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Everything posted by Biggilus

  1. Figured as much Nothing major I know but before I had to reinstall I had the hotbars underneath any text. As far as moaning about the UI goes though this problem isn't even worth mentioning either Thanks though!
  2. Just a quickie that no one seemed to knwo about in general chat - any ideas how to make hotbars the bottom most pane? My prob atm is the quest log extends underneath my right hand hotbar, annoying and it covers up the quest clicky items too. Tried the interface editor but can't see anything to make the quest log appear on top of the hotbar. Ideas?
  3. Just had this error too, and I don't think it's because they're already in use or being used by an NPC (if they are, screenshot now): Meaty'licks Meaty'yum'yums Both invalid. However a friend has a character called Meaty'goodness.
  4. Perfect, dunno why I didn't think of that, thanks
  5. Just wondering the best way to get this as I don't have access to DG pieces on tap. It's going to be a case of get the Campaign armourings and plug them into WH pieces, thus keeping the expertise from mod and enhancement but taking the hit of losing 100 expertise due to the armourings isn't it? As I understand it the WH armouring overwrites any PvE shell bonus as it's a higher rank. Just wanting the 15% backstab bonus for my massively OP (lol) operative.
  6. I think SoI crafting ethics has been a massive plus for the community I really do. Such a great deal for the customer, give them mats, I get what I want, they get what theey want ~20% of the time (they also get a happy returning customer ). I've used SoI (Luviel 95% of the time) for all my needs despite having a cybertech/artificer as I don't want to run the risk of losing a RE on somethign valuable. Plus their reputation is flawless so I don't risk using Johnny ThiefYerMats and end up disappointed. I won't even go near people who offer ME creds to do crafting . I made a republic toon just to benefit from their crafting too, they do have influence Imp side The GTN and way of undercutting is just the way it is in ANY MMO you come across, and rest assured if SoI were on another server, then the sheer amount of peopel with the recipes by now would have the same effect of lowering prices with constant undercutting. It's the life of a completely free economy. Luviel and the rest of SoI provide a cracking service to the customer and I'll continue to pester Luviel for my needs until he or I unsub. Much love Luv and SoI /Biggileska
  7. So just finished a WZ, 778 a piece, and what I think happened was five minutes overtime as pure team deathmatch? But the scoreboard wouldn't update, no more hilarious voice acting, just the timer counting down, no pylons to cap. We lost, but no idea why, maybe a loss for both sides? I'd like to say interesting, but more frustrating at no idea what happened. 131 comms for losing though
  8. Exactly how I feel, and I mostly enjoy PvP. OP, lol just scrolled right through all that, saw the mention of go try GW2, lol'd some more.
  9. I find playing my GS the easiest out of the lot, including my smash monkey. Played a little tactfully and you can avoid the zerg and a lot of stuns and have a ton of survivability. The smash monkey bores me to tears and I cba with it anymore and got sick of staring at the respawn shield after takign one or two poeple down.
  10. Who is to say those skill points won't be for an entirely different tree or subset?
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if there is no new gear, not at the start anyway (depends when it goes live) and wouldn't be even further surprised if the next five levels you don't get any points to put into the talent trees. Maybe a new generic or new talent set perhaps which you spec into 50+ ? And then being "bolstered" down to 50 for PvP!
  12. Thanks for the link, shame they all sound complete turd
  13. Being perma dizzy knocked down, or one shot with a flame thrower, or having a mind disease lowering your blue bar to -1 HP, or beyond clip range AE mind poisons from combat medics, or eye shot BH spams, or defence stacking fencers you can't hit, or stun loaded weapons before stun armourings were available, or group TEF abusing VS smash monkeys, resolve system Well, firstly I don't know why I used "or" so many times, but I enjoy PvP in this far more than SWG's clone wars (and I didn't even mention creature handlers, until now). It was fun abusing the OP status of some classes like Tera Kasi, hell even having 3 AT-ST's at my command annihilating troops by the score was fun, but hella overpowered. TOR > SWG
  14. Just now in Huttball had me in hysterics, same sniper sets up cover next to the acid pit, Shoot First, lands in the acid, root, walk away. After the fourth time I think the /facepalm was well deserved
  15. Ok so now you can preview what they look like, but I want to hear what they sound like. That's far more important than looks! Very disappointed at how lame the Cartel blasters sound, especially the latest one (Rangehunter). As far as I can tell, there's a few prominent sounds: The muffled, almost silenced sound The kinetic, desert eagle type sound The pew pew Star Wars traditional shooter sound. Oh and the really odd, bad sounding Cartel ones. So, good sounding blasters, what's your favourite?
  16. Aye it's down. Was in a Hutbball, all enemy and 7 frendlies got kicked, allowing me to walk the ball 6 times for an easy victory. Then I got booted to character select upon next queue. Then the server died.
  17. Wow I never expected such a backlash at Bioware. Sure this Cartel Christmas sucks but this is just lol. Will any notice be taken? Hmmm....
  18. Biggilus

    Resolve Bar

    I play two melee characters and I've never spent 50% of the fight CC'd. Resolve may need to last longer once white but it's workable for now.
  19. IT's all good. I don't want to grind out thousands of comms for the space stuff, glad it's on the cartel. And it's great the cartel stuff provides the Life Day stuff, better than sitting around in a big group waiting to die in some stupid event (hi rakghoul plague!). Great additions, can't wait to top up my cartel coins. GG Bioware
  20. Just need to do a full reinstall and wondered if the UI settings file was in a specific place to save me rejiggling stuff later on? Had a quick look and can't see anything obvious. Doing anything to try and sort out my bodged sounds
  21. Great. Bigger population by far, makes levelling up other characters more of a joy. Endgame content more populated too. Only downside is a higher ratio of clueless people in warzones, but that will be true for both sides. Good move EA/Bioware, good move.
  22. A week or two for ten million from dailies? Wow didn't know they were that lucrative.
  23. Got to be other classes affected too? Noticed on my sentinel the lightsabre swings seem to be disproportionally loud to the other combat sound effects, but I hadn't had this class until recently and has always been like that, wonder if it sounded a bit more muted pre 1.4. I also notice the voiceovers in warzones sometimes dont play out as they should, but that's usually after the client being running for a few hours and a restart fixes that. Could be me, could be the client, but at least I know it isn't just my GS
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