? It is overhyped and people will complain on those forums too. And by people I of course mean the group I like to call "mmo migrators". People who go from game A, complain, then go to game B, complain, then go game C, complain there too, then go back to game A. I have had it with fantasy MMORPGs. Honestly, I did. TOR is the only alternative to the Elves, swords and Fireball spells. And it's Star Wars.
  14. I think that the worst planet continues to be Belsavis At least Ilum does not have boring scenery and doesn't drag on and on and on like Bel does. There is still stuff to do on Ilum. And maybe new things will be added in the future.
  15. Why are you asking this? Are you making some kind of statistic? What is the relevance of their answers? If you are part of that group, can't you make up your own mind? And if you aren't part of that group, what importance does that have to you?
  16. I simply stated that in SWG I recall seeing many ghost towns, which was a bad thing in my opinion. Also, the complete lack of management made random house placing really an eyesore. Which is why I recommend the "trailer parkings" in TOR, with a better managed and controlled environment, namely the planet's spaceport. Such a trailer parking would have more activity than a random town in the middle of nowhere. People would constantly leave and enter the spaceport, ships would be constantly landing and taking off. And that IMO is a much better system.
  17. What about normal quest rewards? I remember one quest giving an orange sniper rifle. Were the quest rewards also removed, or just the random drops?
  18. Tatooine is the most fun planet I've visited. As for the most boring, probably Belsavis. That planet just drags on and on and on it gets utterly insane. The moment I finished the quest line on Belsavis it was like if I had a huge rock on me back and someone took it off.
  19. I do not like to repeat myself too much, but just because I am lazy this morning I will quote myself
  20. The ship should be viewed as a personal home. If you want "cities", maybe the devs can increase the size of spaceports to the point where you can view all the ships of all the players on that planet in this huge spaceport. Something like a trailer parking Player housing in SWG was not a bad idea, but having entire ghost towns and random houses here and there is a bad thing for the aesthetics of the game.
  21. The only reason EA was voted the most EEEEVIIIIIIIIL company is that the Internet community is more familiar with game companies. And guess what where the poll was held...on the friggin' internet! What is US' population again? 300 mil? How many customers do you think EA has? 10-15 mil at most. Even if they had 30 mil customers, that would still be 10% of the total US population knowing/giving a damn about EA. No you don't. And if you do feel pressured by such things you deserve to be milked for $.
  22. How do YOU know who was told what? Or who makes what decision? Do you have some inside knowledge or talking out of your rear end?
  23. OH MY GOD! The game was down during patch day? That is unheard of. Quick! Get your pitchforks and torches and let's burn this place! Burn baby burn!
  24. The only thing is hope is that Bio does not overreact to the "mmo migrators" cries of pain. Let them go, honestly. A sane person would never post something like "/unsubbed". That is because no one cares if Jimmy69 (sorry if there actually is someone who has this nickname) unsubs, let alone if he posts on the forums.
  25. I am not so touchy when it comes to stuff like this. For me TOR is an overall enjoyable experience. Could be better, there is no doubt about that. But at the same time I continue to enjoy the game for what it is right now. It is funny how some people complain about getting a free 1 day extension for 1 day of downtime. How much free time do you want instead? 1 week? 30 days? A lifetime subscription? I bet that even if they give lifetime subs, people will still complain about those. A phenomenon I noticed, but didn't quite understand, is that some people want this game to fail. If you simply look at the front page, both threads and posts, you will see tons of replies like: "I hope this game dies" or "This is the end of...". Why do people WANT a game to fail? A game they paid money more, a game for which they dedicated a part of their time? Shouldn't they instead provide feedback and suggestions on what they think would improve the game? Constant whining does not help the devs realize what they want. However, I hope that BW will not listen to anything but feedback from these players who do nothing but migrate from game A to game B to game C, then back to game A. Keep it up Bio!
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